Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5823 You are hopeless

The God of War is crazy and doesn't want to talk anymore.

There's no way to talk!

Because even he thinks what Chu Yan said makes sense...

If he hadn't seen Chu Yan kill the three demons with his own eyes, the God of War would probably be in a trance and start to doubt himself.

Could it be that I really killed the three demons?

So I'll just stop talking and do it.

The Nine Nether Demon King snorted coldly: "War, it seems that it's really you!"

"Yes, Nima!"

The God of War roared immediately, stepped on his feet, and took off into the air with a blood-colored giant axe, and chopped down at Jiuyou with an axe.

The Nine Nether Demon King's eyes condensed, and then he punched without saying a word.


Suddenly, the sky collapsed.

The moment the two sides touched, even the sky changed color, and the two forces seemed to tear the world apart.


The next second, both sides retreated a hundred meters, and the first confrontation was indistinguishable.

However, this was just the beginning. As soon as the God of War stood firm, his figure flashed again and rushed towards the Nine Nether Demon King.

At this moment, he held the axe in both hands, and the armor on his body shone in the light, which really gave people a feeling of a god descending to the earth.


Every step taken by the God of War made the world tremble three points.


An axe chopped down.

The face of the Nine Nether Demon King changed slightly, and he spread his palms, and a huge halberd appeared, stabbing forward.

Chish——a touch of magic light was crisscrossed.

The cold light was sharp.


There was another loud noise, but then both sides retreated again, and this time a shocking scene appeared.

The God of War retreated a hundred meters, and the Nine Nether Demon King did not stop when he reached a hundred meters, but retreated hundreds of meters before stopping.

Chu Yan was slightly shocked when he saw this: "Is the Nine Nether Demon King not as good as the God of War?"

Mo Tong said helplessly: "Of course, the God of War is good at fighting. He is the top fighting force in the Divine Court. He is the best fighter among the twelve main gods, but the Nine Nether Demon King is not like that in the Demon Palace."

Chu Yan frowned: "But that punch just now..."

He remembered that when the Nine Nether Demon King attacked, he punched the God of War thousands of meters away.

Mo Tong shook his head and said: "It's different. In that punch, the Nine Nether Demon King took some sneak attack factors. The God of War's focus is on you, and he didn't guard against the Nine Nether Demon King."

Chu Yan suddenly realized, and then he asked curiously: "Which demon king is the best at fighting in the Demon Palace?"

Mo Tong thought for a while and said: "It should be the Tyrant Blood Demon King."

"Tyrant Blood Demon King?" Chu Yan silently remembered.

Bang Bang Bang!

At this time, Jiuyou and War kept fighting, and the two of them were full of strength when they attacked, opening and closing.

The two sides were enemies. If it was just a matter of stance before, the Nine Nether Demon King might not have gone all out, but it was not the case now.

Instead, there was a deeper hatred, because the God of War killed the three demons, which was equivalent to a personal grudge.

The God of War was also full of anger, so he did not indulge Jiuyou.

Every time the axe came down, the sky and the earth would crack.

Soon, the Nine Nether Demon King fell back a thousand meters, and some cracks even appeared on his body.

However, the Nine Nether Demon King did not care. As a demon king of the Demon Palace, he had also experienced countless births and deaths.

Let's put it this way, whether it is the main god of the God Court or the demon king of the Demon Palace, they themselves crawled out of the pile of dead bodies.

Doesn't it require blood to compete for these positions?

It must be.

So at this moment, the Nine Nether Demon King also showed extraordinary combat power.

The God of War said proudly: "Jiuyou, you know very well that you are no match for him."


Jiuyou Demon King snorted coldly, and then he suddenly closed his palms in front of his chest: "Explode!"


In an instant, huge balls of magic light appeared in front of him and burst out.

The God of War was shocked when he saw this, and chopped with blood axe.


Instantly, the God of War retreated.

When he stood firm, his face was gloomy and he said: "Damn, damn the power of the divine pattern!"

The Nine Nether Demon King sneered: "War, you are called the God of War, do you really think this is a good name?"

The God of War said gloomily: "What do you mean?"

The Nine Nether Demon King sarcastically said: "Nowadays, who doesn't know the God of War in the Age of Gods and Demons? That is the code name of a warrior. What is a warrior? That is a reckless man! A reckless man, how dare you be so proud?"

After that, the Nine Nether Demon King said disdainfully: "If we really talk about combat effectiveness, do you really think you can rank first? You... are nothing!"

The God of War seemed to be stepped on the tail, and immediately roared: "Jiuyou, you are looking for death!"

Reckless man has always been the word he hates the most.

He hates others calling him a reckless man the most...

Because he is indeed so. He is very powerful, but he is strong in the flesh. As for other abilities, he is far inferior to others.


The God of War took a step forward, holding a blood axe, and rushed towards Jiuyou frantically.

At this time, the Nine Nether Demon King also learned to be smart, not giving Zhan Zhan any chance to get close, and constantly using long-range divine runes to attack.

Bang, bang, bang!

In a blink of an eye, he beat the God of War again and again.


At this moment, the God of War was about to attack and was about to use selflessness, but the sky in the distance suddenly rippled, and a figure came in.

The Nine Nether Demon King was controlling the divine runes, but his face suddenly changed.

The figure pressed down, and the Nine Nether's divine rune formation cracked and collapsed.

The Nine Nether Demon King looked up and saw a man wearing a star crown descending.

"Star Lord!" The Nine Nether Demon King narrowed his eyes slightly.

The God of War saw the Star Lord's surprise and said angrily: "Star Lord, let's attack together. This old bastard called me a reckless man. Let's kill him together!"

The Star Lord glanced at the God of War, sighed, and did not attack.

Immediately, he looked at Chu Yan, and then he saw the three demons lying in a pool of blood.

After a long time, Xingjun sighed and said, "Chu Yan, I still underestimated your shamelessness."

Chu Yan looked at Xingjun and blinked: "Xingjun, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Xingjun simply ignored Chu Yan. He knew that Chu Yan was very eloquent. He turned and looked at Jiuyou Demon King: "Jiuyou, don't you think all this is weird?"

Jiuyou Demon King said coldly: "Xingjun, what do you want to say? My son died here."

Xingjun said: "If your son was really killed in the war, my Divine Court had countless chances. We all chose to give in on the battlefield of gods and demons. Do you think we would do this? Did I deliberately draw hatred from your Demon Palace at this time? "

The Nine Nether Demon King thought for a while, and suddenly said: "Yes, you want to frame the culprit on Chu Yan, so you killed my son."

Star Lord: "..."

After a moment, Star Lord sighed and said: "Forget it, you are hopeless! Then you can just think that my temple killed you."

After that, he said to the God of War: "War, let's go."

The God of War was immediately angry and said: "Go? Why go? Kill them!"

Star Lord hesitated and said: "This is the territory of the Demon Palace. You are fighting here. Do you want to be beaten to death?"

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