Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 268: The strings are broken, and the sound of the zither is sad

"No!!!" Liu Xi and Hua Zhixu's tragic voices rang out together, their eyes were red, at this moment, it seemed that everything was not so important, their hearts were bleeding.

Liu Jingtian did not expect things to turn out like this, he was a little scared, and took a step back unconsciously.

"This bitch, she actually let her die! Bastard, even if she dies, I will take her body back to enjoy with my father!" Luo Yu stamped his feet angrily in the distance, without the slightest mercy.

"Enough!" At this time, an old figure flew out from a distance. When he saw Liu Qing's cold body, his old eyes were like ice. That was Liu Qing and Liu Xi's grandfather.

"Qing'er..." The old man murmured, his heart seemed to be broken, everything was not so important, at this time, he did not even attack Liu Jingtian, nor did he attack the Luo family, just hugged Liu Qing gently.

"Grandpa! I want them all to die!" Liu Xi roared, like a beast.

The old man raised his head and coldly swept over the Luo family, the Liu family, and Liu Jingtian.

"Third, Third Elder, this matter is not my fault. It was Liu Qing who insisted on doing this. Her marriage to the Luo family was originally a matter agreed upon by the family, but she did not abide by the rules and insisted on seeking death." Liu Jingtian was shocked. Liu Xi's grandfather Liu Tiangang, he has the strength of the peak of the Great Venerable, and is considered a top figure in the Liu family. If he wants to kill him, he will die today.

"Xi'er, do you remember what all of them look like?" The old man said desolately.

Liu Xi and Hua Zhixu looked around the whole scene one by one, and remembered the Liu family, the Luo family, and everyone who participated in this ruthless thing.

"Remember! Engrave it in my heart!"

"Okay. Don't forget it. Remember today's hatred, remember it forever. Don't rush to take revenge, be patient, until the day you grow up, and destroy the Luo family yourself, can you do it?" The old man's flat voice seemed to have no life.

"My child remembers that as long as the Luo family is not destroyed in this life, my child will never say that his surname is Liu!" Liu Xi's eyes were red.

"Okay, okay! Your sister is afraid of the dark. She is too lonely on this road. Grandpa will accompany her. You walk the rest of the way by yourself. Remember, the Luo family will be destroyed!" The old man laughed bleakly. Everyone could feel the helplessness of the old man. Liu Xi clenched his fists. He had guessed what his grandfather was going to do, but he did not stop him.

"You go first!" Liu Tiangang said lightly. Liu Xi and Hua Zhixu clenched their fists. Hua Zhixu carried the fat man's body on his back. His thin body seemed a little different from the fat man, but he walked out of the Liu Mansion step by step.

Every step was so heavy. Tears rolled in my eyes, trying not to shed them. Today's revenge can only be avenged by blood, and only by destroying the Luo family!

"Want to leave?" Luo Yu's eyes turned cold, but the next moment, Liu Tiangang raised his eyes, and his voice pierced through the void, as if he could shoot Luo Yu at any time: "Do you want to die?"

"Liu Tiangang, you know very well that none of them can leave today!" At this time, an elder of the Luo family shouted in a low voice, turning into a huge aura.

"You can indeed kill them. But you have to believe that if the two of them suffer any loss, I will let all the descendants of the Luo family bleed five steps and die on the spot!"

"You dare!"

"Don't you dare?" Liu Tiangang smiled playfully, without any ripples in his eyes. What else is he afraid of now?

The corner of the Luo family elder's mouth twitched, but he didn't dare to make a move. It was easy for them to kill Liu Xi and the other two, but Liu Tiangang could also kill Luo Yu by bypassing them.

"Liu Mansion, are you going to be enemies with my Luo family?" The Luo family elder growled.

"Tiangang, what are you going to do? Don't forget, you are a member of the Liu family. Are you going to destroy the entire Liu family because of your own personal grievances?" Liu Jingtian's father said unkindly.

"Haha, hahaha! Liu family? How ridiculous. You still know that I am a member of the Liu family! I, Liu Tiangang, have been a soldier all my life and have created countless military exploits for the Liu family, but what have I gained? The Liu family sold my granddaughter for glory and forced her to death! Is this the family I have devoted my life to?" Liu Tiangang laughed. When Liu Xi and the other person had already left, the vitality around him was burning and turned into a long river of blood.

The Luo family frowned when they felt Liu Tiangang's murderous intention. One of the elders snorted coldly: "Liu Tiangang, I advise you not to be impulsive. Today, our Luo family is indeed wrong. We can apologize, but your granddaughter's death is her own fault. It has nothing to do with us."

"What a good sentence, ten years ago, my son and daughter-in-law died fighting for the Liu family, and died at the hands of your Luo family. Today, my granddaughter was killed by you! Haha, hahaha. You Luo family, do you still want to be okay?" Liu Tiangang was angry. He walked out. The self-explosion and burning of the power of the Heavenly Venerable was absolutely terrible. Even the emperor did not dare to resist it easily.

"Damn it, this old bastard wants to self-explode, let's go!" The elders of the Luo family were shocked.

"Can you get away?" Liu Tiangang smiled bleakly. At this moment, he raised his head and looked into the sky: "Qing'er, don't be afraid... Grandpa is here to accompany you!"


At that moment, the Liu Mansion wailed. Liu Tiangang detonated his master-level cultivation. His vitality surged like a flood and beast, ruthlessly devouring the Luo family, the Liu family and others. Everyone's eyes were chilled, and they felt endless sadness.

