Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 505 The house was full of flowers and three thousand guests were drunk (first update)

Just as the five books were going hand in hand and fighting each other, the discussion surrounding the plots of the five books also gradually became large-scale.

Of course, book reviews are not harmonious. The best-performing book, "Fights Break the Sphere", will inevitably be criticized by some old readers, and "The School Beauty's Personal Expert" is often called "brainless" by readers. The other three books are also each different. There are black spots.

However, it is difficult to agree with everyone, and everyone can always find a work that suits their taste in the five books.

This has also led to the popularity of Qingcheng in White Clothes becoming more and more powerful, forming a momentum that envelopes all parties, and new readers are increasing day by day.

The battle between the three books "Full-time Master", "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" and "Fights Break the Sphere" on the monthly ticket list is even more fierce. Several times, "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" has surpassed "Fights Break the Sphere". Asshole.

However, "Fights Break the Sphere" usually pursues them quickly——

As the most brilliant among Luoyang's five works, this book has a very proud readership.

On the other hand, "The Master", although it is also trying to push forward, due to the buffer time required for the progress of the plot, many exciting plots in the previous life have not yet appeared, so the monthly ticket ranking is weak, and it can only occasionally put some pressure on the second place. .

This made Doupo fans and Mortal fans laugh for a while: "A niche book like Game also wants to take the first place. Hehe, it's better to stay down there with "School Beauty" and "Hui Ming"!"

Because of this sentence, "The Legend of Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" and "Fight to Break the Sphere" both stirred up a hornet's nest. You must know that this map cannon not only mocked "The Master", but also compared "Return to the Ming Dynasty to Be a Prince" and "The School Beauty's Personal Master" 》Drained the water.

On November 10, "School Beauty", "Hui Ming" and "Full-time Master" reached a consensus.

After discussion, the three companies decided to vote for "Full-time Master" with their monthly votes, helping "Full-time Master" strive for the first place!

In the previous life, at the starting point, "Full-time Master" had the domineering existence of more than 1,600 alliance leaders. Their strength is naturally not bad. Now with the help of "Hui Ming" and "School Beauty", it is even more powerful, and the monthly ticket list has exploded. chrysanthemum!

Whether it is "The Legend of Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" or "Fights Break the Sphere", they were all surpassed by "The Master".

At this moment, the entire online literary world couldn't help but pay attention to this extremely strange scene - the allure in white is lonely and invincible, and the five serialized books under her name are fighting madly on the monthly ticket list. She is fighting against herself, and she is completely divided.

Xiang Tao, the editor-in-chief of China.com, was completely speechless at this moment.

He didn't know if it was a coincidence or Baiyi Qingcheng did it deliberately. In short, the war between the five books has completely begun. "Fights Break the Sphere", which was originally guaranteed to win, is suddenly in danger. All fans of Baiyi Qingcheng are fighting on their own!


"Looking at this situation, Bai Dajing is divided."

In the editor group of China.com, editors are also talking about this topic every day.

Xiao Yuan, who is the editor-in-chief of fantasy, is also very arrogant: "Actually, there is nothing to worry about. "Fights Break the Sphere" is still the winner. "Full-time Master" does not have enough stamina after all, and the reader base of "Mortal Cultivation of Immortality" is also slightly lower than ours. ”

The editor-in-chief of Xianxia laughed and said: "Although you are Master Yuanshou, I don't accept this sentence."

This book "The Story of Mortals Cultivation to Immortality" can be called a miracle. During the tepid development, the plot is always shocking, and the climactic plot has begun to work hard. Moreover, the subscription performance is the fastest among the five books in Baiyiqingcheng.

Therefore, Long You, who is the editor-in-chief of Xianxia, ​​is increasingly optimistic about the development prospects of "The Story of Mortals Cultivating Immortality".

Just when neither of them was convinced, the game editor spoke in the group: "Please move your little hands and click on "Full-time Master"."

Xiao Yuan and You Long were both stunned. Then they opened the Huaxia.com website and clicked on "The Master" - the whole page was filled with red, as if they had made an appointment. The book review section of "The Master" was all over the place overnight. Piaohong rewarded the slaughter version.

Xiao Yuan and Long You were shocked: "What's going on?"

The day it was first released, there was already a huge red envelope event across the board, so in everyone’s opinion, this kind of large-scale red envelope rain will never happen again.

But the fans of "The Master" broke everyone's imagination and exploded into countless hits. As for the monthly tickets generated by the popularity, it was natural that "The Master" took the first place in the current monthly ticket list for the second time!

The game team editor posted a proud expression in the group and dived shamelessly.

In the next half month, the competition for the monthly ticket list became fierce. Baiyi Qingcheng was definitely a bad master. Whichever book in the top three monthly tickets was at a disadvantage, that book exploded, making the monthly ticket list even more fierce. .

The votes for the three books are always in a stalemate.

If you refresh it casually, the number one position in monthly votes may change hands, and no one dares to say that they have a chance to win.

Even though he was as arrogant as Dou Pofen, he rarely kept a low profile and began to face his opponent squarely, thinking about how to finally win.

Fans of the five books often get together to plot something, because it is almost the end of the month, and the end of the month is the time to decide the winner. No one takes it lightly. After fighting for more than half a month, no one will give up at the last moment.

November 30, 2016, the decisive battle at the end of the month.

Huaxia.com’s monthly ticket system, reward system, and recharge system all collapsed!

Among them, Xiao Feifei directly rewarded 10 million dragon yuan in order to support "Fights Breaking the Sphere" to reach the top!

When the system crashed, as long as you clicked on Huaxia.com, the words that the webpage could not be displayed appeared. At this moment, Long Kong collectively lost his voice: "Huaxia.com has only two kinds of authors, one is Baiyi Qingcheng, and the other is other authors!"

The peak monthly ticket battle surrounding the five books of Allure in White ended with such a result, which undoubtedly shocked the entire online literary world - and because of the complete collapse of the system, the monthly ticket ranking could not determine the winner in the end.

On the contrary, many readers were refunded the huge sums of money they had recharged - this was Luoyang's decision.

There is nothing wrong with competing for the monthly vote list, and it is also a bad taste to fight against each other, but if it allows its readers to spend tens or even millions for the monthly vote list, Luoyang will be a little embarrassed, especially Xiao Feifei's last 10 million reward Luoyang also provided quick refunds.

The fight for first place is a bit lost, so the system crash is a good result.

After the monthly ticket battle ended, fans of the five books returned to the state of hello, me, hello, everyone, chatting intimately in the group.

Baiyi Qingcheng's five books released a single chapter of thanks at the same time. In fact, he can completely understand the readers' thoughts. For Luoyang, no matter how he competes for this monthly ticket list, he will win in the end, but for the readers, it means nothing. different.

That's why this battle was so earth-shattering.

Even after many years, the readers of Qingcheng in White have matured and their reading tastes have gradually changed. When I think back to the peak monthly ticket battle in November 2016, all the scenes are still vivid in my mind.

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