End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 167: Stirring the wind

Wu Ye and his party spent two days evacuating all the three large medical libraries he had discovered through system monitoring. Until his space ring and chariot had no gaps in the tank, they drove the chariot. Slowly drive out of Yunzi City.

On the way back, I turned a corner. Everyone went to Qinglan City and hid the chariot in the secret underground garage of Qingyi County. It was replaced with a modified big card and pickup truck prepared in the morning. Full of supplies, return to Yucheng.

When I arrived at the gate of the city, the sky was already dark. There were twenty or thirty military cards parked outside the energy cover. There were large and small tents beside the military cards. From time to time, soldiers wearing official military uniforms from China patrolled with guns.

"What is the situation?" Wu Ye looked at the frown and frowned, and did not hesitate to directly open the system monitoring.

At first glance, it is actually an acquaintance - Li Wei and Li Wei brothers. Wait a minute, the stuff in the corner of their tent is a bit familiar. Isn't that the energy cover he took to save the people in Jiangnan? Ji Xiang is not saying that when the corpse tide and the worm tide are scattered, go and dig it back to him? How did it fall into their hands? That's his 5r/>

"How can the soldiers in Beijing come over?" Qin Wuhua did not have system monitoring, and he could only judge the origin of these soldiers by the naked eye. The clothes on these soldiers knew that they were the regular army uniforms. The clothes of the special guards were different from them. Now there are only the capitals of the regular army.

"They seem to be coming together with the Li Wei brothers. If I guessed it, they should be directed at the Jiangnan batch of things, and they will dig up the energy of Laozi. I will get things back sooner or later. But Why didn't they enter the city?" Wu Ye frowned. The traces around them don’t look like the tents they took today, they should have been there for a few days.

"After a while, I went back to ask Ji Xiang."

Wu Ye temporarily let everyone turn to the farther entrance, low-key back to the city. They had just passed the security check here, and when they entered the city, the phone in the car rang. Wu Ye picked up and was hit by Ji Xiang.

"Boss, you are finally back, if you don't come back, I can't help it..." Ji Xiang was bitter on the phone.

Wu Ye is impatient: "Stop, give me the key point first, I am not letting you dig the energy cover? What happened to the hands of Li?"

Ji Xiang was slightly surprised and said: "Do you know this?" Didn't you just return to the security check?

"So big things, you said I can't know? I asked your question, you haven't said it yet!" But 5 felt the pain was so bad.

Ji Xiang’s voice is a bit low and awkward. “I’m going to take a step late, it’s my dereliction of duty.” Ji Xiang is also busy, and the population of Yucheng has increased dramatically. Wu Ye Daqin is not there, and there are many every day. Things need him to take the idea. Originally, I wanted to wait for the tide of the insects in the south of the Yangtze River. The corpse was scattered. I sent people to dig the energy cover. The result was too busy to forget. When I think about it and send someone to go later, things have already fallen into the hands of Li. Anyway, things are really his mistakes.

"You don't take the subsidy for this quarter." Wu Ye casually said a punishment. Ji Xiang always took care of the city, and both had merit and hard work. He was the first time he made such a mistake. Wu Ye did not want to punish him too much.

Ji Xiang listened a lot and breathed a sigh of relief. He knew the preciousness of the green dragonfly. He also knew that the energy cover Wu Ye spent a full 100 kilograms of green cricket. These are not small numbers. He has already done a good job of Wu Ye and put him to death. I was mentally prepared to clean up. I didn’t expect Wu Ye to punish him only for a small subsidy.

"I really know this time, thank you boss, thank you boss."

"Oh, let's not say this, Li Wei, what are they going on? How are they stationed outside the city?" After Wu Ye asked, the mobile phone was opened as a hands-free, let Daqin listen together.

"I just wanted to say this. Our parasitic test drugs show that Li Wei and his entourage all have mutated parasitic worms. According to the regulations, I don't agree with them entering the city and asking them to leave the city. They insist that they are not parasitized. However, the syrup we provided has problems. They do not agree to leave, and they are stationed outside the city. Under normal circumstances, the worms that have been mutated are living for 24 hours, but they have been three days, and they are all good. They secretly advertised that there was a problem with our test syrup in the city, and misled the hunters to think that we were using test syrup to eliminate dissidents in order to achieve the goal of independence.

Moreover, after the hunters were tested for parasitism, they were recruited in the past. I don't know what they used. These people have survived, but they have never been able to pass the test. Many people now think that there is a problem with our test pharmacy. You haven't been there in the past few days. Many people on the Internet post a message asking the city owner to come out and give you a statement. Ji Xiang said.

The appearance of Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua gradually became dignified. Wu Ye snorted and said: "I don't think there is a problem with our test pharmacy, but they are likely to have the remedy to control the parasites, so I can't help but ignite the hurricane."

