Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 436 The Day the Tree Blooms [Three Updates]

After learning that Ye Xun would not be in danger, Chu Yan finally let go of his worry.

Such ordinary days passed for a long time, and the dilapidated world gradually restored its former glory.

The dynasty was rebuilt, and cities rose from the ground.

On this day, Liu Mansion welcomed a happy event.

In the courtyard of Liu Mansion, many people were waiting. A pair of middle-aged women kept wandering around, and the ancestor of the Ye family also came, with some excitement in his old eyes.

Chu Yan and Liu Qingcheng both came, and next to them stood a little boy of five or six years old. The boy was still very childish, named: Liu Jun.

Liu Jun is the eldest son of Liu Mu and Ye Ting'er. Ye Ting'er was pregnant when Chu Yan left the world, and now Liu Jun is just five years old.

"Wow~~!" A baby's cry suddenly came from the room. Ye Ting'er was in labor, the second birth.

"It's born, it's born! Congratulations, it's a baby girl."

Hearing the baby's cry, everyone in the yard breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aunt Qingcheng, Uncle, am I a brother now?" Liu Jun said happily.

"Yes, Jun'er will be a big boy in the future. As a brother, he must take care of his sister." Liu Qingcheng half squatted, and her slender fingers scratched Liu Jun's nose.

"I will!" Liu Jun paused, and then added seriously: "In the future, I will definitely be a powerful person like Uncle Chu Yan, and will not let anyone bully my sister!"

"It's quite like that." Chu Yan smiled and rubbed Liu Jun's head.

Liu Mu came out at this time. He was very happy. He was holding a baby girl in his arms. She was very beautiful and seemed to be trying to open her eyes and want to see the world clearly.

"Chu Yan, you give the child a name." Liu Mu looked at Chu Yan with a smile.

Chu Yan thought for a while and said: "Her birth brought our family together. I hope we can always do this in the future. No matter where we are, if we miss our family, just add her Liu Sisi."

"Liu Sisi... Sisi." Liu Mu smiled and nodded.

Liu Tianqing came at this time, looked at Chu Yan, and blew his beard: "Stinky boy, you are here just right, I want to ask you, when will you and Qingcheng let me hold a grandson! I see other people's grandchildren every day, do you want to make me jealous?"

"..." Chu Yan was full of black lines, jealous? What, I give you a grandson, you can still eat it?

Of course, he didn't dare to say that. Although he is now powerful, he is still quite afraid of Liu Tianqing. After all, he is an elder. A real man can bend and stretch. Let's endure it.

"It depends on Qingcheng."

Chu Yan smiled wickedly, and Liu Qingcheng glared at Chu Yan, a little shy.

The Liu family has added another person. This kind of happy event should be celebrated. That night, the Liu Mansion held a banquet and many people came.

Fatty, and Fatty's father, Hua Feng, also came, including Xiahou Patriarch, Shangcang Daotong and others. The Liu Mansion was very lively.


The next day, Chu Yan got up very early. He walked out and came to the ancient dynasty.

The nine veins in the dynasty gathered together. The central martial arts arena had gathered all the strong men, and the momentum was overwhelming.

As soon as Chu Yan appeared, thousands of strong men immediately knelt down to worship. The nine veins such as Xiahou Laozu all bowed slightly and bowed to Chu Yan.

"Everyone, are you ready?" Chu Yan asked loudly.

"Prepare the army and listen to the orders of King Chu!" The great king's clear voice resounded through the world.

"Good! Senior Zhentian once left a heroic saying, "I will not be willing if the thieves are not dead!" Now, ten thousand years have passed, and you have all endured humiliation and endured hardships. So today, my Zhentian vein will reappear in the six domains. The first battle is against the four gods!"




The word "fight" shocked the sky.

The nine veins of Zhentian turned into a rolling rainbow.

Chu Yan watched this scene, and his heart surged. He had really endured it for too long. First, he was oppressed by the Eastern Altar, then cruel by the Southern Temple, and then betrayed by the Northern Temple.

All this hatred must be avenged.

"Let's go!" Chu Yan ordered, and thousands of strong men stood up, all riding on chariots and wooden boats to break through the air. They had only one purpose for this trip, which was to destroy the Four Gods.


In the Four Gods Star Region, there are divine beasts guarding the four directions.

Eastern Altar, Western God Religion, Northern Temple, Southern Temple.

In the Four Gods Star Region, the Four Gods represent a sacred symbol.

Where the Eastern Altar is located, there is a blue dragon nodding its head with a golden dragon ball in its mouth. In the center, a hall rises high into the clouds, and it can still be clearly seen even if it is ten thousand meters away.

In the past, the Four Directions God Elephant was worshipped and was the top force in the Four Directions God Star Domain, but now it is at the forefront of the storm, just because, a few months ago, the Four Directions God Force suffered a loss on a small star.

A Tianjiao disciple Chi Junlin was defeated in a humiliating battle, and the Four Directions God did not dare to retaliate and withdrew his troops.

Qingyun has been uneasy since she returned to the Eastern Altar. Just because of the boy named Chu Yan.

