Energy Group

Chapter 747:

Episode 747

Angola is currently struggling in his prime minister’s office. Since his daughter came back, he will understand that he has been abandoned. In fact, the old guy’s idea is very simple. When the alliance is eliminated, the country will be the dominant family again. As for people, they don’t have to be as inferior as they used to be. This is a business relationship. When they use themselves, they have to reflect their own value. It’s good, but I didn’t expect that people played so hard this time, and they got rid of themselves and went directly to find a new agent. These people are really unconscionable. If they hadn’t given people preferential policies like this over the years, they How can it have such a high reputation in Namibia, and how can it make so much profit?

In fact, this old guy forgot to take advantage of each other at this time. He only saw what he gave, and he didn’t see what he gave to him. If he didn’t support him, he was at most a relatively large bandit. How could he have the opportunity to enter Namibia? The capital of China, and being the prime minister for so many years, after you have everything, you feel that this is your own credit. How can this be done?

What is supporting is an obedient dog, and your old dog always wants to prove his existence to his owner. How can there be such good things in the world? Since you are not obedient, there are some obedient people. , Naturally you have to let you down. It’s not that you haven’t made any effort. After all, replacing this old guy will shake the political situation in Namibia for a long time. Whether Myriad can get the support of most people is still one thing, and it is also possible that the alliance He would take advantage of this civil strife to return, but this old guy is too stubborn, compared to his stubbornness, other problems are no longer a problem.

"Father, our people have surrounded the embassy. Do you want to rush in? Someone saw McMillan's car drive in." Ye Misu walked in angrily. He hasn't felt it up until now. What was different before, he just felt that when the old man placed himself in the leadership position of this army, he finally saw his own son's ability. The old man always looked down on him before, but now he finally knows his usefulness.

Stupid guy, if I encounter things like you, I will know how many times I have died. How can my Angula Yingming I have such a stupid son as you? Everything is like I don’t understand. If I wasn’t the only son, I would have killed you by a single shot. No wonder Angola. I used to have only one woman, but when I got developed, there were more women around me. But I didn’t use it anymore. Taking so many tonics was of no use, but it’s okay. People outside thought that the Prime Minister was not close to women.

"When can you use your brain? I asked you to surround it. Who told you to attack, idiot, come with me." After dealing with people for half a lifetime, he certainly knows that the squadron is capable of fighting. How tough. I think I was trained by the squadron when I was a bandit. I learned my marksmanship and kicks from people. It’s another way to say that you won’t fight. Besides, there are hundreds of people in this city. Businessmen, if they knew the embassy was under attack, would their guard watch it? At that time, people would gather tens of thousands of armed men, and what's more, has McGrady really been honest over the years? A regiment in the northwest of the capital was his army. Originally, he was going to flee to where he did not know why he went to the embassy again.

Angola is not a fool. It can be said that the situation in the capital has been a bit chaotic recently. The embassy has been specially given a kind of security guarantee, but if he charged in with live ammunition, he would really be at the end. I also understand that it is impossible for me to continue to maintain my rule here. This country has been corrupted by myself over the years. Of course, the most important thing is that people have penetrated too much, and my cronies are no longer my own. Sincerely, they have learned to contact people alone behind their backs.

"Mr. Chen, look, the prime minister's car is coming, is it really going to be hit? Does your embassy have any air-raid shelters? If there is a helicopter, should we go first?" Seeing that Angula’s car is about to lose his composure, Angula has affected him too deeply in recent years. If it weren’t for someone to ensure that he was absolutely safe, he would never betray this person. In fact, it’s his own. Power is making trouble. As the Speaker of the Namibian Parliament, I can be regarded as a powerful figure in Namibia, but in Angola’s eyes, I am no different from a dog. I need certain rights. At this time, working with people is myself. The only choice is now. Whatever you can do is dangerous. I’m here now. Don’t let yourself be the prime minister, and even take your own life. It’s worthless.

