Energy Group

Chapter 1039:

In the blink of an eye, Li Cong’s engagement ceremony with Yamada Mitsumi was about to arrive. Li Cong kept secrets from the children in the country and told a few people who knew the matter not to talk about it, even at home. My wives don’t interfere with me, but I can’t treat them like air, right? Such blatant concubines can cause family discord.

Yamada Mitsumi also knows that Li Cong has not finished his work in Japan, so naturally he will not just let his family come, and it is already very happy to be able to give himself such an engagement ceremony. I am a little greedy when I ask for more, so I am satisfied. Men like women who are easier to satisfy.

The engagement ceremony of a woman in Japan is more important than the wedding ceremony, so the engagement ceremony invites the most guests. Although I have already used the huge square of Beichen Yidaoliu, Li Cong still has a headache looking at the list. How come there are thousands of people coming, this is too much trouble, you have to deal with so many small Japan? What a joke.

"Xiao Ye, can't the number of people on this area be reduced? There are more than a thousand people. Although our square is large enough, there is no need for so many people, right?" Li Cong frowned and said. On the side, Ono-kun trot over when he heard Li Cong's words, and he could tell the boss about other things.

"Boss, is it because you are engaged by someone to come to cheer for us? I guess that more than a thousand people will be there. First, they are the skills of the Yamada family. They are not ordinary people. This is the Yamada family. There are dozens of people who are there. This is the boss’s problem. You are the most popular person in Japan in recent time. If they don’t come to see you get engaged, they probably won’t give up. "Ono-kun said with a smile, his own boss is true, and there are too many engagements. I wonder if it is necessary for people to reach this level.

"Really? Do you think there are people who just give a name and don't come by then?" Li Cong suddenly thought that when he was in China, his classmates would always find someone with the money when they got married. Basically they would not go. , Work hours are too tight, the distance is too far, etc., are likely to appear.

"Hehe, boss, I don’t think this thing is very likely to happen. The people here are all fine. Even if something happens, they will have to be pushed. When did the engagement ceremony be held here? Who in Japan doesn’t want Come and see?" Ono-kun said, pointing to the huge square behind him. This is indeed the first time such a ceremony has been held here.

"However, boss, I think Mr. Watanabe from the Yamaguchi team and Jiro Watagawa from the Kansai team will not come." Ono-kun said after seeing the names of the last few people on the list. These people are all Japanese. Brother of the club.

"How do you know? The Kansai group? Did they already start? What news have you received?" Li Cong is still very interested in this, after all, this is caused by himself.

"Hey, boss, it has spread out in the past few days. The day before yesterday, when you were in a bad mood, thousands of people in the Kansai group were going to forcibly enter Tokyo and they were blocked by the Yamaguchi group. In the end, the Kansai group suffered casualties. I went back directly after halfway through, but the Yamaguchi team also injured more than a hundred people, and one of the senior leaders died, but the Kansai team was blocked anyway." Ono-kun said after looking at the surrounding staff.

Why is it so small? Li Cong was a little puzzled that the two large societies can use thousands or even tens of thousands of people at any time. The hundreds of people last time can be said to be a temptation, but this time only so many people came. Is this another temptation? This is too much of his temptation, Li Cong really shows these Japanese clubs high, it seems to be the same as those in the movie who yelled and screamed and took out pistols from their suits to shoot. The members are completely different. The procrastination of doing things is different from the Hong Kong and Taiwan communities I have seen.

"Now there is nothing in the Kansai group? It's over? It's over after eating two big losses?" To be honest, this is what Li Cong is most worried about. With such recognition, the next road is really hard to follow, especially the road of the Sakura Club, if the Yamaguchi team is not weakened, how can he continue to move forward, the site can only be so too much.

"Boss, how could there be no movement in the Kansai team? After the Kansai team went back, they started to check the news of how the disclosure happened. Later I learned that one of them was the middle-level informant and the Yamaguchi team directly gave them to them. Ambushed." Ono-kun started to show off his intelligence network, but unfortunately this was not what Li Cong wanted.

"What the hell? Just look for the leaks and it's over. There is no plan to continue to advance into the Kanto?" Li Cong asked in surprise. In his opinion, a society like the Kansai Group must give this face. Find it back, otherwise you will be a fart in the future, it is difficult to say whether the Kansai team can establish a foothold in Kansai in the future.

