The second less let the system help him translate the recording into Chinese. The system only made a small profit from the stupid host not long ago, and it was rare to provide a free service. While providing the service, the system can't help but think of the host of ‘others’ who is proficient in hundreds of languages. The chip flashes through a complex set of data similar to ‘faint loss.’

In the recording, the other side took Wu Sen as a hostage and proposed to exchange the chip password for Wu Sen security. On the one hand, he promised Wu Ye, and promised that if he would cooperate with them, he would 'save' his family at all costs. Unconditionally immigrate for them, and at the same time make him the next richest man in the world, and even provide him with a supply channel for arms. In general, as long as Wu Ye is willing to turn to cooperate with them, the country that Z can give him, they can give , z can not give, they can also discuss it.

The content of the recording is not long, but the amount of information contained is extremely rich. The other party has not only figured out the source of the chip, but also knows the transaction between Wu Ye and the Victor family. They have promised that the high level of the z-state cannot be honored. Less provocative.

It is a pity that the two proposals for Laomei are completely unmoving.

What is the arms trade, he is still more willing to do with the head of Victor's arms, at least the other side will guard the rules of the rivers and lakes will not be too much to explore the whereabouts of the goods. Old beauty is different. If he really deals with them, they don’t want to try to figure out where the goods are going.

What is the richest man in the world, and it is not a special product of the old beauty. Can you not have one on the soil of the country? In a certain sense, the second is still a little national and national.

As for immigration, the second is less likely to catch a cold. If you really want to go to a place full of ears, isn’t it the right time to force him to die?

As for Wu Sen’s safety, the second is less concerned. Wu Sen dared to collud with Benjamin to design a trap and wait for him to drill. He asked him to try to end up with the tiger.

Wu Ye took the recording pen and walked inside the palm of his hand. As soon as he tried hard, the recording pen quietly turned into a pile of grayish white powder. The content of this recording relates to the arms trade, and Wu Ye does not want to hand over this ready-made handle. It was found that he was dealing with Victor in one thing, and he admitted that it was another matter. More than one thing is less.

Wu Ye put his hand out of the window and lifted the powder. Through system monitoring, he 'see' to the opposite side of the window of the hotel building. There is a yellow-haired devil who is holding a telescope to monitor his every move. The second one is extremely provocative towards the other side. Smile, while erecting the middle finger.

The monitor was shocked and almost lost the telescope.

Oh away, such a secret location, just by the naked eye, is simply too unscientific!

When the old Maozi calms down, where are there two more in the open-air parking lot?

When the whereabouts were exposed, Lao Maozi hurriedly greeted the contact person with a secret message, quickly left the scene, took the passport and ticket prepared in advance, and fled the country at the fastest speed.

Unfortunately, he did not know that Wu Ye did not intend to inform the matter.

Wu Ye lived in the army for two days and was afraid of being found abnormal. The brain game could not be played. The city could not return. Nie Night did not let him go online. It was really miserable. It was rare to find a chance to come out. He I drove in the city and went to the middle of the night to eat the delicious snacks I had eaten in the city before I went back. On the way to the turn, the couple who watched the two pairs of opponents on the street had a sudden loss and loneliness. How good would Daqin be with him at this moment?

However, the two have not always been so sticky, a few strings of fat and tender roast pork tenderloin, what is not happy have forgotten.

When I was eating, Wu Ye had a lot of packaging, and evenly placed half of it in the space ring. After I left it, I didn’t buy it for Daqin!

The remaining half took it back to entertain Nie Night, hoping that they would eat deliciously and would let him buy it again tomorrow.

The two Shao Le turned the car back to the army, but the atmosphere in the troops was not so good. Nie Ye and others had a cold face with a clear chill and heavy.

"What is the situation? How do both of them squint at each other?" Wu Ye said to put the bought nights on the desk.

Nie night's face is blue, "The soldiers we sent out to trace the chips all lost contact, I am afraid that there will be more and more fierce." The soldiers involved in this incident are from the same special military camp with Nie Night, and many of them are companions who have participated in the action. Now, these lives are still dead, how can Nie Night’s face look good?

"Then they found clues about the chip?" Wu Ye asked.

Speaking of the clues, Nie Ye’s face is even more ugly. “The news that the hound finally came back, the information that the chip has been brought to, the research institute began to study the brain and brain as early as twenty years ago, to what extent did their research reach? Still a mystery, what is certain is that they have already had relevant results in their hands. If the intelligence of the other brain is not too low, it is only a matter of time before the encryption of the chip is broken." Once the content of the chip falls into the hands of the old beauty, The dream of a powerful country they expected was only a big discount.

"Then what are you going to do now? Are you sitting still or treating others with their own way, sending someone to steal the chips back?" Wu Ye sat down with a chair and leaned against the back of the chair. Erlang's legs, a casual and comfortable look, seems to have not put this matter in mind.

"The secret research institute is extremely deep and defensive. We only know the location of the research institute. We can't mix it in. The three soldiers who lost contact at the earliest tried to enter this secret research institute before they disappeared. From now on. In the case of the situation, they should all fail." Nie Ye's voice suppressed the great pain, his hands clenched his fists, and one of the three missing soldiers was his best friend. Cheng Yuan knew some insider and couldn't help but patted Nie's shoulder to try to comfort him.