The system actually has a drug that can expel parasitic worms, but the price is several times to tens or even hundreds of times that of the d virus vaccine. It is very expensive. He has already handed the sample to Li Yuan to let him organize research, but he has never produced the finished product.

Another point is that Wu Ye is very confident about all kinds of things produced by the system. The current scientific research strength of Yucheng has been upgraded. They have not been able to get the finished products in the case of templates with finished products. It is impossible for a family to have a perfect cure for parasitic agents. It is precisely because of this that they have not been able to pass the test of Pharmacy.

Passing the test proves that there is definitely a parasite in the body, and the mutant parasite coexists with the human body, which may not be a good sign.

"Now the Li family has applied for the third time and asked to enter the city. The hunters and their families who are unable to pass the test are very excited. I am afraid that things will get out of control when things are too big." Now that it is big, some foreign forces always have to smash one or two, and Li’s family is stirring the wind outside, and the city is now a dark tide. If Wu Ye does not come back, Ji Xiang can’t help sending people to them. Send the message.


Wu Ye originally thought about getting things done in Yunzi City, and came back to relax for two days. As a result, I didn’t feel bad when I got home. The tone was quite impatient. "Oh, I know, you don't care about this." I will come up with a solution."

Ji Xiang said with relief: "Yes, boss. Right, boss, you just haven't had dinner yet? I will call the Xiangxiang Hotel and let them send the food to you. This is my count."

"Well, then you remember a few more meat dishes, and I am starving to death. Right, let them send some fresh raw meat, and the big gray is hungry."

"...good." The bonfire robbed something, so it is also the owner of a city, and this is how much you can earn, even if you have made it! (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

Waiting for the phone, two less turned to look at Daqin: "Da Qin, what do you say we do now?"

"... You are not saying that you have a solution?" Daqin looked helplessly at the second.

Two less arrogantly looked at him: "My way is to ask you."

"..." Daqin, "Thank you for your trust."

Two little grin and a smile, the smile can be sincere, "You are welcome."

Things are tricky. For a while, Daqin didn't think of any good ideas. He could only drive home first. The car just stopped in the parking space, the rabbit boss and the big ash could not wait to jump off the car, and the scorpion jumped up and down in the yard, showing that they are also homesick.

Wu Ye came out from the vice driver and stretched out a big lazy waist. He smiled. "The feeling of going home is different."

Daqin smiled and said: "What do you feel now?"

“Comfortable, relaxed, I have to go to the pool for a few laps, do you want to be together?”

"I waited for the people at the Xiangxiang Hotel to go again. We will have dinner by the pool in a while, how about?" Daqin kissed him on the face of the two faces and asked with a smile.

"Good idea!" Two less returned to him a loud kiss, "I went to clean the pool, you go to give me a pair of swimming trunks and a wash, hurry!"

When Daqin took the things that Wu Ye wanted, he had already put the pool in clean water, soaked in it, holding the brain in his hand, but his face was a little dignified.

"Aye, what happened?" Daqin said to put things on the edge of the pool.

"The Li family is afraid that it will be prepared. The test of drugs is going on the Internet. With this, many people are asking for a resumption of the parliamentary republic on the Internet, requiring political management to be transparent, and opposing high-level independence. The special system requires democratization management, saying that there are so many high-pitched words, I think someone wants to be true." Wu Yeyue said that the sound is colder.

“We have enacted a citizenship system, and they want it to be less easy.” Daqin frowned, the core of the citizenship system is that the more contributions, the more benefits you enjoy, the greater the power, in a sense It has already violated the principle of equality for all. Since there has been a clear distinction between people, how much democracy can be left? If you want to overthrow Wu’s status as a city owner, you must first look at those accomplices who are mixed into third- and fourth-class citizens.

At the beginning, Wu Ye deliberately supported a group of hunters. Now they are already rooted in the city. They want to continue to grow vigorously, they must feed back the soil that nourishes them - Wu Ye.

Don't look at the current online screaming, most of them are deliberately chaotic waters. Many people are either watching or standing on the side of Wu Ye. The latter two account for more than 80% of the total population of Yucheng. .

"I see that some people are born in the blessings and do not know how to be blessed. You call Ji Xiang and let him arrest the most troubled people in order to disturb the social order and lift their citizenship. They sent out the city, I see who else dares to make trouble!" Sending out the city means losing the protection of the energy cover, getting used to the safe life brought by the energy cover. If you leave here, it will make those people more uncomfortable than death.

Sometimes blindness and kindness will only encourage some unhealthy trends. When using Thunder, you must not be soft.

"The city is indeed the time to rectify."

The author has something to say: There are things that come back late at night, the stupids are falling apart, and the doubles are only for tomorrow. What? ~~~~~

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