The world is dead?


Yes, it is ridiculous!

If it wasn't for Xiaozhi who said this, they would only think that this person must be seriously ill and crazy.

But if it was Xiaozhi, it would be completely different.

Serena subconsciously grabbed Xiaozhi's hand, her voice trembling, "Xiaozhi, don't scare me, will the world die?"

Yurika looked at Diancie and asked, "What is going on?"

As the princess of this underground world, Yurika felt that Diancie must know something?

Perhaps it was related to Xiaozhi's words.

Just as Diancie was about to speak, an old voice spoke before her.

Hear the voice before seeing the person.

"Yes, this lord is right, this world... is on the verge of death."

Diancie looked up and looked at an old little diamond with a long white beard slowly approaching, and her tone became cordial, "Minister Diamond, you are here too."

Diancie was brought up by the Minister Diamond and was very cordial to him.

Minister of Diamond is a kind and amiable elder. He said with a gentle tone and a smile, "Princess."

He shifted his gaze and looked at Xiaozhi and his group present, especially the powerful wave power on Xiaozhi, with a look of horror on his face.

Xiaozhi's original wave power was not weak, and with the help of the system, his wave power is definitely stronger than that of the wave hero back then, and he can even rub wave missiles with his hands.

It's just that he usually doesn't show off his strength and looks easy to talk to.

This isalso the main reason why Minister of Diamond calls Xiaozhi "adult".

Such a person deserves its admiration.

Seeing Minister of Diamond looking at Xiaozhi and the others, Diancie stepped forward and explained, "Minister of Diamond, they are friends I met in the outside world. This is Xiaozhi, this is Serena..."


Minister of Diamond laughed out loud, "The princess's friends are my friends in Diamond Country."

It waved its hand, and several small broken diamonds came forward with plates, which contained many fist-sized pink diamonds.

"The resources of the Mineral Country are meager, and we only have these small gifts. I hope you will not despise them."

Meager resources? Small gifts?

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but blush, so he pretended to be cool.

What should I do if I want to beat it? Waiting online, very urgent!

Myris' eyes popped out, because Diancie didn't explain her identity just now, so she, a prisoner, was also considered to be Diancie's friend.

Looking at the three fist-sized pink diamonds in front of her, she swallowed her saliva. These alone would be enough for her to live a life of luxury after she retired from the underworld.

Who would want to live on the edge of a knife if they could be good people?

Isn't this why she targeted Diancie?

"Thank you."

Xiaozhi did not refuse, but accepted it calmly. He looked at the Minister of Diamond and asked, "What do you mean by what you said just now?"

The Minister of Diamond sighed, "This is a long story. Please come over here, Master Xiaozhi."

Looking at Xiaozhi's back, the three people of Xitron, who were originally hesitant about whether to accept the gift, were silent for a while and accepted it silently.

It should be said that money is the treasure that can corrode people's hearts the most in this world.

Even a gym owner like Xitron is not immune to the genius in the eyes of others.

Under the guidance of the Minister of Diamond, Xiaozhi and the other four came to a hot space. There was a high platform and an abyss in front.

Looking down, Xiaozhi's pupils shrank slightly. In the huge mouth of the abyss, there was hot magma flowing and roaring.

No wonder it's so hot here.

"Master Xiaozhi, please look up."

Following the words of the Minister of Diamond, Xiaozhi saw a pink diamond that had become fragmented. This diamond was extremely huge, about two meters high.


A piece of diamond fragment broke, fell down, and sank into the magma. At the same time, the light in this underground world dimmed a little, and it seemed even quieter.

Xiaozhi swallowed his saliva, "Is this the root of the dead silence of this underground world?"


The Minister of Diamond said, "This is the sacred diamond, the energy center of our mining country, supporting this underground world where countless people of our mining country live."

"If the sacred diamond collapses, we will all be affected."

Salina asked, "Is there no solution?"

The underground of Carlos has formed a complete ecological chain. Once it collapses, how many Pokémon will be affected.

Moreover, a single move will affect the whole body.

Where will those Pokémon whose homes were destroyed go homeless?

Xitron thought more.

Where else can they go?

Naturally, the ground.

But there are too many Pokémon living here, in addition to the Diamond Clan there are other underground Pokémon.

So many Pokémon suddenly emerged, who knows what will happen?

And the collapse of the underground world, will it really not affect Carlos?The more he thought about it, the heavier Citron felt.


Minister Diamond looked at Diancie and said, "As long as the princess can master her power and create a sacred diamond again, all crises can be solved."

"As long as the princess can wait for the blessing of the fairy atmosphere of Xerneas."

Xiaozhi and the others suddenly realized, "So that's it."

No wonder Diancie has been eager to find Xerneas, it turns out to be for her country.

"But... I still can't master my own power, I'm so useless."

Dianncie was in a complicated mood and said in a heavy tone, "My kingdom is in crisis, but I can't do anything. I can only watch all this happen... I..."

"I really don't deserve to be called a princess."

As she said that, Diancie covered her eyes with her little hands, and tears fell. Since she knew that her country was in trouble, Diancie has been living under pressure all day, and the burden of responsibility made her almost breathless.

Until this moment,it finally broke out.

Xiaozhi squatted down, smiled and touched Diancie's head, and comforted her, "Don't cry, crying won't solve the problem."

"Since you already know the solution, then go and solve it. The bridge will be straightened when you reach the bow."

Dianncie stopped crying, she turned her head, looked at the guards behind her, and the Minister of Diamond who raised her, and nodded seriously.

She is not alone.

For everyone, she must find Xerneas.

Minister of Diamond took all this in his eyes, looked at Xiaozhi, bowed, and said respectfully, "The country is in danger, we are powerless, please help the princess find Xerneas, please."

"Yes, I will."

Xiaozhi did not refuse, he had promised Diancie, and besides, he also wanted to see Xerneas and had something to ask.

After getting ready, Xiaozhi and his party set out again, with a clear goal, the Forest of Oruans, to find the whereabouts of the "slippery" Xerneas.

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