Seeing her answer like this, Guan Tong'er's serious face showed distress.

He raised his hand to wipe away her tears that were like beads falling off a string, and held Guan Tiantian in his arms.

"Okay, okay. Stop crying.、"

"Be obedient in the future and tell your sister and aunt everything. Do you know that we will be worried?"

Guan Tiantian cried and sniffed:"I know that I have to listen to my mother and sister and not let you get hurt."

Hearing this, Guan Tong'er's pretty face showed doubts.

"You are a good kid at saying nice things. Where did you learn that from?"

Guan Tiantian pointed at Ye Fang standing beside her and said,"My father taught me that."

"Really?"Guan Tong'er looked up at Ye Fang, feeling a little surprised.

After all, Guan Tiantian was the darling of the whole family, and she was delicate and willful in her bones.

It was almost impossible for her to say these words, not to mention that she had never left the protection of her family, so it was even more difficult for her to understand these principles.

This child had only met Mr. Ye for one day, and he could actually learn these principles.

Whether he really understood or just said it nicely, this child had grown up.

Feeling relieved, Guan Tong'er stood up, holding Guan Tiantian's little hand, and thanked Ye Fang:

"Tiantian is sorry for causing trouble to Mr. Ye. Thank you for giving these things to Tiantian."

"It's okay," Ye Fang showed a faint smile on his handsome face.

Tiantian is his blood after all, so Ye Fang thinks it's his duty to treat her better.

The audience in the live broadcast room were relieved to see that Guan Tong'er didn't really hit Tiantian.

"Tong'er also feels sorry for his sister!"

"To be honest, children need education. If my child disappeared like this, I would be anxious and beat him up!"

"Tong'er is still very soft-hearted towards Tiantian!"

"It's fine if you don't really fight."

"Even though they are cousins, their feelings are real!"

"Tong'er was really anxious just now, but he didn't use too much force!"

"Tiantian, don’t run around anymore in the future, you should also think about your family!"

"I heard that Mr. Guan is already in his 80s. I wonder how anxious he must be!"

"Tiantian is so good, don’t cry!"......

Guan Tong'er didn't have much contact with Ye Fang, but her first impression was very good.

This man is really gentle, elegant and polite!

Her main purpose was to come to Manyuan Village to take Guan Tiantian back, but she also had another important purpose, which was to get in touch with Ye Fang himself.

This was the second task her grandfather gave her, and of course it also included her own curiosity.

To be honest, with her vision, she couldn't find any faults. When she hit Tiantian just now, Guan Tong'er noticed that Ye Fang wanted to stop her, but she stood there and didn't do anything.

Maybe she felt that she wouldn't really hurt Tiantian.

She was really anxious, but it was the first time for Guan Tong'er to hit her most beloved sister.

One was that she was really anxious, and the other was that she wanted to see Ye Fang's reaction as a father.

The first impression can be scored 99 points.

The reason for not giving a full score is that Guan Tong'er still wants to leave some room for herself to regret and give a high score!

""Mr. Ye, why are you here?" Peng Peng, who was standing on the side, asked with a smile, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Guan Tong'er felt a little depressed. She wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Peng Peng.

Ye Fang looked at Peng Peng and replied,"The director asked me to come."

"Director? Lao Wang?"Teacher Huang came out of the kitchen and looked at Director Lao Wang, who was blocked by Lan Shan, in confusion.

At this time, Director Lao Wang stood up and said with a smile:"Yes, I called Mr. Ye over."

"Announcement, Mr. Ye will also be a member of our Mushroom House from now on! Everyone applaud and welcome him!"

Director Lao Wang suddenly said this, and everyone was stunned on the spot.

Mr. Ye, became a member of the Mushroom House?

Peng Peng was the first to applaud happily:"Really? Director, you really did a good thing this time!"

Ye Fang is humble and polite. Everyone feels comfortable getting along with him. Peng Peng is naturally happy that he can join.

It happened that Brother Dahua was not here, and now there is another brother, and he feels more at ease.

Of course, the most important thing is that now the main labor force of the Mushroom House is him, and Peng Peng is embarrassed to let two teachers and several girls do the hard work.

He can only grunt and complete the hard work alone.

Now there is Ye Fang. The strength that Ye Fang showed yesterday was not small. Peng Peng was amazed and envious of the muscles in his arms.

Now there is someone who can help, he Happy!

Zhang Zifeng's chubby round face was surprised at first, then happy, and followed the applause.

Redina didn't expect that Mr. Ye, an amateur, would become a member of the Mushroom House, but his talent can beat all the celebrity guests!

But it's good that he came to the Mushroom House, so that Sister Mi can better see him and An An get along through the camera.

Of course, a mother is worried about her own children.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He who just came out both showed surprised smiles and applauded one after another.

The four little ones danced with joy when they heard the news.

Yang Anan was surprised:"That's great, Dad is going to be a star too!"

"Stupid An An! Dad is just participating in the show, not being a star!"Liu Youyou held her forehead, thinking that An An's definition of a star was a bit strange.

Guan Tiantian still had tears in her eyes, and now she burst into laughter:"I can see my dad every day!"

Yaoyao just clapped her white and chubby little hands happily, without saying a word.

She just felt strange in her heart, why did her father stay alone in the sunflower yard for five years. Why did he suddenly agree to the invitation of director Uncle Lao Wang?

Does Dad want to make his debut?

The little head couldn't figure it out, because she didn't know that Ye Fang already knew that they were his biological daughters.

Guan Tong'er was a little surprised.

Although Mr. Ye is talented, being able to become a member of the show is an opportunity that many stars have tried their best to get.

After all, he is just an amateur.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more surprised!


"Is this true? Then I can see Mr. Ye is hungry every day!"

‘I'm so happy!!!!"

"I look forward to seeing Mr. Ye’s life every day in the future!"

"From now on, I will support Director Lao Wang because he did a good thing!"

"Welcome Mr. Ye! Hope to hear more of your songs in the future!"

"I get excited thinking about seeing my idol every day in the future!"

"Wow! Is this true?!!!"

"Ye Fang, an amateur, can also become a member of Yearning? ? ?"

"Anyone can be a star these days?"

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