Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 317: Killing on the spot

Qing He's expression changed with shock, and he quickly retreated, but the next moment, seven phantom sword energies were arranged above his head, forming seven killing arrays, blocking all his escape routes.

There is only one side of the eight directions road without sword energy, but this direction is more dangerous, just because Chu Yan is standing on this side with a sword.

After Chu Yan entered the senior level, he mastered the Seven Kills Swordsmanship to great perfection. Each of the seven sword shadows can kill with one sword. Each one contains murderous intent. As long as he makes a thought, he can kill people invisibly.

"What kind of skill is this?" People outside the battle arena couldn't help but scream.

"One of the inheritances of Lord Zhentian, the Seven Kills Swordsmanship?" A demon emperor from Tianyao Peak had a cold look in his eyes.

"This child is indeed related to Lord Zhentian." A demon emperor from Yaoshan Gate roared.

Chu Yan looked at Qing He coldly, and took a step with a bang. When he took one step, Qing He's face panicked. With just one step, he had murderous intent. The sword energy immediately formed a barrier of Gang Qi, and the bloody sword light was merciless. Cut Qinghe's skin.

"Ah!" Qing He screamed, breathing heavily, and looked at Chu Yan in embarrassment.

"Level 4 Venerable? I didn't expect to be so weak." Chu Yan snorted coldly, took a step forward, and stabbed out another murderous intention. At this moment, everyone was shocked. Only the disciples of the three demon mountains were seen. They cheered. At this moment, they all forgot about their previous humiliation to Chu Yan and cheered for Chu Yan.

"Zhan Tong, isn't it ironic? You fought with Qing He, but was defeated by Zhan Tong in just one move. The sword shadow bloodline was easily broken, but now, Chu Yan's sword sound bloodline suppressed Qing He and was involved in the Seven Swords. If Half a month ago, he agreed to fight with you, how many swords do you think you could survive, or would you die directly from the sword?" Qingyun mocked.

Zhan Tong's face was extremely gloomy. Half a month ago, Chu Yan didn't fight, so he said that Chu Yan was a timid person who was timid to fight. But today, Chu Yan slapped him in the face forcefully.

Everyone finally understood why Chu Yan refused to fight. It was not because he was timid, but he was just not on the same level.

"Prepare to kneel down and apologize." Fatty mocked from the side.

"Bai Sheng hasn't made a move yet, so he may not win." Zhan Tong also argued that it was absolutely impossible for him to kneel down and apologize.

"Bai Sheng, how much longer do you want to watch?" Qing He growled.

Bai Sheng stared at Chu Yan's Qisha swordsmanship from a distance, and a hint of timidity arose in his heart. After hesitating for a long time, he shook his head and said to himself: "It's useless, he is too strong, even if I take action, It’s impossible to win against him, Qinghe, this battle is lost!”

"You fart! You and I are both candidates for the Heavenly Monument. If we attack at the same time, it is enough to fight against the Venerable Level 6. Why fear a waste from the Venerable Level 2?"

"You don't understand at all. If you and I are the disciples of monsters, he is the king of monsters. We are not on the same level as him." Bai Sheng laughed at himself and looked at Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, you are very strong. Today Fighting together, Qinghe and I can't defeat you. I won't participate in what happens next. I give up. I admit that I'm not as good as you!"

Bai Sheng gave in? Defeated without a fight? This is even more humiliating than defeat.

The faces of the demon emperors at the Demon Mountain Sect were gloomy, but fortunately, it was not Bai Sheng who was suppressed by the Seven Swords, but Qing He. Bai Sheng was not in danger of his life.

The Demon Emperor of Tianyao Peak was angry. Bai Sheng gave in. What would Qing He do? Anyone can see the current situation. If Bai Sheng doesn't take action, Qinghe will definitely lose.

"Bai Sheng, you coward!" Qing He roared angrily.