"Haha, Speaker Maclin, you are really too panicked. If they really want to break in, do they need the Prime Minister to be there in person? Your Prime Minister can only be here for one reason. He is here for peace talks. It’s here to admit defeat, so just let your heart go.” Ambassador Chen Zhonghua expected nothing wrong. Angola came to negotiate. He already understood that it’s not his own time anymore, and he didn’t ask for it. Many, I just asked to be able to take my daughter and son to the European home care, nothing more.

Angola raised his head and glanced at the embassy. This should be the most beautiful place in the entire capital. It seems that his prime minister's office is a bit short of this. There are not so many guards with live ammunition, although there are thousands of troops outside. , But the embassy’s door is still the same as before. There are only two guards with guns. Such people are called armed police in China. They used to be the guests here before. They come here when they want to get in touch with Beijing. Yes, this time it may be the last time I walked in here. Angura let the person at the door push away, got off the car and walked in with his son. The two guards at the door knew Angula, besides just now I received another internal call from Ambassador Chen and let him in, so he saluted and let him go as before, as if nothing happened at all.

This is the temperament of a middleman. Angula shook his head. It would be great if his army was like this. Look at what you call elite troops. Thousands of people came to such a building that was only guarded by a hundred people. There is even fear. If you really become an enemy of such a country, your own army will probably not be able to hold on for a day. This is still the army of the capital region. I really don’t know what it will be like if it is returned. .

Ambassador Chen Zhonghua was waiting for the arrival of Angola at the entrance of the lobby on the first floor as before. At this time, Angola saw the smiling face and suddenly felt that it was not unreasonable for people to be five thousand years ahead of the world. That's too much. Why is there no such person in his own hands, even if there is only one.

"Mr. Prime Minister came to our embassy, ​​it really made us shine. Mr. Speaker still had lunch with me in the morning, and you came again in the afternoon. I'm really worried that the quality of the houses in our embassy is not good. They are all the masters who stomped their feet and the whole of Namibia will have earthquakes. I am really flattered. Please come in. It just happens that Mr. Speaker is enjoying my Chinese painting upstairs. Why not come and see the Prime Minister." Chen Zhonghua expressed As before, Angola even imagined himself. Maybe he really shouldn’t have initiated this coup. If not, he could stay in the prime minister’s seat for a few months, and he would have enough time. Arranging his own back road, everything seems so extravagant now.

When I came to Chen Zhonghua’s office on the second floor, I saw that Angoula was nervous for no reason, and she wanted to stand up, but after seeing Chen Zhonghua’s eyes, he sat down again. You will soon be not the prime minister. I have listened to you all these years, and I didn't take your anger. Now it's time to come back.

"The speaker is really in good spirits, isn't there anything in the parliament today?" Angura didn't give me face to Myrtle. Myrtle looked a little cramped. Although he sat down safely, he was still scared. This person has been his senior superior for decades, and he seems to be putting on the score in front of him, but he is really not qualified.

" Mr. Prime Minister misunderstood. Actually I sent someone to find the Speaker today, because I found that the situation in the city today seems a bit wrong. I have always been very courageous. , I feel that it is safer to pull the Lord Speaker, so I have been pulling him here. He has said that he is leaving several times. I feel scared from the bottom of my heart for the soldiers at the door. It is better to let the Lord Speaker stay here. "Muglan really didn't know how to answer, but fortunately Chen Zhonghua's words helped him out.

"That’s the case. Actually, there’s nothing outside. I just feel that there are too many dishonest people in the city recently. Let’s clean it up. Myriad, I have something to talk about with Mr. Chen. You can give us a private space. Is it?" Although Angola is speaking in a negotiating tone, Mylan can’t wait to disappear from here right away. When did this old guy discuss things with himself, there must be nothing good to stay here. accepted.

"I can't use it anymore, the Prime Minister, and the Speaker. It is now a guest of our embassy. It is very impolite for us to ask guests to avoid it." Chen Zhonghua took a nail clipper to build his own. Perfect nails, while casually saying that this wheat orchid is really difficult to make. I am caught between the old and the new master. When will I be tall these days.


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