She still vaguely remembers that when she first met Chu Yan, Chu Yan was just a king and had not yet entered the emperor level. That year, she was the princess of the Eastern Altar, high above, she looked down on the other party, and a word decided his life and death, but now, the boy has returned, the realm of the emperor, and a generation of heavenly monuments.

And her uneasiness is because of Chu Yan. She is worried about Chu Yan's revenge, and even wonders, if Chu Yan didn't want to challenge Chi Junlin in the past, but wanted her to die.

Then will the Four Directions Temple protect her? Even if she is a princess.

"Look, someone is going up the Holy Mountain!" At this moment, there was a commotion at the foot of the Eastern Holy Mountain, and many people looked up.

I saw a young man, wearing white clothes, walking on the white snow, and every footprint was so clear.

"So handsome, and the puppy beside him is so beautiful!" On the Eastern Holy Mountain, a woman said infatuatedly.

Qingyun turned around when she heard the voice, and then her eyes suddenly stagnated, and she could no longer leave the young man...

It was him.

He came, finally came.

A person stepped onto the Eastern Holy Mountain.

At this time, some people speculated that Chu Yan might be a proud son of the Eastern Altar, and they all expressed their respect, and some people even approached him and wanted to build a relationship with him.

Similarly, someone from the Eastern Altar also walked down and pointed at Chu Yan: "My altar is holy, outsiders are not allowed to approach, leave quickly!"

Chu Yan looked up at the Eastern Altar. This was his first time here, but there was no respect in his eyes.

"Eastern Altar, I'm here to fulfill the promise!" Chu Yan muttered to himself.

"Three breaths, everyone retreat 10,000 meters, otherwise, die!"

After saying that, Chu Yan disappeared from the spot with a thud, and everyone was stunned.

Some people stayed with a fluke, but the next scene completely shocked them.


The nine-day sky cracked, giving birth to emerald light, and the holy mountain collapsed. At this moment, countless rough branches and leaves spread out, turning into a huge ancient tree, blooming on the Eastern Altar.

The Evergreen Tree, really, appeared?

Chu Yan stood on the Evergreen Tree, stepped on a branch, and approached the Holy Mountain.

Everyone was shocked and quickly retreated: "Where did this sacred tree come from?"


Chaos, the Eastern Altar, a sacred symbol in the past, no one dared to invade, but today, a young man planted an Evergreen Tree, which bloomed on the Holy Mountain.

"Boom!" Chu Yan continued to approach the Holy Mountain. He looked forward, and wherever he passed, there were green branches and leaves blooming, swallowing up the Holy Mountain.

"How dare you!" More people from the Eastern Altar rushed out, their eyes were cold: "Who dares to do this? Seeking death!"

"Boom!" But in just a moment, Chu Yan took a step forward, and the branches and leaves spread into countless spears and stabbed down, and a super emperor was directly pierced through the heart.

"Dead, dead?" Under the Holy Mountain, everyone was stunned. A super emperor was killed just like that?

The Eastern Altar fell into an unprecedented chaos, and strong men kept flying out, but when they saw the young man, their eyes were all stagnant?

The Human Emperor, dare not come forward?

Many disciples were puzzled, but after a moment, they looked at the ancient tree, and a name emerged in their minds.

"Chu Yan!"

"He is, the king of the world, Chu Yan!"

In the battle of the world, Chu Yan was slaughtered by all sides. He once made a bold statement that if he didn't die today, he would open the Eastern Altar with the Evergreen Tree in the future.

That year, no one believed it, and even thought Chu Yan was joking. But now, he has come, and he really brought the Evergreen Tree.

Thousands of branches and vines bloomed ruthlessly between heaven and earth, turning into countless brilliances. Suddenly, the holy mountain collapsed and was swallowed by the Evergreen Tree.

"Kill him!" The master of the Eastern Altar appeared, and he looked at Chu Yan in horror.

All of a sudden, the emperors of the Eastern Altar came out in full force, just to kill Chu Yan, but Chu Yan was standing on the branches of the Evergreen Tree. He slowly raised his hand, and the sky and the earth were all green, as if covering the stars, swallowing the sun and the moon, and madly killing.

"Boom!" Let the emperor of heaven take action, but the overwhelming power of the divine tree made it impossible for anyone to get close.

"Bang!" A Heavenly Emperor vomited blood and was pierced by a vine.

"So strong... How could he be so strong!" Everyone was shocked. Although they had heard of Chu Yan's name, they could not believe that this scene today was caused by a teenager.

"Eastern Altar, cause and effect are reincarnated, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and now your retribution has come!"

"Today, I will fulfill my promise. The day when the tree blooms has come!"

Chu Yan stood on the vine. He swept the crowd coldly and landed on the master of the Eastern Altar. That year, in the mortal world, he had a divine thought to descend on him. He only needed a thought to kill him.

Chu Yan raised his hand, and all the power in his body turned into brilliance. Together with the essence and blood, the Evergreen Tree seemed to feel his power and bloomed wildly. In a blink of an eye, it swallowed up the entire holy mountain.

It's not over yet, it's still spreading.


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