"Qinghe, whatever you say, I will not participate in today's battle. He is too scary... Please give me some advice. Today is not a life and death battle. Apologize. Maybe you can still live!"

"Don't even think about it! Bai Sheng, I can win without you!" Qing He roared, while Bai Sheng shook his head and then stepped aside.

Chu Yan looked at Bai Sheng indifferently, turned into a palm, and hit Bai Sheng's chest, knocking Bai Sheng out of the fighting platform, and said coldly: "As a practitioner, we should strive for a higher realm, not in this world. This is a waste of time. For the sake of Senior Gu Mu, I will spare your life today. If there is another time, I will kill you!"

"Thank you!" Bai Sheng vomited several mouthfuls of blood, feeling unhappy but not complaining at all.

"Chu Yan, the outcome has been decided, can we stop?" the Emperor of Tianyao Peak shouted coldly.

"The killing formation has been completed, it's too late!" Chu Yan said contemptuously, and then he turned his sword light and saw Qinghe in the seven-killing formation. The seven sword lights turned into swords of judgment and directed at him mercilessly. Green grass penetrates through, seven directions, seven gates of life, seven swords go down, there will be no survivors.

"No!" Qing He was horrified. When he was in danger, he gritted his teeth and saw a piece of copper-colored armor transforming from his skin, forming a fortress to protect him. Then he barely blocked the seven sword lights.

"Magic weapon?" Everyone's eyes turned cold. In the moment of crisis, Qinghe actually used a level 1 or 6 magic weapon to save his life?

"Qing He is back!" Regardless of his face, the Emperor of Tianyao Peak immediately broke the barrier outside the battle platform in order to rescue Qing He.

"Boom!" But at this moment, everyone was shocked. Chu Yan raised his palm, and suddenly a seven-story mysterious tower flew out. In an instant, it became more than a thousand feet in size, and mercilessly crushed Qinghe down. Haotian The tower came out and suppressed fiercely. Qinghe's pupils suddenly widened. He saw the Haotian Tower crushing Qinghe's armor. The sixth-level magic weapon was like falling apart, shattering one party. Then Qinghe was frightened. He He raised his head, his pupils shrank, his green shirt was torn, and the seven-story Haotian Tower pressed down mercilessly.

"No!!!" Everyone in Tianyao Peak roared.

Qing He is a candidate for the Heavenly Monument. How many years of resources did it take to train one person? But today, he was directly killed by Chu Yan?

"Bold madman, you are looking for death!" the demon emperor of Tianyao Peak shouted, and the emperor's power exploded, turning into a ruthless hand and suppressing Chu Yan.

Chu Yan swept everyone away, and the sword light converged: "Tian Yaofeng, can't afford to lose?"

"Enough!" An emperor from Tian Yaofeng stopped him, but his face was as cold as ice, staring at Chu Yan angrily. If eyes could kill, he would have slaughtered Chu Yan thousands of times.

"Chu Yan, Qing He was defeated just now, why did you still kill him?" An emperor from Tian Yaofeng said coldly.

"Why be so hypocritical? Tian Yaofeng and I have long been sworn enemies. Today you came to the three major demon mountains to capture me and sent a few emperors just to test the intention of the demon king. If the demon king was not strong today, I'm afraid you old emperor dogs would have already attacked me, a young man, without even having the face? Of course, you don't need to quibble. This kind of thing is known to everyone in the ancient demon east." Chu Yan said coldly.

Everyone from Tian Yaofeng was angry, but speechless. Chu Yan was right. If the demon king was not strong today, they would have already taken action.

"Even so, today I came to the Three Demon Mountains from Tian Yao Peak with good intentions to challenge and learn from each other, but you killed people directly. What's your intention? I think you deliberately want to provoke conflicts between our two sides and cause a war between the kings, right?" An old man from Tian Yao Peak said unkindly, and the Purple Emperor's face changed slightly. The old man's words were obviously trying to alienate Chu Yan and the Three Demon Mountains.

