Redina also followed Teacher Huang's example and took a small sip. The rich wine was fragrant in her mouth.

After swallowing it, a warm current spread through her stomach and spread to her whole body.

Her body, which had been chilled by the cold wind at night in Manyuan Village, was now warm.

She felt an indescribable sense of comfort all over her body.

This wine....

Redina looked at the remaining wine in surprise and realized why it was so valuable.

It was indeed a good wine. Even if she didn't know much about wine, she could taste it.

The four children also tasted the wine and felt that it was better than juice. They narrowed their eyes and their faces turned pink. They were a little drunk, but they looked like a cat enjoying the wine.

Teacher He also drank it. Peng Peng saw that Zhang Zifeng was still sniffing the wine and couldn't bear to drink it, so he hurriedly said,

"Sister, can you not drink? Why don't you let me, your brother, help you solve your problems?"


Zhang Zifeng dodged Peng Peng's hand that tried to grab the wine glass, and immediately took a sip of the wine, staring at him with a snort.

She wanted to drink the wine, but after taking a sip, she was reluctant to part with it.

"It's very fragrant and a little sweet. The alcohol tastes good, not strong!"Zhang Zifeng described the taste of the monkey wine, but found that words could not describe one tenth of it.

She sipped it in small sips, not as anxious as Peng Peng, enjoying it while reluctant to part with it.

Ye Fang smiled as he watched everyone taste the wine, poured out the remaining wine, and tasted it carefully.

He still had some monkey wine, but he had been looking for it nearby for five years and slowly saved it.

He was reluctant to drink it at ordinary times, but today the atmosphere was good and lively, so he wanted to share it with everyone.

Ye Fang was used to living alone for five years.

But this does not mean that he does not like to communicate with others. On the contrary, he likes the atmosphere today very much.

The moonlight is like water, and everyone gets together to drink and chat. The atmosphere is just right.

Ye Fang glanced at the crescent moon hanging high in the sky, and suddenly missed the days with Yu Ge.

This kind of lively and fireworks-like moment has not been experienced for a long time.

Drinking wine, everyone started chatting.

The audience in the live broadcast room could only swallow their saliva:

"Ah! I'm so sour!"

"When can I have a drink?"

"Peng Peng is so impatient!"

"Zi Feng cherishes this glass of wine the most!"

"Awooo, I'm so envious that my eyes are turning green!"

"Jealousy is tearing me apart!"

"Teacher Huang really likes to drink!"

"What is Mr. Ye thinking about?"

"Why does it always seem like Mr. Ye looks so sad?"

"I like this kind of atmosphere. After work, I rarely have the opportunity to get together with friends!"........

Director Lao Wang's eyes sparkled with envy, and he could only swallow his saliva like crazy, full of envy and jealousy.

At this time, Liu Youyou remembered the tune that Ye Fang hummed when he coaxed her during the day. She liked it very much at that time. She smiled and asked curiously

"Dad, what song were you humming during the day? Was it your song?"

"During the day?" Ye Fang recalled, and smiled as if he had suddenly realized something:"It's a song, do you want to listen to it?"

Liu Youyou nodded her head repeatedly:"Yes, yes, yes!""

Daddy wants to sing for her, how can she not be happy?

Mr. Ye wants to sing?

Everyone immediately became alert, even Zhang Zifeng, who was already drunk and confused, became a little more sober.

""Sing! We all like to listen to Mr. Ye singing!" Teacher Huang said, with appreciation in his tone.

Seeing that everyone wanted to listen, Ye Fang smiled and stood up, slowly walking to the moonlit, expensive piano. He stretched his finger joints, and his beautiful fingers with distinct joints fell on the black and white piano keys.

The next second, Liu Youyou's familiar tune sounded.

As soon as Ye Fang played, his level came out immediately. As soon as the music came out, everyone closed their eyes, appreciated and listened.

Guan Tiantian looked at her father playing the piano with bright eyes, and her mood became excited, shaking her two short lotus root legs.

This is joy, Jane The rhythm is simple and has a bit of naughty style.

As Teacher Huang listened, she couldn't help but stand on tiptoe.

Teacher He closed her eyes and nodded to the rhythm.

Liu Youyou supported her head with her white and tender hands and listened attentively.

Yang Anan was so envious. Her father just sang with Tiantian and now sang for Youyou.

She also wanted to have such treatment!

Yaoyao was also feeling jealous, but she would not show it.

After all, she learned to hide her emotions from her mother. Otherwise, how could she manage the family business?

The audience in the live broadcast room were excited:

"I didn’t expect that I could hear my idol sing for the third time today!"

"I haven't heard this song either! Is this also a new song by the idol?"

"The idol looks so handsome when playing the piano!

"So happy~~~"

"Don't stop me, I want to marry this man!"

"It sounds so good, this must be a new song!"


When the prelude ended, he began to sing:

"Children, do you have a lot of questions?

Why are others reading comics while

I am learning to draw and talking to the piano?

Others are playing games while I am leaning against the wall reciting my ABCs.

I said I wanted a big airplane

, but I got an old tape recorder.

Why should I listen to my mother?

When you grow up, you will begin to understand this sentence.


His voice is low and full of magnetism, with a simple and brisk rhythm, which does not require any singing skills.

But he sang with a very unique feeling, which makes people amazed.

Most of the current Chinese songs are pop songs. Even if they can become popular, they can only be popular for a period of time and have no connotation.

But this song sounds very different. The lyrics are unique in style, and there is some connotation when you taste them carefully.

It really has some childlike innocence and childishness.

It really fits the perspective of children.

As always, the singing is amazing, but this song sounds very good!

It is worthy of being an anonymous god!

Peng Peng swayed his body to the music , with excitement on their faces, this is the idol's new song!

Zhang Zifeng's fair wrists supported his chubby, drunken face, and admiration appeared in his eyes.

Redina lowered her eyes and listened attentively, very seriously, and she became even more drunk.

Liu Youyou clapped her hands, a rare and naive look of a child, with an excited red glow on her face, and the four little ones listened so seriously.

They found that they liked this strange father more and more.

His songs are so nice!

Guan Tiantian hummed along with the rhythm, her strong musical talent had allowed her to understand the melody of the song a little bit......

At this moment, Liu Tianxian, who was sitting in front of the screen and watching seriously, had a strange look in her eyes.

Youyou likes her blood father very much....

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