Entertainment Godfather

Chapter 1030 Great writing skills

Luoyang is very satisfied with the impact of "Harry Potter". For this kind of work that is difficult to adapt to an oriental background, Luoyang can only exert influence bit by bit. Now the effect is good, and the efforts are not in vain.

come back to the office.

He took a look at the recent performance survey of "Jianghu" magazine.

As the situation unfolds, "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty" has completely secured its position as the number one in "Jiang Hu" magazine's satisfaction ranking, and Qing Shi Zhan Sword has therefore become the most dazzling presence in the Dragon Kingdom's martial arts world after Luoyang. Some people Qing Shi Zhang Jian is even called the most accomplished martial arts master after Luoyang, and even thinks that Qing Shi Zhang Jian can be Luoyang's successor in martial arts.

This is a very high evaluation!

Because in the Dragon Kingdom, Luoyang means an unsurpassable existence for martial arts. Whether it is the early Qidao Martial Arts, or the later Condor Trilogy and "The Eight Parts of the Dragon", they can all be regarded as the benchmark for martial arts in the Dragon Kingdom. Therefore, a single evaluation second only to Luoyang represents the outside world's recognition of Qing Shi Zhang Sword!


This statement is currently only supported by some people, because in addition to Qing Shan Zhan Jian, the martial arts works of Gu Miao and Yao Chongjing are also very popular. They are Qing Shan Zhan Jian's strong competitors.

One of the most noteworthy is Gu Miao's "Happy Jianghu".

Because this work tells a martial arts story in a more everyday way, with a very novel concept and a different angle from ordinary martial arts, many people think that this extremely alternative martial arts represents another direction of the development of martial arts. This can be seen from the fact that "Happy Jianghu" has recently occupied the second place in the satisfaction rating of "Jianghu" magazine.

Luoyang also admires Gu Miao.

He felt that Gu Miao was a talented writer of martial arts. Although the other party had betrayed Shuimu Culture before, Luoyang chose to forgive the other party because the other party was quite talented. If the martial arts of the Dragon Kingdom wanted to continue to develop, such a person was needed, so If we really talk about his successor, Gu Miao should be his successor. After all, the man in green shirt and sword is just his vest, not a real person.

As for Yao Chongjing...

His "Looking for the Tang Dynasty" seems to be a little tired. Although the idea of ​​traveling through the Tang Dynasty is also very novel, in fact it is still a story of old wine in a new bottle. No matter how it is packaged, it cannot hide its old-school martial arts essence, so I am satisfied. It has always been ranked fourth in the popularity survey. Many readers hope that "Xun Tang" can develop in a diversified way, but Yao Chongjing can't find a good direction.

As for the third place, it was occupied by Mi Hu's "Splendid Country".

Luoyang believes that this is a novel about women that involves a lot of martial arts elements, or it might be more appropriate to say it is a romantic martial arts novel. Some of the plots are very similar to the previous "Supreme Beauty", and even many male readers have fallen in love with this unique romance. Martial arts, this is an unexpected surprise for Mi Hu.

After reading the satisfaction survey, Luoyang calculated the progress of "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty".

According to the development of the original work, the full text of this martial arts novel will be about 4 million words, and it will be serialized at least until the end of next year or even longer. This is still under the condition that he updates quickly, but Luoyang does not plan to develop it completely according to the original work, because When teacher Huang Yi was writing "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", a lot of the plot was watered down because of grades——

Yes, it is commonly known as hydrology.

You know, the serialization results of "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty" are very gratifying. As a commercial-oriented writer, Mr. Huang Yi naturally didn't want this martial arts movie with good results to be completed easily, so he added a lot of things in the middle. In terms of meaningful content, these contents look pretty good. After all, Huang Yi is a master at writing novels and knows how to use his skills to make novels exciting. But in general, many plots are irrelevant to the main line.

Therefore, Luoyang does not intend to blindly copy the original work.

During the serialization period, he deleted a lot of meaningless content, which made the overall rhythm of the novel much faster, which also led to the progress of the novel being much faster than in the previous life. According to the serialization method of Luoyang, the original four million words In the end, it is estimated that only three million words can be written.

Speaking of which...

Many online novels also like hydrology. The reason is similar to Huang Yi's "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty". Because the results are very good, they don't want to push the progress easily. After all, the longer the book with good results is written, the more royalties will be received. Among the Internet writers Luoyang knew in his previous life, at least three or five were masters of hydrology.

Luoyang itself knows hydrology.

However, there is usually a reason for his hydrology, such as Cavan.

Because online novels require continuous updates, they must write a fixed number of words every day. However, as an author, it is impossible for an author to have a flood of thoughts every day. Their status has ups and downs, so every time they get stuck, those Internet writers will use hydrology to complete the amount of work they need.

Of course, some online writers are less ethical.

Every time they fail, they will find any reason to ask for leave, such as college entrance examination, childbirth, genital mutilation, illness, etc. After all, directly telling readers that they are stuck is tantamount to indirectly admitting their incompetence. , how could some pretentious Internet writers admit this so easily?

In Luoyang's previous life, I knew an Internet writer who was in his thirties. He even shamelessly said that he had to take the college entrance examination, so he had less time to code. I hope everyone understands this. He even found someone who failed to pass the college entrance examination at home. Prepare to arrange for him to reread Reason Eunuch's own novel.

Luoyang also knows a writer.

He is obviously a foot-picking man who is addicted to the second dimension, but he also brainwashes readers every day, saying that he is a sixteen-year-old female high school student who secretly codes words on his mobile phone in the dormitory every day, in order to win the sympathy of readers.

Luoyang is very disdainful of these writers.

He doesn't like to find reasons to take leave. He likes to use his skills in hydrology to spend his period of writing, because he always believes that novels can be interesting even if they are water. Dry water is not as good as Ask for leave, but if Shui has personality and skills, readers generally won't mind it too much and will be addicted to it. They say no, but their bodies honestly click to read.


Now Luoyang no longer needs hydrology.

His understanding of Internet writing has far surpassed that of ordinary Internet writers. Even if his status fluctuates, he can still ensure the excitement of his novels. This is the writing power he has honed after eight years of debut and constantly tampering with classics. He feels that his writing power has already It was a success, and this writing power that far surpassed that of the past also gave Luoyang greater ambitions...

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