"Did I accept your challenge?" Chu Yan rolled his eyes at the old man and continued: "Qing He challenged me, and I didn't accept it, so he attacked my friend, so I came on stage today, not to challenge, but to kill him. I also asked you, can you kill people in this battle? You can tell me yourself. On the battle stage, everyone depends on their own ability. In this case, what's wrong with me killing him?"

"You killed him with a magic weapon!" The old man from Tian Yao Peak said again.

"It's ridiculous. He broke the rules and should be beheaded. How can he live?" Chu Yan said, his voice suddenly became stern. He waved his sleeves for a while, and then the sword rang again: "Today, the three demon mountains are witnesses. Tian Yaofeng, can you take the three demon mountains seriously?"

"I..." Tian Yaofeng was speechless, but he was unwilling in his heart. A candidate for the Heavenly Monument died here. This matter is not trivial. Even if he goes back, it will be difficult to explain.

"If you lose, you lose. Did I make Qinghe feel embarrassed when Zhan Tong lost before? We are all old. Don't interfere in the struggle of the young. Today's incident has disturbed the peace of my demon mountain. It's over here. Everyone, retreat!" A majestic voice suddenly sounded in the air, and the demon king spoke.

The people of Tian Yaofeng had a gloomy face. In this battle, even if it was said to be broken, Chu Yan was right. Qinghe's death today could only be a vain death.

"Junior understands! Goodbye!" The people of Tian Yaofeng snorted coldly, waved their hands, took away Qinghe's body, and left with resentment.

"Sorry to bother the Demon King today, the Demon Mountain Gate bids farewell!" The people from the Demon Mountain Gate followed closely behind, and everyone looked at this scene for a long time, unable to calm down. Today's farce caused the Heavenly Demon Peak to lose a candidate for the Heavenly Monument. This is by no means a trivial matter.

"Demon King, the Heavenly Demon Peak lost a candidate for the Heavenly Monument today, and I'm afraid they won't let it go! Do we need to be on guard?" After the two major forces left, the Purple Emperor said helplessly.

"It doesn't matter. I came here to provoke you today, but I'm not as skilled as you. I was defeated and killed. The Heavenly Demon can't lose face!" The Demon King said indifferently, and then his majesty descended and enveloped Chu Yan: "But boy, you did a really 'good' thing today."

"It's what the juniors should do, and there's no need to thank you." Chu Yan said indifferently, and the people from the three demon mountains rolled their eyes immediately. Is Chu Yan stupid? Can't they hear the hidden meaning of the Demon King's words?

"Haha! You bastard, you came to the back mountain to find me!" The demon king laughed, and Chu Yan nodded in relief, turned around and left, heading far away.

As for Zhan Tong, Chu Yan didn't bother with him at all. He was too lazy to waste time on such a person. Instead, Qing Yun mocked him on the side. As for the previous rumors that Chu Yan was afraid of fighting, after today's battle, it was naturally broken without a fight.

Chu Yan came to the thatched cottage in the back mountain and worshiped the void: "Junior has seen the demon king."

"Do you know how much trouble you have caused to my three demon mountains today? Just for this matter, I will be enough to kill you!" At this time, a king's might suddenly descended, turning into a ten thousand ton gravity, and suddenly suppressed Chu Yan, but Chu Yan was very calm and unmoved.

"If the demon king wants to kill me, why does he need this matter? With your strength, you can kill me with a wave of your hand." Chu Yan said lightly.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"I am afraid! But I believe that you will not kill me."


"In today's battle, although I caused trouble for the Three Demon Mountains, I also won back face for the Three Demon Mountains. Moreover, if the Demon King wants me to die, it is useless for me to be afraid. I can only wait to die." Chu Yan said it well. With his strength, he is still too small in front of the Great King. The Great King can kill him invisibly with just a thought.

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