Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 5774: Lack of Confidence

Chu Yan made all arrangements for Tianyuan's funeral and the Forbidden Sect.

Immediately, he didn't stay.

At this time, Phoenix Girl, Chen Yu and others had completed changing lanes and had adapted to the new avenue.

Not only that, as they changed lanes, their breaths became much calmer.

His complexion is also a little younger.

It's an era gone by.

They came from the era hundreds of millions of years ago to the new era today.

At this moment, some strong men from the Forbidden Sect who were about to die of old age suddenly gained some vitality in their bodies, and their faces became much rosier.

Each one was a surprise.

"I seem younger."

"Me too."

"More than that, haven't you noticed? Our power is no longer restricted by Tianyuan."

Someone tried it and said pleasantly: "It's true!"

This group of people have been in Tianyuan for too long and have absorbed too much of Tianyuan's power in their bodies, so they were unable to leave Tianyuan before and were all restricted by Tianyuan.

In fact, this is normal.

If Tianyuan is compared to a country or a family, and you have gained a lot of resources and power in this country and family, how can this country and family let you go so easily?

Will not!

The same is true for Tianyuan.

This group of people has absorbed too much of Tianyuan's power, and their bodies have been assimilated by Tianyuan.

In the past, the disciples of the major ancient saint families would leave Tianyuan after entering Tianyuan for a period of time. In fact, it was also because of this that they were worried that if they stayed in Tianyuan for too long, their power would be assimilated by Tianyuan.

Of course, because the children of the Ancient Saint have the blood of the Ancient Saint in their bodies, they will be better off and will not be assimilated so easily.

"Are you all ready?"

At this time, Chu Yan's face straightened and he suddenly asked.

Everyone was slightly startled and nodded immediately: "Always listen to Emperor Hou Chu's orders."

Now they all admire Chu Yan sincerely.

Chu Yan nodded slightly: "Okay, let's start over there."

Phoenix Girl and others all became excited.

Are you finally leaving?

The next second, Chu Yan did not linger. With a wave of his arms, a force enveloped everyone.


In an instant, everyone flew out together.

Leave from the abyss.

As soon as they flew out of Tianyuan, countless powerful people from the Forbidden Sect felt anxious and excited. When they saw the outside world, some of them even couldn't help but shed tears.

Hundreds of millions of years.

They were in prison, and now they finally see the light of day again.

"Okay, now is not the time to sigh. Let's go to Huo's house first."

Chu Yan shouted, and everyone quickly came to their senses.

Immediately, Chu Yan quickly flew towards the Huo family with everyone without saying a word.

However... after flying for a while, Chen Meng's mouth twitched slightly at the back.

He couldn't help coughing and stepped forward: "Emperor Chu...where are we going now?"

"Huo family, what's wrong?" Chu Yan asked naturally.

Chen Meng hesitated and asked, "Are you... sure you know where the Huo family is?"

Chu Yan: "..."

Chu Yan stopped for a moment, and then recalled carefully, oh yes, he didn't know where the Huo family was. He had been to the Liu family and knew the Chen family, but he didn't know where the Huo family or the Lu family were.

Chu Yan complained: "Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

Chen Meng said sadly: "I saw your eyes were so firm, I thought you knew where the Huo family was, but you didn't know which way you were taking."

Chu Yan: "..."

Chen Meng was also convinced. He actually wanted to remind Chu Yan as soon as he left Tianyuan.

But when he saw Chu Yan's firm gaze and a confident look, he refrained from asking.

After all, a normal person...if he doesn't know the road situation, he will definitely look around.

Chu Yan was not, he was very determined, as if he believed that the Huo family was ahead.

Chen Yu couldn't help laughing at the side.

This situation...he had seen it more than once.

Every time Chu Yan was about to hit someone, he would leave without looking back, only to realize halfway through that he didn't know where the road was.

Everyone laughed loudly.

Chu Yan had a dark face: "You're laughing! Chen Meng, lead the way."

Chen Meng nodded slightly. As a descendant of the Chen family, he naturally knew where the Huo family was.

Soon, everyone got back on track under the leadership of Chen Meng.

Huo family.




The war is still going on!

Now the battlefield is cut into two parts.

The first is the world-class collision between two tenth-level experts outside the Huo family. Every time they fight, the void is shaken.

Another battlefield is within the Huo family, where the Liu family fights against the Huo family with all their strength.

Two-thirds of the Huo family have been sent to Tianyuan, and now the family is very short of power.

Fortunately, this is their home court, their strength is more suitable, and some formations are available, which allows them to barely resist.

However, even so, the Huo family was still defeated. The head of the Liu family, Liu Changsong, held a spear, and every time he thrust out the spear, it was like a dragon.

The head of the Huo family, Huo Yun, was holding a bloody battle axe. Every time the ax struck, it tore the sky apart.


With a loud noise, Huo Yun retreated again. At this time, cracks appeared in his body.

But he did not give up. Instead, he stared at Liu Changge and suddenly smiled ferociously: "Liu Changge...it's dawn!"

Liu Changge turned around and took a look, his face changed slightly.

Yes, it's dawn!

This also means that the next day has arrived.

And today... is Tianyuan Forbidden Day.

Huo Yun sneered: "Liu Changge, the Huo family has just sent back news that Chu Yan was defeated by the ancestors of the Lu family and was forced to return to Tianyuan."

Liu Changge didn't say anything, he also knew this.

Just now, the Huo family sent back news from Tianyuan.

He intercepted some pictures from it.

In those pictures, he clearly saw that Chu Yan repeatedly borrowed power and absorbed the blood and self-centered space of the ancestors of the Lu family, and even at a certain stage was on par with the ancestors of the Lu family.

At that time, he was a little shocked and excited.

But then, the ancestors of the Lu family burst out with all their strength and took the initiative to attack, and the situation was directly reversed.

Level 10 is level 10.

Normal realms are all based on level 9, but only the realm of self-centeredness exists in level 10.


It is to distinguish the gap with the other level 9.

So when a level 10 gets serious, his strength is still too terrible, and it is not something that a level 9 can fight against.

Liu Changge also knew that Chu Yan had escaped to Tianyuan, and at that time he was relieved.

The problem is... today is the forbidden day of Tianyuan.

Tianyuan forbidden day has arrived, and outsiders must come out.

Huo Yun grinned: "Liu Changge, Tianyuan forbidden day has arrived, Chu Yan must leave Tianyuan, so today is his death day!"

"No, even if there is no Tianyuan forbidden day, do you think Tianyuan can withstand the strong attack of the ancestors of the Lu family?"

Liu Changge fell silent!

Tianyuan is very strong, and it is also the world left by the ancient saints.

There are no real creatures in Tianyuan, otherwise the ancient saint family would have one more.

So Tianyuan is enough to withstand the attacks of most strong people... However, that is level ten.

Liu Changge is no longer confident.

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