"Hey, boss, this matter is not something we can decide. In fact, this is a big temptation. You must know that the two major societies have never collided like this before, but it seems like the Kansai group. They should retaliate with what they are good at." Ono-kun said after thinking about the Japanese society he knows.

"What are they good at? Isn't the club just that little thing?" Li never understood. Is this Kansai group different from the Yamaguchi group? What's the killer?

"Hey, boss, it seems that it’s not Japanese people who don’t know about us Japanese themselves. You don’t know. The thing that Kansai group is best at is assassination, and it’s the red army. These people Basically, there is no fear of death, and I fight with the Arabs." When Ono-kun spoke, he felt sweat on his back.

I really didn’t expect these people to have such a thing. It’s no wonder that there is still a certain gap between the gangsters and the terrorists. Although they all have guns, one is working with the military government, and the other is scaring the common people. Naturally, it is different. It seems that if the Kansai group's revenge comes, it will definitely not be so simple. I just don't know if the Yamaguchi group can take it down?

"Boss, Madam is here, don't be stunned." Suddenly Ono-kun saw Yamada Mitsumi's car coming in.

This can’t be delayed. Li hurriedly got up and drove to Yamada Mitsumi. This location was also based on our personal charm. The whole Japan wants to drive Yamada Mitsumi in this place. There are too many to go, but why can we go right now? It shows that we are capable people.

"My dear madam, come and see how our engagement place is." Li Cong personally opened the car door for Yamada Mitsumi and said, everything in front of me is so comfortable, flowers all over the floor, balloons all over the sky, showing everywhere Out of a grand.

Yamada Mitsumi was born in a large family, and I have seen a lot of scenes like this, but there are still not many people who dare to spend with Li Cong. Some people say that these flowers are, although it is announced that all are from the Netherlands It is shipped, but basically half of it is good. Compared with the flowers in the Netherlands, the Japanese local flowers are twice the price, but the ones arranged by Li Cong are really shipped from the Netherlands. of.

"It's very beautiful. In fact, I am as happy as I am without these. As long as the two of us can be together, we can have these things anywhere," said Yamada Mitsumi. She loved Li Cong, these things. It's all dispensable things, if you let other women know, you must fight with her.

"Hehe, look at this place. Tomorrow the two of us will walk over here together, and then accept everyone’s blessings, just like kissing on the balcony of the British prince and princess. Although we don’t have their blood, we all Yes, we have what they don't have." Li Cong pointed to the temporarily erected high platform and said, there was no such thing here, it was temporarily transported by a large stone from the mountain.

"Now I feel that I am very happy. Will you love me forever?" Women would always ask this question stupidly at this time. Li Cong nodded firmly and then kissed the bright red mouth .

At the same time, on a mountain less than 500 meters away from Li Cong, a guy who was obviously white was looking at everything here with a telescope, with a sneer on his mouth, as if these things shouldn’t exist at all. .

"Hehe, take advantage of the beauty of kissing your lover now, I really want to thank you for giving me such a great opportunity to make a fortune, Chinese Li." The guy said while looking at Li Cong.

No one knows who this guy is, and no one knows what this guy is here for. Although Beichen One Sword Flow is now Li Cong’s private property, the mountain can still be opened to the public at the moment. This guy came and looked around. , And pay attention to several entrances and exits and the **** of the mountain road. Is there any attempt?

According to the regulations, Li Cong and Yamada Mitsumi could not live together this evening, so after Li Cong sent Yamada Mitsumi home, he drove to Karelina's place. After being engaged, he would definitely not be able to do business for two days. At that time, it was time for Karelina to start. A financial crisis that swept through half of Japan should begin.

"Boss, we are ready. I have prepared both manpower and capital. The specific strategy is that we use the exchange rate between the yen and the U.S. dollar to make a fuss. Of course, there is also the gold left by the boss. We will buy it. Let the transaction volume be the largest in the first sale, shaking the Japanese financial market, and then when everyone starts to wait and see, we should start guiding them to follow our steps, and eventually all our assets will completely leave Japan in the form of US dollars. As a friendly reminder, if the boss has Japanese yen in your hand, it’s better to exchange it, and if you want to receive so much Japanese yen gift tomorrow, it’s best to change it too, otherwise you will lose a lot. Karerina said with a smile. She has done such a thing more than once, but this time the scale is a bit big.

