Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 322: Breaking the Array [Three Updates]

Everyone looked at Chu Yan in surprise. Isn't this a trial place? What's the meaning?

"Chu Yan, be more specific." Nan Feng asked eagerly. They had been walking in the Wuwu Star Sea for several days, and the exit had disappeared. If this continued, they would all die in vain.

Chu Yan nodded: "This star sea is a trial place, but it is not a trial place. It is a kind of experience. If you want to enter the real trial place, you can only solve the mystery of this star sea."

"Then do you know how to crack it?"

"I don't know." Chu Yan shook his head and said. After entering the sea of ​​​​stars, his perception has been released. He found that the sea of ​​​​stars here is like a huge fire pattern array. The formation is exquisite and interlocking to form a huge fire pattern array. Even if the fire pattern masters present can break them one by one, the formation is too big, with hundreds of millions of paths. Unless the formation can be solved as a whole, it will be useless to break them one by one.

"Nonsense! You need to explain such a simple truth? Since you don't know how to solve it, what use are you?" Feng Gu shouted from the side.

"Then what's the use of you?" Chu Yan said coldly, and everyone suddenly showed a sense of joking. This Chu Yan is so courageous. How dare he openly provoke Master Fenggu?


"Old dog, if you stop talking nonsense, I'll kill you!" Chu Yan's eyes sharpened, and then the sword in his hand rose into the sky, turning into seven sword rays, suppressing Feng Gu from the front. The clay figurine is still angry. Fenggu had repeatedly provoked and humiliated him outside the trial site. Now that he has entered the trial site, only the third level human being can enter, and he is too lazy to hide it.

"You..." Fenggu's heart sank. The seven sword rays actually made him feel a strong sense of danger?

"That's enough!" Nan Feng frowned and looked at Chu Yan with even more disappointment. She had already lost her balance in her heart. Looking at Chu Yan, she no longer trusted her, but was probably suspicious. She said lightly: "Everyone, let's find a way to break the formation. , let’s see if we can find the real trial place!”

The major families shook their heads in disappointment, sighing secretly that they had not seen the good show. Xu Hao smiled jokingly at this moment, turned around and left alone, taking his own fire pattern master to find the way alone.

"Brother Chu, are you going to go together next?" At this time, Lu Gang walked up to Chu Yan, which made Chu Yan quite surprised. He glanced at Lu Gang and saw that the other party was quite sincere. He also smiled and nodded.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed, and everyone has been walking aimlessly. The sea of ​​stars is endless, and there is still no exit. It is panicking. If this continues, they may never get out.

Two months later, there was still no solution. Everyone was anxious, and Nan Feng's cheeks were also tense, which didn't look good.

"This can't continue like this. I suggest that everyone put aside their grudges and join forces together." Nan Feng stepped forward to speak. Lu Gang acknowledged from the side: "Indeed, the situation is serious now. We should put aside our grudges and leave here together first, otherwise We can only wait to die."

"I have no objection." Xiahou Yuehe said, and Feng Meiren snorted coldly, which was also an acknowledgment that everyone was extremely agitated by the current situation.

The major forces united, determined to break the formation, and began to search for exits one by one in this sea of ​​​​stars. However, there were thousands of stars here, but it seemed to be a huge circle. No matter how detoured, they could only return to the starting point.

On this day, Chu Yan sat cross-legged on a star. He closed his eyes and meditated, feeling the power of the sea of ​​stars. Nan Feng sat aside and looked at him with a slight frown: "Shan Shi, are you really calm?"

"Since we can't leave, why not practice? Should we wait here to die?" Chu Yan opened his eyes and asked. Nan Feng nodded thoughtfully. Indeed, since we can't leave, why not practice? It's just easy to say, in this kind of situation In this state, it is too difficult to be able to practice like Chu Yan without being arrogant or indulgent.

"Chu Yan, I don't believe you have such a character. You must have discovered something after thirty-three days of enlightenment in Yagu. Do you know the entrance and are unwilling to share it with us?" Xu Hao suddenly roared, and everyone's eyes suddenly glared. Xiang Chuyan.