"And then? What do you do next? Look for someone or find a chip?" Wu Ye asked. "The big boss just ordered, and he will take back the chip at all costs. People must also find it. If you want to see someone die, you have to see the corpse!" Nie Night looks awkward, Ruo Ruoli Sheathing.

“The big boss also said that he hopes that Wu Shao can help us to recover the chips.” The implication is that Wu Ye will personally go out; Wu Ye bends her lips, and the white cheeks reveal two looming small dimples, but the sound is a bit cold. "Why? I don't remember that I have this obligation in our terms of cooperation. Besides, things are lost in your hands. I didn't take responsibility for you. It's not bad. I want to wipe my **** for you. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world?" Wu Ye also no longer deliberately suppress the murderousness of his body, the atmosphere in the office suddenly stunned, as if the temperature was a little cold.

Rao is a special soldier who has fought a hundred wars, and he can't help but have a whole body of hair, and he has layer after layer of goose bumps.

A terrible murderous!

Nie Night looked at Wu Ye’s eyes sharply, and his right hand was almost uncontrollable and pressed against the pistol on his waist. “What does Wu Shao mean?”

Nie Night suddenly felt a flower in his eyes, and his body hurt, but in a moment of time, the pistol he did not fall on his body actually fell into the hands of Wu Ye! And Wu Ye was so good at sitting in the chair, his fingers turned around with a pistol, he, how did he do it? Nie Night’s heart was awkward, and other special forces saw this scene, which was also very shocking. One conditional reflection pulled out the gun.

"What do you mean by this?" The smile on Wu Ye's face has changed, not to mention a few special forces in the district. Even if the all-powered four- or five-order abilities are standing opposite him, it is not worthy of his movement.

Nie's eyes looked at Wu Ye's complex look, and his heart screamed at the enchanting voice, yelling at other people: "What are you doing? All the guns are collected for me! Wu Shao is just a joke, what are you nervous about? Go out for a while I ran for 10 kilometers, so I can wake up and not sleep."

"Yes!" Cheng Yuan and others are reluctant to take back the guns, and they are still very alert to stare at Wu Ye.

Wu Ye’s handgun was returned to Nie Night, and he smiled and said: “You should also go for 10 kilometers.”

"Wu Shao said it is." Nie night wants to grind his teeth.

It’s not too late, Wu Ye is also very difficult to talk to them. “To call your big boss and help me recover the chip, I can ask my master to help me. However, my master has been born for a long time and has made a vow. No longer easy to intervene in the dust, can you please call his old man, it depends on your sincerity enough." He paid such a high wage, the old **** of Tong Huang still let Ai eat a gun, not good to pit him One, how is he venting?

Nie Ye and others still don't know that Wu Ye has a master. However, looking at Wu Ye's internal strength, he can shatter the window of special materials. His master is definitely more powerful.

"Well, it is not too late, I will call now."

After waiting for a while and finally connected the phone, Wu Ye and the big boss bargained on the phone and successfully ‘sold’ Tonghuang and won 2% of the original shares for himself. At this point, Wu Ye had 32% of the original shares of Zhinao Company, which was in secret preparation. Similarly, as a condition, Tonghuang not only has to retrieve the chips, but also completely destroys the brains that the old Americans independently developed in the secret research institute.

After the agreement was reached, Wu Ye took the plane back to the city of H. When he found Tonghuang, it was already two o'clock in the morning, the old **** of Tonghuang hid in the room of Wu Li, the two people were not sleeping at night, but they were quietly playing a copy of the game, just at the critical moment of killing the boss. When it came to the movement, I was reluctant to let go, let Wu Ye grab it.

Two younger brothers glanced at the younger brother and turned to glare at Tonghuang: "They are hundreds of people, and they still play games. You can play games, why bother to bring my brother!"

Wu Li knew that he was at a loss, and he slid into the quilt at the fastest speed, showing only a small amount of hair.

Tong Huang: "..." No loyal little bastard!

Two less eyeballs turned, and the machine smashed the task of the big boss, and then put the ticket into the hands of Tong Huang.

"I remember that in our agreement, only to help you protect your family, did not say to help you do extra things."

The second is like a cat who is stepping on the tail. It is three feet high. "You still have a good time to say? How is A's gun?" If there is no pill given by me, I still don't know what it is. Moreover, you know that A is injured and is recuperating. You still let him play games with you in the middle of the night. Are you protecting the employer like this? It’s not good to deduct your salary, let you have a task, you still bargain. If you don't want to do it, just say it."

On the head of Tong Huang’s head, the blue veins jumped straight. Wu’s accident did have factors that he could not consider, but he could not blame him. If it wasn’t for him to shoot in time, Wu’s absolute corpse was on the spot. As for what is going on, it’s entirely Wu’s proposal! How to get into Wu Yezui is all his fault!

Do not do it if you don't do it!

When I got to the lips, I thought about the lucrative crystal nucleus. Then I took a look at Wu’s face and found a pitiful face. Tong Huang’s heart was soft and cold, “I can do the task, but this mission. The rewards are recorded in the head. "Tong Huang is too familiar with Wu Ye's little profiteer. If there is not enough benefit, he will never interfere with the chip.

"Before you finish the task, let's talk about it." The second lieutenant went back, which was acquiescence to Tong Huang's request.

Wu Li: Hello, don't you ask me for your opinion? (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

Two less, a sharp eye knife was thrown over, and A was lying flat, closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep.

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