"It's very good. By the way, I must buy the production workshops of these companies, and then all the employees are fired, and all the equipment is shipped to Africa." Li Cong handed over a piece of paper, all of which were Japan. If the large-scale heavy industrial enterprises in China had purchased these large-scale enterprises directly, they would definitely not be able to receive them, but only one or two of them were acquired, and they were all a bit outdated, which is nothing.

"Boss, what are you doing buying these things for? Although their technology was very advanced 20 years ago, these technologies are now very backward compared to some domestic products, and they are all highly polluting. "Karenina is also a senior intelligence agent. She knew at a glance what Yawata Steel No. 2 furnace was on it. This thing is from the 1990s, and it is useless now. .

"Hehe, you don't understand this. These things are going to Africa. There is no pollution and no one cares about what you transport in, but someone takes care of what you transport in. If you buy the latest and greatest things, it must be. Someone looked at that, let alone the US government and even the Chinese government would not allow it, why can they allow us to have so many troops? It is because they feel that we do not have a production line for arms, and no matter how many troops we have Buying arms to live their lives is not a threat to them, but if we have them, they will not sleep peacefully. Although these old things have many disadvantages, they need some engineers to modify them a little. It’s an arsenal, and we don’t want to build some advanced companies, just let them produce gunpowder, just a few small guns, and nothing else is needed.” Li Cong said with a smile, and did it secretly. We are the best at things.

"Boss, if this world is not yours, I feel that God has to be laid off. You are too good at calculating, don't worry, just leave it to me." Karelina said with a smile, now if you go directly to buy people No one would like it for sure, but when the financial crisis enters, it will be completely different. At that time, let alone those things that they don’t like, even things like eyeballs will be sold every day. To save their own group.

"Also, some iron and steel items such as scrap cars in Japan are also collected by me, and even these in Africa are considered new." Li Cong thought for a while and said, during the financial crisis, Li Cong couldn't wait for directness. I bought the whole Japan back, because Japan was too cheap at that time, and there were no expensive things.

"Boss, I remember this. All the people in our group really don't participate in your engagement ceremony?" Karelina said with a smile, really wondering how the boss would not let her subordinates go.

"If you don't have to stare at this economic war for me, I will let you go, and now it will be avoided." Li never wanted to let too many people know his identity, sometimes it is useful, if he knows it. It doesn't have much fun if there are more people. Whatever you do will get in the way.

It seems that the boss also wants to make herself somewhat mysterious. Karelina smiled and said nothing. She continued to look at her computer. The boss has now found several thousand in the time she came to Japan for more than a month. It's billions of dollars. Although all the money is grabbed by yourself, isn't it the boss's ability? How can an ordinary robber grab so much money?

The next day came soon, and the excited Yamada Mitsumi basically did not fall asleep all night, that is, she was going to fall asleep when the day was about to dawn, but it was a pity that all the makeup artists came, one by one. You must not let Yamada Mitsumi sleep. There will definitely be more important things. Today's face must be ten times more beautiful than usual.

"I can't bear to see you so beautiful. I'm really old. When I saw you before, I wanted to marry you quickly, but at this time I really can't bear it. I'm so easy to raise. I’m going to go to someone’s house when I’m an older girl. Alas, life is contradictory.” Looking at the beautiful daughter who came down the stairs, Yamada’s eyes started to moist. It was really emotional. Lian Ai also looked at Yamada Mitsumi with some envy. As a woman, everyone wanted to have such a day, but the difficulties of his identity and Yamada Gang made it impossible for him to have such a day in his life.

"Dad, what are you talking Even if I am married, isn't it your daughter?" Yamada Mitsumi tried hard not to let the tears in her eyes flow, otherwise Li Cong might see Angry, but I really don't worry about my father very much.

"Miss Renai, I hope you can take good care of my father, what happened before..." Yamada Mitsumi felt that it was time to say something to Renai.

"The previous things are over. We are all right and wrong. No one can say so accurately. Just rest assured. I will take good care of your father." At this time, Lian Ai is very generous, helping Yamada Mitsumi He straightened his hair and said.

"Hehe, what's the matter with you two, I have always taken care of you with my hands and feet, so how come you have to take care of me one by one." Yamada Gang said nonchalantly, but his eyes looked at his daughter. Nostalgia is still expressed.

"Master, the car is coming." When a few people wanted to say something, the old butler ran in and said. It seemed that he was also very happy, and the lady was finally getting married. . ..

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