The accumulation of time made everyone feel irritable. Xu Hao fanned the flames today and immediately aroused resonance.

"Brother Chu, Xu Hao intends to push you to the forefront." The fat man said lazily.

Chu Yan nodded, looked at Xu Hao coldly, and said sadly: "It's ridiculous. I am a hypocrite, and I have been making mysteries for thirty-three days, just to raise my own self-worth. What understanding can I have?"

"You..." Xu Hao suddenly became speechless, and everyone frowned. What Chu Yan said was what they said.

"Master Fenggu, you once said that on the 15th, the formation path will be completely solved. If you have an opinion, it should be you, right? Since the formation path is completely solved, why can't you break the Star Sea Fire Pattern?" Chu Yan looked at Feng indifferently. valley.

Everyone's eyes suddenly fell on Feng Gu again. Feng Gu looked at Chu Yan viciously and said helplessly: "I am trying to decipher the Yagu Fire Pattern Formation, but this Star Sea Fire Pattern has nothing to do with that Fire Pattern. The tattoo masters are all here and can testify for me.”

All forces asked about their own fire pattern masters, and when they saw the fire pattern masters nodding, they sighed helplessly, and their hearts became even more irritable.

"Are we really going to die here?" Everyone asked unwillingly, with hatred in their hearts. If they had known this, they would never have ventured into this fire-marked land.

"I don't believe it, there must be an exit. If not, I will blast out!" Another person said, the vitality turned into fist wind, but the next moment he froze, because he didn't know where to attack at all, there were people everywhere here. It's Xinghai, where are you attacking?

Time flew by quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was March again. Before they knew it, everyone was trapped in the trial site for half a year.

For ascetics, half a year is just a short period of time, but being trapped in the same place, the same space, day and night, with no expectations, can easily arouse fear, even for ascetics.

So half a year later, a battle broke out in the trial area. People from all the major families were angry. With just one word, they started taking action. After several battles, all the major families participated.

But there was only one person. He seemed to be isolated from the world. He moved from star to star, constantly practicing and comprehending the power. Every time he changed the stars, he was thoughtful, as if he had undergone some transformation, and then continued, He did the same action thousands of times in half a year without getting tired of it, which made everyone secretly marvel.

"He can really do it." Everyone frowned, Xu Hao snorted coldly: "He is so patient."

Chu Yan didn't care either. He had been practicing. Although Fatty and Hua Zhixu were not as good as him, they were still calm. Anyway, they didn't understand fire patterns, so they could just leave the method to Chu Yan. The two of them were only responsible for practicing and occasionally sparring. Once, I realized the true meaning of power, and after a breakthrough, I continued to realize it.

For half a year, Chen Nichang always accompanied Chu Yan to change from star to star. Chu Yan practiced, and she watched quietly from the side. Sometimes, she even thought that it would be good if she was really trapped here forever.

However, everyone did not know that half a year after the opening of the trial, the Ancient Demon Star Territory caused a sensation. On this day, people from all the major families gathered at the entrance of the trial. There were strong people like clouds, and their faces were gloomy.

In half a year, none of the juniors returned. How could they not be impatient, so a big battle broke out outside the trial site, involving people from the five races, and it was extremely tragic.

In addition to the people of the five races, there is also a woman in green outside the trial site. The woman is extremely beautiful and stunning. Every three days, she leaps over on a rabbit-eared cat demon and waits outside the trial site for several days. Seeing no movement, she disappeared out of thin air. Just like this for half a year, her figure was seen by everyone, but no one knew who she was and who she was waiting for.

Half a year after the trial, Chu Yan realized thousands of stars. Later, he even became a little crazy. The power of these stars was like evergreen trees. Each star contained a kind of power, which greatly increased his cultivation. .

