To Xiangwang, Ye Fang is a new member, and logically he should not know many celebrities.

But why did the customer ask Ye Fang to pick him up?

Zhang Zifeng was also puzzled, thinking secretly,...Whose mother is this?

Teacher He shrugged and waved his hands:"I don't know either. Ask when the guests come." Teacher

Huang looked at Ye Fang and said politely:"I'm sorry to bother you. I just joined on the first day and I have to help greet the guests."

""It's okay," Ye Fang smiled and stood up. Since he became a member of Xiangwang, he didn't put his status on a high pedestal.

It's not a big deal to receive guests.

Seeing that he didn't have any displeasure, Teacher Huang was relieved. After all, he and Ye Fang were just friends yesterday, and they had just known each other for two days.

In addition, Teacher Huang admired Ye Fang very much, so he naturally looked at Ye Fang with some distance.

He agreed without hesitation, which invisibly shortened the psychological distance between Teacher Huang and Ye Fang. At this moment, he felt that Ye Fang had become a new member.

"I'll go too!" Peng Peng saw Ye Fang leave and followed him. Zhang Zifeng did not leave the table.

He felt a little relieved after Ye Fang left.

But he still felt depressed........

A car slowly stopped at the starting point of the flower road, and Ye Fang and Peng Peng just walked here at this moment.

The door of the car slowly opened.

The camera immediately pointed over, and Peng Peng's mood became nervous, stretching his neck to see more clearly.

A pair of casual white shoes was exposed, and the other party came out.

When Peng Peng saw the other party's face, he took a deep breath.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also quiet for a few seconds.

Ye Fang looked up and saw the other party's appearance clearly.

A faint and elegant fragrance floated into the nose. The person had a lazy temperament, light makeup on her face, and slightly flushed cheeks.

Her eyes were very bright and indifferent, and her temperament was like orchid, and she felt erratic.

She gave people a feeling of being out of touch with the world, as if she didn't care about anything in the world.

Seeing her in person, Peng Peng only felt a sense of distance.

Like a lotus that is not stained by mud.

But what gave him the most distance and shock was her current lofty status in the music world.

Queen - Princess!

Seeing her appear, Peng Peng almost forgot to breathe.

Oh my god, why would his idol come to Xiangwang!!!

Would he appear in Manyuan Village? ?

The audience in the live broadcast room went crazy:

"Am I seeing things? Is this my idol princess?"

"Oh my god! The queen is coming!"

"I thought I had heard it wrong, it turned out to be the princess!"

"Oh my god! How could the queen come here? This is so surprising!"

"The queen has never participated in a variety show, but she came to Longing for It, such a faraway place?"

"I’m telling you, this voice is so recognizable, there’s no way you can mistake it!"

"Shocked, Queen of Heaven!!!"


"I grew up listening to her songs!"

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling to look at the computer".......

Peng Peng was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment, and the princess's eyes slowly fell on Ye Fang.

Ye Fang smiled politely, without any extra surprise, and helped her take the luggage out of the trunk.

The princess's calm and elegant expression showed a little joy.

She said,"Thank you.、"

"You're welcome." Ye Fang responded with a smile, a perfect smile.

If it was Peng Peng, a thank you would make him excited for the whole day, and he could brag about it to his friends for a year!

There was no other way. The princess had rarely appeared in the public eye in recent years. Except for concerts and some activities, she had always been very mysterious.

The more mysterious she was, the more she gave people a feeling of being unattainable and revered.

What's more, Peng Peng was a fan of the princess, and of course he was also a fan of Ye Fang. After all, not many people liked the songs of only one singer.

But in his heart, the princess's songs were just as powerful as Ye Fang's. harm.

It was only because the princess had a higher status in the music world that he was so excited.

But the princess's attitude towards Ye Fang surprised Peng Peng.

It seemed that the queen was very familiar with Mr. Ye?

But hadn't Mr. Ye been living in the sunflower courtyard in Manyuan Village for the past five years?

Ye Fang helped the princess drag her luggage. She didn't have the airs of a queen, and didn't care that the pebbles and mud on the flower path had stained her shoes. Her eyes fell vaguely on Ye Fang.

As for Peng Peng, he had been forgotten by the princess.

Because he didn't dare to speak, his sense of existence was too low!

""Mr. Ye, do you still remember me?" The princess suddenly asked.

The word"you" almost made Peng Peng fall to the ground.

Did he he he he hear it right?

The Queen! She actually used the word"you" to address Ye Fang, who was ten years younger than her.

This word was obviously not wrong. After all, her tone was also cautious.

As if she would be a little sad if Ye Fang denied it.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned.

"Why does the Queen's attitude towards Mr. Ye feel a little off?"

"??? The Queen actually used the word"you" to address Ye Fang?"

"Oh my god, it feels like an explosion!"

"Is this still the indifferent and distant queen in my memory?"

"My eyeballs almost fell to the ground!"

"Is there something wrong with my ears?"

"Oh my god!"


Ye Fang glanced sideways at the princess. Of course he knew the princess. When he was still in college, the princess was already a household name and a top singer.

But he was sure that he had never met the princess, let alone met her in real life.

But what did she mean by this?

Ye Fang smiled and said,"I don't remember having seen you before."

Hearing Ye Fang's words, Peng Peng resisted the urge to remind him.

Mr. Ye, are you so straightforward!

This is the queen! Even if you are polite, you can't say you don't know her! The queen must be so sad!

Sure enough, the princess looked a little depressed. She was genuine and her emotions were written on her face.

She was really disappointed.

Peng Peng was a little at a loss. The queen was lost.....

Suddenly I feel that Mr. Ye may be a straight man at heart.....

"I once sent you a private message, hoping to cooperate with you, but I have never received your reply."

The princess did not continue to keep the secret, and said slowly.

When she said this, her tone was a little hurt.

She has always refused various advertisements and cooperations, but this is the first time she has felt the taste of being rejected by Ye Fang.

After becoming a queen, the world really seems to revolve around her.

But with Ye Fang, she did not experience the specialness of the queen, because Ye Fang would never reply or read anyone's private message.

The princess observed Ye Fang's expression, and when she saw him smile apologetically, she said,"There are too many private messages every day. I really can't read them all, so I just stopped reading them later."

There is no way. Since his first song became popular, there are too many singers who express their desire to cooperate.

The princess's private message is like a needle in the sea, and it is difficult for Ye Fang to notice it.

He also doesn't want to focus on these unimportant things.

After all, he has been immersed in his own world, unwilling to take a step out, and has never communicated with outsiders. He didn't even look at it....The Queen's elegant face was full of hurt.

Peng Peng didn't know what to feel when he heard this conversation....

I can only type out two words slowly


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