Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 243: Heaven-shaking Inheritance [Three Updates]

"Roar!" Chi Yue roared, watching Chu Yan about to enter the Ancient Dynasty, but he had no way to do anything.

At this time, under the light curtain of the Dynasty, another person took action. Situ Jun suddenly blocked in front of Chu Yan and said calmly: "I won't sneak attack you, but as the first person in this Dynasty, you are really not suitable to step into it."

"You have seventy-three heavenly fortunes." Chu Yan looked up, glanced at the heavenly fortunes above Situ Jun, and said coldly: "And I have eighty-one!"

"Bang!" Chu Yan took a step forward, and Situ Jun was shocked. He was actually pushed back by Chu Yan's momentum. The next moment, Chu Yan had leaped into the Ancient Dynasty and became the first person to step into the Dynasty.

Outside the feast, everyone was staring at this scene. Chu Yan finally insisted on entering the Ancient Dynasty first. Chi Junlin couldn't help but curse from a distance: "Waste!"

"Junlin, what exactly is in this Ancient Dynasty?" Chi Tianyou asked curiously. Although he was a native of the world, he didn't know what happened ten thousand years ago. He was not as good as Chi Junlin, a young man who had traveled outside for ten years.

"In the dynasty, there is the strongest inheritance in the galaxy!" Chi Junlin was a little excited. If the inheritance of Zhen Tianjun appeared again, what kind of terrible power would it be?

The world was shocked. In this dynasty, there was actually the strongest inheritance in the galaxy?

After Chu Yan entered the Ancient Dynasty, the others put down their rivalry. The White Tiger grinned: "Okay, I've done what I should do. I won't play with you next!"

Chi Yue's face was gloomy. He snorted coldly and became the second person to enter the Ancient Dynasty. After that, it was Situ Jun and four people wearing masks. They all stepped into the Ancient Dynasty.

As for the scene in the dynasty, people from the outside world could not see it and could only wait silently in the outside world.

At the moment when the ancient dynasty was opened, there was finally a sensation outside the world. There were strong men coming from the Nine Netherworld, all of them were emperors. Among them were people from the Eastern Altar, led by Qingyin. Today, Qingyin has entered the first level of the Venerable, much stronger than a year ago.

In addition to the people from the Eastern Altar, people from the three major divine forces in the four regions also came here. When the people from the Southern Palace appeared, Chi Junlin flew over them and looked at one of the middle-aged men and said, "Disciple Chi Junlin, meet the master!"

"Is that man Chi Junlin's master? What a strong force!" The people in the world could not help but exclaimed. The forces outside the sky were finally much stronger than the world.

People from the Northern Temple and the Western God Cult came here and showed very strong power, but they did not make much movement. Instead, they waited silently and looked at the distant direction of the ancient dynasty.

"After ten thousand years, has the inheritance of Lord Zhentian finally appeared?" Someone said calmly, and the people from the Four Gods nodded.

"If that's the case, then we might as well wait a little longer. If someone takes the inheritance for us, we will have less trouble." Someone from the Southern Palace said calmly, but the people in the mortal world frowned slightly when they heard it.

Are the people from the Four Gods going to take away the inheritance of the ancient dynasty in their mortal world today?

But no one spoke up. After all, this matter had nothing to do with them, and the other party was too strong. They were all from the Four Gods. The emperor was just an ordinary existence there. What qualifications did they have to ask the other party?

At this time, Qin Zixuan looked towards Qin Tiange calmly: "Great Star Lord, the Ancient Dynasty has appeared. You can observe destiny. Can you calculate my brother's destiny for me?"

The Great Star Lord smiled bitterly at Qin Zixuan: "Miss Qin, you are joking. Although my Qin Tiange can deduce history, there are also deviations. I thought that there was still a fortune of ten thousand years in the world, so I took action to imprison Master Chu and wanted to seal Master Chu for ten thousand years, but you broke the situation that day. Today, Master Chu has entered the game. How can I deduce it?"

Qin Zixuan stopped talking and waited quietly. Not only her, but everyone was watching the Ancient Dynasty and waiting.


Ancient Dynasty.

Chu Yan was the first to step in here. Looking at the scene in front of him, Chu Yan was shocked. This was the same scene he saw in Jiuyou Tianchi that year. It was the dynasty where Zhen Tianjun was at that time, the first dynasty in the six domains of the galaxy.

"I didn't expect that after ten thousand years, the first person to enter the dynasty was only a third-level emperor." Suddenly, an ancient sound resounded in the ancient dynasty.

"Junior Chu Yan, meet the senior!" Chu Yan said humbly, and at this time a force descended into Chu Yan's body: "But since you are the first to come here, you must have stepped on the eighty-first floor of the road of destiny and opened the ancient dynasty. In this case, according to the master's instructions, I will pass on the Zhentian inheritance to you. From now on, your fate is not up to you. You will bear the fate of reviving the ancient world. Are you willing?"

Chu Yan was stunned. He didn't expect that the first person to enter the dynasty would have to bear the responsibility of reviving the ancient world. But even if the ancients didn't say it, Chu Yan had witnessed history, and he would do so. The world was guarded by Chu Hanfeng and Qin Ruoming. As a son of man, he had this responsibility.

What's more, the wilderness is still in the world, and he wants the wilderness to remain the same.

"I am willing!"

