Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 556: The Wrath of the Nine Nether Dynasty

The voice was casual, neither light nor heavy.

But the weakest person present is the Emperor of Heaven, who has ears and eyes in all directions, enough to hear clearly.

In the ancient ruins, the hearts of the powerful people jumped.

The entire Jiuyou Dynasty was wiped out, and no one survived?

What happened on the imperial road?

Upon hearing this, Chu Yan's eyes flashed with coldness, and his face turned cold.

These words were not said by him, nor were they from the Heavenly Emperor Sect. Although they were fearless and invincible in the Emperor's Road, they would not be so arrogant now that they had left the Emperor's Road. Humiliate the other person in front of you.

However, when this person said this at this time, his meaning was self-evident. He was clearly provoking, or in other words, he wanted to put Chu Yan to death.

Tuoba Junhou's face was cold, and his majestic monarch's power suddenly descended, turning into a dark hand and grabbing it from the void, locking on a Heavenly Emperor.

The emperor's face changed in shock and he wanted to retreat, but how could he be the opponent of Lord Tuoba?


The next moment, the Emperor of Heaven was firmly grasped in the air by the big hands of nothingness, and the surroundings were like a dark whirlpool. As long as the opponent had a thought, he could be killed.

"What did you just say? Say it again!" Emperor Tuoba looked at him with cold eyes.

"Senior, I am atonement. I did not mean any offense... It's just that these words were not said by me, but by the master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect on the Emperor's Road." The Heavenly Emperor looked flustered and said hurriedly.

"Speak clearly!" Tuoba Junhou roared.

"In the Emperor's Road, the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect was the leader. He was extremely arrogant. He meant God's will and would not allow others to violate it. The people of the Jiuyou Dynasty offended the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect. As a result, the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect killed Yuwen Longyuan in anger. Later, The Jiuyou Dynasty sent another imperial army, but they were all defeated and killed by one of the masters of the Tiandi Sect, including a prince!" Tiandi said, and the disciples of the Tiandi Sect looked even worse and looked at this person fiercely. .

Chu Yan raised his head and looked at the Emperor of Heaven filled with killing light.

This person is a remnant of the Donghuang clan!

Everyone who walked out of Junlu looked surprised when they heard this.

Prince Long Yuan died in battle and was later sent into an imperial army, but were they all buried in the imperial road?

"Impossible. I, the Prince of Jiuyou, am an unparalleled genius, not to mention that there is an Emperor's Legion. Who is the leader of the Emperor's Sect that day?" Lord Tuoba became even more angry. Yuwen Longyuan was his adopted son.

"In front of the seniors, how can the juniors dare to lie? Everything is true. If the seniors don't believe it, there are others here. You can ask." The Emperor of Heaven said respectfully, but a cold look flashed in his eyes. He looked at Chu Yan. He also wanted to see, How can you, the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect, survive in today's situation?

Lord Tuoba's gaze was as ice-like, and as Jun Nian swept across it, all the Heavenly Emperors trembled in their hearts. Just a thought made them feel the threat of death.

"Is what he said true?" Lord Tuoba asked. Countless emperors lowered their heads and did not dare to respond, but this silence was enough.

"Boom!" Lord Tuoba was furious, and then his eyes turned cold, and his murderous intent was overwhelming. His majesty shrouded the front gate of the Imperial Road, making all the Heavenly Emperors' hearts tighten. This was a Heavenly Lord, and he could kill someone with just one thought. All of them.

"Where is the Master of the Celestial Emperor Sect!" Tuoba Junhou's eyes moved, his majesty was like thunder, and some weak Celestial Emperors were shocked to the point of vomiting blood.

Chu Yan knew he couldn't escape, and his eyes were cold. Although he had expected that there would be a disaster after leaving Dilu, he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

"Low-level Heavenly Emperor?" When Tuoba Junhou saw Chu Yan, his eyes became even colder. His Jiuyou Dynasty was destroyed, which was already very embarrassing. Now, the other party is still a junior Heavenly Emperor?

Not only Tuoba Junhou, but other princes outside Junlu also looked surprised. If a junior emperor said he killed enemies across ranks, they might believe him, but if he killed an emperor's army, was he kidding?

Unless the Imperial Army of the Jiuyou Dynasty were all drunkards and ricebags, but is that possible?

Will one of the three great dynasties, the Tianbei lineage, be weak?

"The master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect has an extraordinary aura and can be regarded as a genius. But to say that he can destroy an emperor's legion by himself is a bit exaggerated. It seems that he used some means." A monarch said calmly, and the others nodded. They didn't believe that Chu Yan had such ability.

"Thief, you killed my people of Jiuyou, and now I will make you pay with your life." Tuoba Junhou's eyes were cold, his royal power condensed into a big hand, and he mercilessly shrouded Chu Yan.

Seeing the coming of the king's power, the eyes of the Tiandi Sect became cold and ferocious. Huo Feng clenched his fist fiercely at the side: "Old dog!"

The monarch is too strong. Even though Chu Yan is invincible in the Imperial Road, he is still so powerless when facing the real monarch. The vitality in his body cannot even be released and is suppressed to death.

Qing Yi frowned at the side, ready to step forward at any time.

But at this moment, there was another fairy light in the sky, which turned into a guqin and blasted out. It collided with Tuoba Junhou's big hand. The two forces suddenly merged and turned into a terrifying force. In just a moment, the ground was torn apart. It cracked and a terrible abyss appeared.

"The majestic Heavenly King, it would be a bit shameless to take action against an emperor, right?"

Lord Tuoba's eyes turned cold, and he looked at King Ningyue coldly: "Wangxian Tower! Do you want to interfere?"