The Luo family and the Liu family suffered countless casualties. The eastern part of the Ancient Demon Star Region seemed to have spent this day in sadness.

In the Luo family, Luo Yu's father Luo Tianya was angry. Fortunately, Luo Yu did not die, but he was seriously injured.

"Father, I want the Liu family to die, and that Chu Yan! They are in the same group!" Luo Yu howled in pain.

"Don't worry, none of them can survive." Luo Tianya let out a low roar. He had arranged Luo Yu's marriage to Liu Qing, but today Liu Qing did not marry him, and instead killed countless elders of the Luo family. Luo Yu was also seriously injured as a result, and he must avenge this.


In Lihuo Academy, Chu Yan didn't know about the deaths of Fatty and Liu Qing, but he was very irritable and always felt a little unstable, which made him unintentional to practice fire patterns.

"What's wrong?" Chen Nichang took some fire pattern ancient books and asked when she saw Chu Yan's uneasy look.

"It's nothing, I always feel like I have a bad premonition." Chu Yan looked at Chen Nichang and asked, "Nichang, are you familiar with the Luo family?"

"Luojia? Luojia has been booming in the past two years. Because of Luo Tianya's achievements, Luojia suppressed the five clans. After a while of fire pattern training, Luo Tianya of Luojia will also participate." Chen Nichang calmly said said.

Chu Yan nodded. At this moment, there was a noise outside Lihuo Academy. Chu Yan and Chen Nichang left the secret mansion. However, the next moment Chu Yan's eyes condensed, and a touch of fire exploded uncontrollably from his body. come out.

Hua Zhixu walked too far carrying the fat man's body. When he entered Lihuo Academy, he could no longer hold on and fell heavily to the ground.

Liu Xi stood aside stupidly. For him, this day was gray and colorless. First, Liu Qing's death, and then Liu Tiangang's spontaneous combustion. He was heartbroken, and there was only hatred in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Chu Yan jumped out in big strides. At this moment, many people from Lihuo Academy gathered around him.

"No..." Du Meiling also came. When she saw the fat man's body, her delicate body trembled slightly. She couldn't help but cover her red lips with her beautiful hands, and she burst into tears.

Du Meiling didn't believe it. The fat man who had joked with her yesterday and asked her if she wanted to marry him was now a cold corpse.

There is also Liu Qing, who always plays the music of missing the distant place in the bamboo forest late at night, but from today on, the strings are broken and the music of the piano is mournful.

"How could this happen..." Du Meiling cried.

"It's the Luo family! It's the Luo family who killed the fat man!" Hua Zhixu trembled and punched the ground. He couldn't bear it anymore and knelt on the ground crying: "No! No! I couldn't save him. !”

"Boom!" Chu Yan felt as if his head was about to explode, and he was furious.

He and Fatty have known each other for four years. They walked out of Tianyong City and were tried by thousands of sects. Fatty disguised himself as him and was chased by thousands of people. In the ancient trial site, Fatty was hunted down because of him. Coming to the Ancient Demon Star Territory, Fatty joined the mercenary group regardless of the danger, just to earn training resources for Chu Yan.

But today, the fat man died?

"No...!" Chu Yan shook his head weakly. This is impossible. Half a day ago, the fat man was still joking with him. How could he become such a corpse now?

"Pfft!" Suddenly, Chu Yan spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was pale and there was no blood at all.

Chen Nichang worriedly supported Chu Yan: "Chu Yan, don't be like this! I know how you feel now, but..."

"You don't know! You don't know anything! Don't tell me that you know!!!" Chu Yan suddenly roared. He turned his head and looked at Chen Nichang coldly. At that moment, Chen Nichang was unconscious. Take a few steps back.

She had known Chu Yan for three months. Chu Yan always smiled cleanly, had a big world in mind, and occasionally made jokes and was bohemian. Although he was mercilessly ridiculed by Jiang Yan and others, he never took it to heart. It seemed that in his eyes, everything was not very important. But today, that elegant young man exploded like a wild beast.

Du Meiling was also frightened. Chu Yan looked so strange at this time.

Chu Yan was filled with rage and his eyes were burning.

"Luojia! Luojia!" Chu Yan whispered, his voice getting louder every time. He finally couldn't bear it anymore and his eyes shot into the distance.

"Chu Yan, don't be impulsive. Take a look at Fatty and Qing'er first. They..." Du Meiling whispered at this moment. Everyone was startled. A strange light suddenly appeared in Fatty's body. , the blood hole on his chest actually began to swallow Qing'er.

In the end, Qing'er's body was completely devoured by the fat man, and the fat man's chest turned into a flower. The blood hole disappeared, and the fat man's chest could not help but rise and fall.

"Fat man!" Hua Zhixu was ecstatic. He knelt down in front of the fat man. He stared at the fat man. The fat man gradually began to breathe.

"It's Fatty's bloodline! Devouring blood and vitality, he integrated Qing'er and him into one." Chu Yan was also pleasantly surprised. He didn't care about anything and hurried forward. When Fatty opened his eyes, He cried, he picked up the fat man hard and held him tightly in his arms.

The fat man seemed to know everything. His eyes were empty, and he let Chu Yan hold him in his arms. For a long time, he also cried, and shed a tear of blood. He almost roared: "Brother Chu! I want Luo Yu to die, and the Luo family to die." , Liu Jiamie, everyone involved in all this, I want them to die! "

"Yes! Yes! They will all die!" Chu Yan nodded vigorously. At this moment, his killing intent was so high that he directly took away half of the sky from Lihuo Academy.

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