Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 312 Fatty

The ancestor of Tiandao is actually a sovereign? With one strike, he blocked Zuo Jun's palm?

Everyone was shocked. Since when did the Venerable become so worthless? Isn't that the ultimate existence in the six domains of the galaxy? Why is anyone a sovereign?

"I won't kill you today because your life is the path that my young master should take. Otherwise, I would have killed you with a sword today." The ancestor of Tiandao snorted coldly, and everyone trembled. Zuo Jun was even more angry. He was suppressed by the Purple Dragon Demon King at first, and he dared not move. Now that the Purple Dragon Demon King is gone, he was humiliated by the ancestor of Tiandao again.

"Tian Yaofeng, don't think that no one knows what happened back then. Now someone has come back. Some hatred is not unrequited, but the time has not come yet. Now, it is not far from that time." After the ancestor of Tiandao finished speaking, he turned and left, escaping into the void. Zuo Jun could only watch from a distance, his eyes full of deep anger.

Today's matter is finally over. Who could have expected such a situation?

Chu Yan is not dead, so he will eventually return. When the time comes, will the Heavenly Demon Peak really be destroyed? There are also people from the Demon Mountain Gate. In the distance, Gu Mu sighed. Chu Yan has always been a person he values. He could have been admitted to the Demon Mountain Gate, but because of Huqiong and the strength of the Tianhu people, he was stopped. But now, Chu Yan has gone to the three major demon mountains.

However, when Chu Yan returns in the future, will the Demon Mountain Gate be spared?

Gu Mu shook his head sadly. He looked in the direction of Lihuo Academy. Now Lihuo Academy is in ruins. How can it be the first academy in the eastern part of the ancient demon? The Fire Pattern Mirror was taken away by Chu Yan. Now Lihuo Academy has no glory.

"I, Gu Mu, declare that from today on, I will withdraw from the Demon Mountain Gate and voluntarily become a casual cultivator. In the future, grudges will have nothing to do with me." Gu Mu sighed, threw a token by him, turned around and left. As for where he went, no one knew.

Today, Chu Yan is completely famous in the Ancient Monster Star Region. Everyone knows about this young man. Not long after, some young men in the Eastern Ancient Monster Region made up a nursery rhyme and spread it widely.

A low-level star came, dare to ask the will of heaven, once for the beauty, go to the execution platform to die.

Heaven is unfair, he wants to fight against heaven, the seventh-level magic weapon kills the ancestor, and wants to use the immortal method to destroy himself. The emperor can only cry for life!

Ask who this person is, he comes from the mortal world, his surname is Chu and his name is Yan!


In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed since the battle in the Eastern Ancient Monster Region, but the legend about Chu Yan is still widely circulated, until one day, this name is once again spread to the central Mu Star Region.

In Mu Star Region, countless people of the Yu family were shocked when they heard about this incident. Yu Changqing regretted it. Such a generation of evildoers could have been on good terms with his Yu family, but was buried by his Yu family. It was their Yu family who personally destroyed this fate.

For half a year, no one saw Chu Yan. Since Chu Yan was rescued by the beauty, he seemed to have disappeared out of thin air and never appeared in everyone's sight again. Therefore, the news about Chu Yan gradually faded.

In the past six months, in addition to Chu Yan's incident, there was another news that shocked the Ancient Demon Star Region, that is, the Ancient Fire Pattern Trial Ground was about to open. There was news that the trial ground was about to open.

The original competition of Lihuo Academy was to select candidates for the trial ground, but because of various accidents that happened in that competition, it was finally shelved. But now the Fire Pattern Road is about to open, and all forces in the eastern part of the Ancient Demon have begun to prepare for this ancient road.

In the western part of the Ancient Demon Star Region, there are three major demon mountains. The gate of the demon mountain seems to be filled with fairy air, which makes everyone worship every day.

In a thatched house on the Three Great Demon Mountains, Chu Yan's eyes were closed. He had been in a coma for half a year. He still had no breath and no heartbeat. If it weren't for Qing Yi's words that Chu Yan was not dead, Fatty would have dug a pit to bury Chu Yan.

But it was also strange that Chu Yan had no signs of life, but his body had never decayed. There was a blood vein like a golden dragon running through his body. Only with this blood vein, Chu Yan's life signs were maintained.

"Fatty!" At this time, a voice suddenly came. Fatty was stunned. When he looked back, his eyes turned red.

"Zhi Xu?" Fatty said excitedly. For more than half a year, Fatty had been with Chu Yan. He also entered a very subtle state. Half a year ago in the eastern part of the ancient demon, the devouring blood in Fatty's body broke out and devoured all the vitality of the people killed by the immortal sword, including the power of Feng Chen, Mei Yutong and other emperors, causing a very strong force to flow out of his skin, but the power was too strong and he couldn't use it.

In the past six months, he has been trying to find out about Hua Zhixu, but unfortunately he has gained nothing. But today Hua Zhixu suddenly appeared here, how could he not be happy?

"You are in the Three Great Demon Mountains?" The fat man greeted him.