"Both the emperor's path and the monarch's path are full of competition. When a genius is born, there will be a genius who falls. Your Jiuyou Dynasty is part of the Tianbei lineage. You should be aware of this. In the monarch's path, the king you killed will also be There are not many of them. Since you dare to send people into the emperor's path, you should understand the rules and take revenge after coming out. What's the point?" King Ningyue said calmly, the guqin in front of him kept playing music.

"Even if we fight, he shouldn't destroy all of us!" Tuoba Jun said coldly.

"On that day in the Emperor Road, my Jun Nian was born and witnessed the battle with my own eyes. You, the prince of the Jiuyou Dynasty, are shameless and want to kill everyone in my Wangxian Tower and defile the fairy of my Wangxian Tower. If it weren't for this kid's action, it would be my Wangxian Tower that was wiped out. In this case, should I retaliate like you now?" King Ningyue said coldly.

Tuoba Junhou's eyes turned cold and he looked at King Ningyue coldly: "I want to kill him. Do you think you can stop me?"

"You can try." King Ningyue said calmly, but Tuoba Junhou clenched his fist slightly and didn't speak. They are all Tianjun-level existences. Although Tuoba Junhou is above King Ningyue in the ranking of Jun Road, the difference is not much. Now that the real ancient ruins are imminent, the two of them fighting at this time will undoubtedly only help others.

"Boy, you can't survive the ruins." Tuoba Junhou finally said coldly and didn't say anything else.

Chu Yan looked at King Ningyue gratefully: "Thank you, senior."

"It's okay. I said that I owe you one in Wangyue Tower. Next time, follow me and I will try my best to protect you." King Ningyue chuckled and looked at Chu Yan. He also admired him. The scene just now was so dangerous, but he still took responsibility and did not shirk responsibility. It was rare.

At this time, Tuoba Junhou was full of anger. He looked up at the Emperor of the East Emperor Clan and clenched his hands with a dark beast: "Although you are not the mastermind, you must pay the price for humiliating my Jiuyou Dynasty!"

"Senior, spare my life!" The Emperor was shocked, but it was too late. He spurted out a mouthful of blood and cracks appeared in his soul.

At this time, another great Lord walked out of the Lord Road, with an ancient bell floating behind him. Seeing this scene, he said with an embarrassed face: "Lord Tuoba, the one who killed your Nine Nether Dynasty was the Heavenly Emperor Sect. If you want revenge, go find the Lord of the Heavenly Emperor Sect. Now he is protected by the King of Ningyue, and you are taking it out on my Donghuang Clan. What kind of ability is that?"

Lord Tuoba looked at the Lord who spoke and snorted coldly. With a bang, the Heavenly Emperor's face turned pale and he vomited blood continuously. He was thrown out by Lord Tuoba and fell at the feet of the Lord of the Donghuang Clan.

The corner of the mouth of the Lord of the Donghuang Clan twitched, and he snorted coldly: "Lord Tuoba, you have such a bad temper. The Nine Nether Dynasty was completely destroyed by others, but you didn't dare to retaliate. No wonder you were destroyed by blood in the Emperor Road."

"Roar!" Lord Tuoba's eyes turned cold and glared at the Donghuang Clan.

Chu Yan's face was also very ugly at this time. The other party kept biting this point, which would only make Lord Tuoba hate him more.

He glanced at the king of the Donghuang clan and said in a calm tone: "In the road to the emperor, I not only killed the Jiuyou Dynasty, but also killed a lot of people from the Donghuang clan. Compared with the Jiuyou Dynasty, the Donghuang ancient clan is even more useless."

The king of the Donghuang clan looked cold and glared at Chu Yan.

At this time, many great kings beside him showed interesting smiles. This little guy is really interesting.

"Tianyang, come back!" At this time, the great kings of the Saints Gate walked out and looked at the saints of the Saints Gate and said. The saint's name was Tianyang. He nodded and looked at Chu Yan: "Brother Tian, ​​I will go first. Next, you should pay more attention and be careful of the people from the Jiuyou Dynasty."

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded. Half a year after the road to the emperor, the Saints Gate also joined the Tiandi Gate. He and Tianyang got along well and called each other brothers.

There are inheritors coming out of the King Road and the Emperor Road. Chu Yan saw the giant-faced King in the King Road. In one year, he became stronger and reached the eighth level of King. He was only one step away from becoming the top Heavenly King. It can be seen that the opportunities in the King Road are terrible.

You know, starting from the Emperor Realm, one step a day, it is extremely difficult to practice. Chu Yan took seven years to reach the Emperor, but it took another seven years to reach the Heavenly Emperor.

The Emperor Realm is still like this, let alone the King Realm. However, in just one year, countless Kings have made breakthroughs in the King Road, which shows that the opportunities are rare.

In the King Road, Chu Yan also saw the Lord of Qingfeng City, who also reached the Earthly King in one year, but never saw Meng Jun.

However, Chu Yan can be sure that Meng Jun is fine. Meng Jun left him his divine thoughts. The divine thoughts are still there, but he did not leave the King Road. It seems that he did not get the inheritance.

Chu Yan sighed that although there are many opportunities in the King Road, the competition is also more intense. Even as strong as Meng Jun, he could not get to this step.

The inheritance of the King's Path seems to be different from that of the Emperor's Path. The Emperor's Path takes away the spirit essence, so the realm has a huge advantage. The weakest person who walks out of the Emperor's Path is also a Heavenly Emperor.

But the King's Path is different. It seems to test people's talents more. Many Human Kings and Earth Kings have walked out, but Heavenly Kings have been blocked.

There are still people walking out of the Emperor's Path, but the further you go, the more frightening it is. Because everyone found that not only the people of the Nine Nether Dynasty were empty, but also the people of the Western Region Xinghe and the Purple Thunder Dynasty rarely walked out of the Emperor's Path.

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