"Mr. Lu, are you okay?" The princess noticed this and reminded him.

Director Lao Wang came to his senses and hurriedly supported Mr. Lu's shoulders with a panicked look on his face.

This old friend of my father has a heart disease!

But he insists on taking medicine every day to control it well. This sudden...Was it a heart attack?

""Uncle Lu! Are you having a heart attack?" Director Lao Wang yelled in panic.

A heart attack?

There is no doctor here!

Manyuan Village is far away, what if this old man has a heart attack? What if something serious happens?

He is also a highly respected collector. If something happens in the mushroom house, it will be troublesome.

Everyone panicked and gathered around, and the scene was chaotic.

"I, I'm fine!"Mr. Lu stood up tremblingly and waved his hands, saying,"I, I'm fine...."

He was just too excited....So happy!

When he learned that the painting was a fake, he felt very disappointed.

When he learned that the original painting worth 30 million was just Ye Fang's scrapped draft, his heart was broken.

But no matter how complicated his emotions were, they were not as exciting as this moment!

He lost a painting worth 30 million, but he got a painting made by the original author himself....

Not to mention the value, just Mr. Lu's love and appreciation for Ye Fang's ink paintings.

This painting is simply the biggest surprise for him! Just when he was excited, the quick-acting heart-saving pills took effect, his heartbeat quickened, his blood pressure rose, and he almost fell over.

Fortunately, Mr. Lu had a hunch and took a pill in advance.

At this moment, he forced himself to recover a bit of normality, but the old face was full of red light.

However, when Ye Fang heard the words"such a small gift" in the ears of others, it was really a bit heartbreaking!

People are so annoying when they compare themselves to others!

A discarded draft can be sold for 30 million, which can set off a trend in the collection world. If you concentrate on painting a formal one, what kind of sky-high price will it reach?


The audience in the live broadcast room envied:

"I envy Mr. Lu so much!"

"Mr. Lu is so lucky to meet Qianqian!"

"From this point of view, Qianqian is Mr. Lu's lucky god.~"

"I also want Mr. Ye’s paintings!"

"Fuck, this is called a small gift? I find that if Mr. Ye is not a straight man, he is just a pretentious person!"

"I'm jealous!"

"I envy Mr. Lu so much!"

"How much can a painting like this sell for?"

"Really been waiting!"

"Mr. Ye, do you want to paint on the spot?!!"......

Tang Qianqian was the most excited when she heard her father say he wanted to paint.

When she was copying her father's paintings, she was amazed at the profound level of his Chinese painting, which she could never reach.

And Ye Fang's level was also Tang Qianqian's goal.

The original painting was hung in Tang Qianqian's bedroom. She would study it carefully every day when she woke up, and constantly improve herself every day.

Now she is finally watching her father paint in person instead of watching her father's paintings. How can she not be happy?

She doesn't know how high her father's level is?

Mr. Lu wiped the excited sweat from his forehead with a tissue, and then said respectfully and embarrassedly:

"Mr. Ye, I like Qianqian very much. I help her not for personal gain."

"But to be honest, I don't want to miss Mr. Ye's painting. I am willing to buy it for 50 million."

50 million!!!

The painting hasn't been finished yet, and no one knows what it is about or how it looks, but Mr. Lu directly offered 50 million!

This is 20 million more than 30 million!

Although it sounds like the difference between three and five, this long list of numbers is the amount of money that many people can't earn in several lifetimes.

But Mr. Lu is willing to spend a fortune just because it was painted by Ye Fang.

His love for Ye Fang's paintings alone is enough to shock people.

Peng Peng swallowed his saliva and thought about how many years he would have to work to earn 50 million?

And how many years would he have to go without food and drink to save it up?

He couldn't help but feel envious and respectful.

At first, everyone thought that Mr. Ye was just an ordinary person living in Manyuan Village.

Who knows, he has so many talents, and picking any one of them is enough to gain fame and fortune that ordinary people can hardly get in their entire lives.

Originally, I thought Mr. Ye didn't care about fame and fortune, and didn't like money and noise.

Now it seems...

What's really amazing is his own ability!

Mr. Ye seems to have no idea how valuable his paintings are!

Mr. Lu was sincere, but Redina turned her eyes and guessed Ye Fang's reaction.

‘Mr. Lu, you helped Qianqian out of your own will, and I gave you a painting out of my own will, so why measure it with money?"

Ye Fang's tone was sincere and serious.

This made sense.

Mr. Lu saved Qianqian without asking for anything in return, and Ye Fang gave you a painting without asking for anything in return.

The 50 million seemed to be a slight insult to this friendship.

Mr. Lu paused, and said apologetically,"I am a little abrupt, please don't blame me, Mr. Ye."

A smile appeared on Redina's lips, and it was just as she had guessed.

When she brought the money to Mr. Ye, she hoped that he would take care of Qianqian for the money. Her embarrassment at that time was so similar to that of Mr. Lu at this moment.

Mr. Ye does not love money, and Redina has already proved this.

For his children, Mr. Ye's fatherly love is absolutely free of any selfish desires.

"It's okay."Ye Fang smiled generously and gave a few instructions to Tang Qianqian and the other kids beside him. The five kids rushed out and ran to the sunflower yard.

After a while, they brought a bunch of things.

They looked mysterious.

Everyone was curious, and then saw Wen Yaoyao and Guan Tiantian move a small table out and put those things in place.

The brush, inkstone, and white paper were all placed on the table one by one.

It's time to start painting!

Everyone perked up, followed Ye Fang and began to look forward to it.

These are the Chinese painting tools that Ye Fang had placed in the warehouse and forgotten for a long time.

At this moment, they were placed according to Tang Qianqian's arrangement.

He looked at Mr. Lu with a smile:"What kind of subject does Mr. Lu want?"

There are too many themes. Since it is a work presented to Mr. Lu, Ye Fang naturally has to ask Mr. Lu about his preferences.

Everyone looked at Mr. Lu in unison.

The old man was in high spirits, his blood was surging, and for a moment he didn't know what to ask for. He seemed both happy and at a loss.

He smiled helplessly and said,"I can't think of any good themes for the moment. Mr. Ye, please feel free to do whatever you want."

As long as it was his words, Mr. Lu liked them.

Ye Fang nodded slightly, thought for a while, picked up the brush, and dipped it in the ink ground by Tang Qianqian. It slowly fell on the white paper!

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