"Yeah!" Hua Zhixu nodded with a wry smile, and then he looked to the side, and saw an old man next to him. The old man was wearing tattered clothes and smiled wretchedly, which made Hua Zhixu speechless: "I knew you came to the Three Great Demon Mountains a long time ago, but I was tricked by this bastard old man into a ghost place and couldn't get out. Now it's good, I finally got out."

"Bastard, I am your master, you call me like this!" The old man said with a beard and glared.

"Whose master are you! I didn't become your disciple, it's just your wishful thinking, okay." Hua Zhixu rolled his eyes.

The old man stomped his feet in anger: "Okay, I have been famous in the Ancient Demon Star Domain for a long time, and everyone is begging to become my disciple!"

"Then go find them!"

"You..." The old man's face froze, and he glared at Hua Zhixu: "If it weren't for me, how could you break through to the third level of the Venerable in half a year?"

Hua Zhixu was silent. Indeed, he was rescued by Qingyi and came to the three demon mountains. In the demon mountains, he was tricked by the old man into a valley. Unexpectedly, the valley had a gravity of ten thousand times. If he wanted to get out of it, he had to be able to withstand the pressure of the gravity mountain. At the beginning, he couldn't even take a step out. The gravity alone suppressed him and vomited blood continuously.

Fortunately, in half a year, Hua Zhixu successfully broke through the Venerable and improved a unique gravity bloodline, so he walked out of the gravity mountain.

"Forget it, forget it, my good intentions were taken for granted by you kid. I'm so angry, so angry." The old man sighed, and then he turned and left, walking towards the distance. The fat man was stunned when he saw this scene.

"How is Chu Yan?" When the old man left, Hua Zhixu's expression was slightly gloomy. He knew everything about what happened in the eastern part of the ancient demon. He lowered his head in self-blame. His self-blame was not because he did something wrong, but he blamed himself for not being able to accompany Chu Yan as a brother in such a desperate situation. He blamed himself.

"He hasn't woken up yet, and there is no sign of life... Qingyi said that his body was destroyed, but his soul seemed to be sealed somewhere and couldn't leave." The fat man clenched his fist again.

"Don't worry, he will be fine. You forgot that he didn't die just this time." Hua Zhixu patted the fat man's shoulder.

The fat man lowered his head. He naturally knew that Hua Zhixu was talking about the life and death road in the ancient trial land, but this time was completely different from the last time. The last time was a trial, and there was still a turnaround, but now Chu Yan was really backfired by the fairy method.

"By the way, I'll take you to see an acquaintance." Hua Zhixu suddenly spoke, and the fat man was stunned. Does he have any acquaintances in the three demon mountains?


"You'll know when you get there." Hua Zhixu smiled mysteriously, and the fat man followed Hua Zhixu without asking any more questions. Then the two of them came to the cliff where Qingyi was.

In half a year, the fat man gradually realized that Qingyi didn't like the hustle and bustle, and her temperament was quite cold. She was always used to being alone, but her talent was extremely high, and her status in the three major demon mountains was also transcendent. Even Duanhen couldn't compare to her.

"She?" The fat man looked at Hua Zhixu strangely, wondering why Hua Zhixu brought him to see Qingyi.

"No, you'll know in a while." Hua Zhixu smiled and walked up the cliff. He saw a rabbit-eared cat demon next to Qingyi. It seemed to have sensed Hua Zhixu's breath, opened its eyes lazily, then glanced at Hua Zhixu, and suddenly closed them, as if it was used to Hua Zhixu.

There was a little wolf on the rabbit-eared cat demon. Seeing Hua Zhixu's smile, it jumped up and fell on Hua Zhixu.

"This, this is..." The fat man was stunned when he saw the little wolf, his eyes were filled with joy. You know, the little wolf walked out of Tianyong City with Chu Yan. Although he was not a human, everyone regarded him as their best brother. Now the fat man had not seen the little wolf for three years. When he saw him again, he was very excited.

"Little wolf, is it really you?" The fat man said happily.

"Fatty!" The little wolf looked up at the fat man and said directly in a childish voice.

"Uh..." The fat man was stunned. When the little wolf was in the world, he could not speak. They always laughed at the little wolf for being a little mute. As a result, when they met again today, he was scolded by the little wolf?

"Fuck, he can speak now?"

"Well... and like Chu Yan, he can't speak..." Hua Zhixu smiled bitterly. He was also shocked when he saw the little wolf for the first time. This little cub could actually speak. What was hateful was that when Qingyi saved him, the little wolf was right next to him, but he pretended not to know him.

"It's good to be able to talk, but if you dare to scold me, I'll show you how I'll deal with you!" The fat man rolled up his sleeves and was about to hit the little wolf.

"Ah!" The little wolf roared, and then his body suddenly grew larger, turning into a ten-meter-long demon wolf, opening his bloody mouth, as if he was going to swallow the fat man.

"Oh my goodness!" The fat man was immediately startled and sat on the ground, with his mouth twitching.

"Fatty, don't bully me in the future. Now I'm a demon king, be careful or I'll eat you!" The little wolf snorted in a mature manner, but his voice was very childish, and it was a bit funny to hear. Then he proudly howled, turned into a palm-sized little wolf, flew back to the back of Miaomiao in the distance, and fell asleep.

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