The moonlight sprinkled on the tall and short figures, as if they were coated with a layer of light glow.

Tall and gentle and petite and cute, forming a beautiful picture.

I didn’t feel anything during the day, but looking at these two people now, they look 60% similar, and their temperaments are 80% similar!

Even the habitual movements of playing are so similar.

If Yang Anan and the other two were not used to Guan Tiantian’s playing, they would have suspected that Guan Tiantian, the stinky sister, did it on purpose!

They smiled at each other and cooperated perfectly.

Teacher Huang and others were stunned.

From this point of view, aren’t they a pair of cute and handsome father and daughter!

When they saw Mr. Ye playing the piano again, he was serious, free and easy, and handsome. Zhang Zifeng and the female audience in the live broadcast room were all excited.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was almost occupied by the female audience.

‘Ahhhh! Mr. Ye is so handsome!"

"I only saw Mr. Ye’s back during the day, but now I can finally see his profile!"

"Mr. Ye’s profile is so handsome!��

"This scene is so beautiful!"

"Ah! How happy I would be if I could have such a husband and daughter in my life."

"As a hand control, I feel so happy!"

"Mr. Ye's hands were born for the piano."

"To be honest, the music has been elevated with the addition of Mr. Ye!".......

Redina's eyes flickered, and her expression paused, looking a little dazed.

Her eyes slid from Ye Fang's perfect profile and straight nose to his slender fingers playing.

This man is so handsome!

He is also so handsome when playing the piano....

Redina firmly believes that she is not a fangirl, but when facing such a Ye Fang, she will also praise him in her heart.........

Guan's old house.

Grandpa Guan watched the screen in the live broadcast room quietly, while Guan Youlan dared not speak and sat beside him obediently.

When she saw the father-daughter ensemble, Guan Youlan's eyes shone with light and her heart trembled. ,

Her nose was sour, and her sensitive eyes became red again.

This stinky girl, she has only seen him for less than a day, and she has completely treated him as a father.

Thinking about how much I have loved her and loved her for the past five years, it is not as good as this man.

Guan Youlan felt sour in her heart, but her eyes could not help but stay on Ye Fang.

This man is worthy of being the one she and other girlfriends chose. His appearance, talent, and temperament are all top-notch.

Originally, Tiantian was the focus of all, but at this moment, people could not help but look at him.

Grandpa Guan watched the two people's ensemble.

This young man named Ye Fang has a very high level of piano playing. ,

With Grandpa Guan's vicious eyes, he can see that he is at ease, not just because he plays the piano well.

Musical sense, rhythm, talent, all of which are indispensable.

There are many similarities between these and Tiantian's innate characteristics.

Even their playing habits are so similar.

Sure enough, Tiantian's talent comes from this man's genes!

Turning his head to see his daughter staring at him, Grandpa Guan looked a little thoughtful.

Although he has not yet met Ye Fang, judging from his performance in the live broadcast room, he is a reliable young man.


"Youlan." Her father's voice rang in her ears. Guan Youlan came back to her senses a little late, her heart trembling.

Today's incident almost made her elderly father faint from anger. Guan Youlan felt very guilty.

"It’s time for you to get married."

Grandpa Guan sighed, leaving Guan Youlan bewildered.

Why did he suddenly mention that she should get married?

Didn’t her father never mention getting married since Tiantian was born?

"No! I don't want an arranged marriage!"Guan Youlan's heart skipped a beat. Did she completely anger her father this time? He wanted to arrange an arranged marriage for her?

Guan Youlan stood up weakly and took a step back.

Grandpa Guan didn't say much. No one could guess what the old man was thinking.

Guan Youlan began to feel uneasy........

In the sunflower courtyard, the piano sounded again.

Guan Tiantian's childish voice sang again.

"Another curtain of time is drawn into the water

, making all the long, long time ago come to a happy ending.

There is always a dreamy river winding through the fairytale town, separating the ideal and the reality

, and then merging at the mountain pass ahead, flowing endlessly and raising water splashes. Another curtain of time is drawn into the water, making all the long, long time ago come to a happy ending.

"It's a strange moment when we have reached a happy ending."

Ye Fang also smiled and spoke, his deep voice matched Guan Tiantian's ethereal voice with bass.

The sudden harmony made everyone tremble. Redina lowered her eyes, and goose bumps appeared on her arms.

Mr. Ye's singing method was obviously to highlight Guan Tiantian's clear voice.

Teacher Huang looked calm, closed her eyes and admired the perfect harmony. Teacher He stared at the father and daughter who were singing and playing, and a bright smile appeared on her infected face.

Redina tilted her head slightly, with a listening expression on her face and a gleam in her eyes.

Zhang Zifeng supported her face with both hands and rested her arms on the marble table of the small pavilion. She had heard Mr. Ye's singing at noon, but this harmony amazed her!

The two of them were like the brightest star in the night sky at this moment. Even if the moonlight was bright, it could not cover their light.

The smiles looking at each other, the beat of the fingertips, and the fusion of the singing all made people immersed in the music.

There were few barrages in the live broadcast room, but it was still lively

"Ah! I am so happy to hear Mr. Ye's singing again"

"This harmony is really amazing"

"I don’t believe now that they are not father and daughter!"

"Love it, love it, I like it so much!"

"This scene seems to appear in a fairy tale!"

"A man like Mr. Ye is truly unique in the world."

"Don't you think...This song sounds just like the original!"

"Although Mr. Ye lowered his voice, it was similar to the original singer!!!!"

"This song...Could it be that Mr. Ye is the anonymous master?!"........

Gradually, messages began to appear in the live broadcast room, indicating that Ye Fang was the anonymous master.

Director Lao Wang was keenly aware of the situation and ordered the sound engineer to turn up Ye Fang's voice a little.

In an instant, Ye Fang's voice appeared incomparably clear in the ears of all the audience.

Some audience members exclaimed

’That's right! This is the original song!"

"This is definitely not an imitation, this is the original singer!"

"This singing voice is very recognizable and most people can't imitate it. Could it be that Mr. Ye is the anonymous master?!"

"Wow! I thought the song sounded familiar this afternoon, and now I really recognize it!"

"Mr. Ye is the anonymous singer-songwriter who is very popular in the music industry!!"

There are so few comments. I have tried my best to update faster. My heart aches.

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