In the place of trial, it seemed that there was a barrier suppressing him and he could not break through. However, in half a year, his blood, life soul, and body were all strengthened, and he also had magical powers and martial arts. His eyes flashed, and he was finally here. One day, his eyes lit up.

In the past half year, in addition to Chu Yan, there was another person who attracted much attention, and that was Feng Gu. He was the number one fire pattern here, and all the major forces were fawning over him. Feng Gu also refused to accept anyone who came. Within half a year, he recruited All forces.

"Nan Feng, now do you believe what I said back then? This guy is trying to be mysterious. Now, in half a year, he has never appeared. He has always been indifferent to worldly affairs. He seems to be cultivating, but in fact he is just waiting for us to break the formation and reap the benefits." Fenggu sneered.

Nan Feng sighed. For half a year, Feng Gu often discussed the method of breaking the formation with the other fire pattern masters, but Chu Yan was obsessed with star cultivation and did not mention breaking the formation at all, which completely disappointed her.

"What use does the Nan family have for him!" Another disciple of the Nan family snorted coldly.

At this moment, Chu Yan strolled out and looked at everyone indifferently: "Is this your style of speaking to others behind their backs?"

"Chu Yan?" Everyone was startled. For half a year, Chu Yan rarely appeared, and people even forgot about him. Now that he appeared, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Feng Gu looked at Chu Yan coldly: "Why should I speak to you behind your back? In front of you, I will also call you a hypocrite. I have been studying Yagu for thirty-three days, but you are just pretending. Now here, we are busy breaking the rules Formation, but you enjoy it alone.”

"Half a year, you broke the formation?" Chu Yan looked at Fenggu disdainfully, Fenggu was stunned for a moment, but was speechless for a moment.

"If you haven't broken the formation, shut up!" Chu Yan finished his words, and his murderous intention appeared. Feng Gu's old eyes were extremely cold. He just heard him snort, and several divine marks flew out from under his feet, turning into thousands of magnificent lights, mercilessly heading towards Chu Rock approaches.

Xu Hao laughed evilly at the side: "Master Fenggu, if you want to kill him, I am willing to do it for you!"

"Thank you so much, nephew Xu. Today, I will definitely kill this guy!" Fenggu roared, looking around at everyone: "Everyone, I can see through this Xinghai Formation. I will definitely be able to break it in less than three months. Who can help me today?" Kill this boy, and when I break the formation, I will take him away with me!"

Everyone's eyes were filled with surprise. For half a year, they had already been in despair. Is there finally hope now? The next moment, everyone looked at Chu Yan coldly, with murderous intentions coming out one by one, without reservation.

"Miss!" A disciple of the Nan family whispered. Chu Yan also looked at Nan Feng at this time, waiting for Nan Feng to make a decision. Nan Feng bit her lip with her teeth. When she hesitated, her beautiful eyes were filled with anger. Looking at Chu Yan: "Chu Shanshi, don't blame me. I think I treat you well and accept you into the Nan family. But in the past six months, you have been so disappointing and you have raised your own status. Today you are seeking your own death!"

Chu Yan had a sad look on his face and shook his head helplessly. He still had some illusions about Nan Feng, but now, he no longer had any illusions. He looked around at everyone with disdain and said lightly: "It's really ridiculous, the land of fire patterns. , is full of dangers. You are all monsters from all races, and you have never had such awareness. Why did you enter this place of trial? How many people have been waiting to die here for half a year without doing anything? I, Chu Yan, have done nothing for half a year. I didn’t show up, but I was busy breaking the formation, and now you want to kill me.”

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense, you will die today!" Xu Hao's murderous intention appeared.

"Stop!" Chu Yan's eyes were sharp, and he saw a big roc rising behind him, turning into a spear, standing on his chest. At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused, and they saw thousands of stars in this land of stars. The stars shine brightly in an instant.

The land of the sea of ​​​​stars began to change. With Chu Yan as the center, the stars were bright, like beacons being lit. Everyone was pleasantly surprised. After half a year, the land of the sea of ​​​​stars finally changed. This formation was cracked. ?

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