"This inheritance is the most difficult path. If you pass it, you will be in control of the situation. If you cannot pass it, it will be a dead end. Are you still willing?" The words of the ancients sounded again, and Chu Yan smiled. Is it another road of life and death? He has walked it once, so why would he be afraid of the second time?

"I am willing!"

"Very good, go ahead, someone will guide you in the ancient dynasty, and you will understand what the destiny of the earth is!" The ancient thoughts were clear, and Chu Yan went to the land of the dynasty.

After that, the second person who appeared in the ancient dynasty was Chi Yue. The same thought force came and said to Chi Yue: "You major in bloodline. The power of bloodline is extraordinary. I will give you the blood seal inheritance and great achievements in practice. But Are you willing to release the blood seal and control others?"

"Junior is willing!" Chi Yue was surprised. According to legend, Lord Zhentian had nine inheritances, and blood seal control was one of them. However, this trick was very sinister. Lord Zhentian would only use it on the enemy, but not on the people around him. Pass.

"In that case, you should go to the Imperial Dynasty and see the destiny there. Let's see how much you can understand." After the ancient man said this, Chi Yue walked towards the Imperial Dynasty.

After that, more people came here, and Situ Jun also received a inheritance, including four people wearing masks. Each of them had a inheritance. As for what the inheritance was, no one knew.

Chu Yan has been at the front. He came to the Imperial Land. There are ten stone pillars here, nine on the outside and one in the center. It seems that the nine stone pillars are worshiping one stone pillar in the middle.

"Have you seen destiny? Interesting!" At this moment, an additional person appeared next to Chu Yan, wearing a white tiger mask.

"Thank you for what happened before." Chu Yan said politely when he saw the white tiger man.

"Haha, Brother Chu, there is no need to thank me. In fact, I have heard your legend a long time ago. Fighting thousands of strong men in the realm of Juechen, if the sky is not fair, we must fight against the sky. Carrying towers thousands of miles, leveling mountains and seas, just for beauties Tears. I am extremely impressed by these things." The man from the White Tiger smiled and took off his mask after him. He turned out to be a very handsome young man: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. I am here in the Western Temple. , Ye Xun is my senior brother! I admire him very much. I came to this world just to see him walk."

"Ye Xun's junior brother?" Chu Yan was surprised and suddenly realized that it was no wonder that he would help Qingcheng and himself.

"Is Ye Xun okay now?"

"Of course, senior brother has changed his destiny and has now become a disciple that I focus on cultivating in the Western Temple. Especially his spatial bloodline is very rare. He was supposed to be here this time, but because he is in retreat, I took his place. Come." The man from the White Tiger said excitedly: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Wangfeng!"

Chu Yan nodded, looked at the wind and said with a smile: "Brother Chu, these nine stone pillars should be the nine inheritances of Lord Zhentian, right? Rumor has it that the nine inheritances of Lord Zhentian are among the most powerful in the Six Realms Galaxy. When we first started, we were all recognized by the inheritance, but it is said that we can still realize it on our own in front of this stone pillar. If we are talented, we may be able to practice more inheritance. "

"Zhentian Lord's nine inheritances: blood seal control, divine walking and ghost steps, roar of dragon and tiger, sky-shattering arrow, Vajra Dharma, ghost sword technique, seven-kill sword technique, power of life and death, and the way to swallow the sky. These nine major The inheritance is extremely famous in the Six Realms Galaxy. It is a pity that many of them have been lost over the past ten thousand years. Today we are lucky enough to get the power of this inheritance."

"Can these nine inheritances be seen outside the mortal world?" Chu Yan was surprised.

"Of course, when Lord Zhentian fell, several spells were revealed. These spells were all martial arts that reached the level of the Great Lord. The strongest among them was the Seven Killing Sword Technique, which was almost universal in the Emperor's Star Territory. Everyone knows it." Wangfeng paused and said to Chu Yan, "Do you know about Yue Xing Pavilion?"


"The Meteor Star Step of the Meteor Star Pavilion evolved from the Divine Walk and the Ghost Step. There is also the Roar of the Dragon and Tiger, which is a one-sound martial skill that is extremely popular in the ancient demon star domain. However, several inheritances have been lost, such as the Ghost Sword. The Dharma, the Heaven-Swallowing Way, and the Vajra Buddha Dharma, these three major inheritances have not appeared since the fall of Lord Zhentian." Wangfeng paused and then said: "By the way, the arrow that broke the sky was the result of the cooperation of the four divine forces. Controlled.”

Chu Yan was shocked, and then he suddenly remembered the original scene. Eleven kings came here to encircle and suppress Lord Zhentian. Among them, Ji Huangji was Lord Zhentian's apprentice. He must know some of these martial arts skills compared to him.

But there is another thing Chu Yan can't figure out, that is, his Earth-shattering inheritance, what is that? Among the nine inheritances, there is no Earth-shaking destiny. Is it the tallest stone pillar?

At this time, someone else came here. Chi Yue, Situ Jun and others all came here. Everyone faced ten inheritance stone pillars. Chi Yue looked at Chu Yan with cold eyes.

"When I understand the control of the blood seal, I will be the first to refine you into my blood puppet!" Chi Yue said coldly.

Chu Yan looked at Chi Yue coldly: "If I have the chance to kill you, I will never give up. I will repay San'er's hatred and your hatred towards Qingcheng and others in the feast place today." superior!"

"Let's talk about your hatred later. Here today, first understand the inheritance!" said the man in the Suzaku mask.

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