The next day.

Xiaozhi and his group continued to set off, preparing to go to the nearby Pokémon summer camp held by Blatano.

"Xiaozhi, when will the summer camp held by the professor start?"

Sarina asked, looking at the Pokémon illustrated book in her hand.

Xiaozhi said, "I have asked the professor about this. Now the people who have signed up are on the way. It is likely that it will officially start tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Sarina suggested, "In this case, why don't we go and have a look around?"

Yu Lijia looked curious, "Sarina has found some beautiful scenery again, and is going to check in."

"That's right."

Sarina put the illustrated book in front of everyone. This is a natural wonder near the city of Sala, a mysterious cave known as the Mirror Cave.

"It looks great."

Xiaozhi said, "I really want to go and see it."

It's better to do than to say. Everyone's interest was raised, and they changed direction again.

It must be said that young people must make good plans when traveling, otherwise they will wander around like Xiaozhi and his friends, and may even encounter danger.

Stepping into the Mirror Cave, it was just like what was recorded in the introduction to the illustrations. The entire cave was wrapped in countless crystals, which looked particularly beautiful.

Yurika went up and touched a flat crystal, and said in surprise, "The crystals here are like mirrors, completely different from ordinary crystals, and the surface is also very smooth."

Selina smiled, "This is a place where many girls will come to check in."

Xiaozhi looked at this place, he raised his eyebrows, and the keen wave power spread out. It seemed that something in front was attracting him.

"Xiaozhi, where are you going?"

Selina wanted to stand here with Xiaozhi, but when she turned her head, she found that Xiaozhi had already walked towards the depths of the cave with Pikachu, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"It's here!"

Xiaozhi looked at the strange crystal in front of him, and there was a very familiar feeling coming from it. This was very strange, and he reached out to touch the crystal.

Suddenly, a few ripples flashed across the smooth surface of the crystal, and the image of Xiaozhi reflected in the crystal became very real, as if another him was standing in front of him.

"What is this?"

Xiaozhi was very sure that this was definitely not a reflection, and the man opposite him did not have Pikachu on his shoulder.

Suddenly, Xiaozhi on the opposite side suddenly reached out, and through the ripples of the crystal, he pulled the curious Pikachu in.

Xiaozhi was shocked and shouted, "Hey, give Pikachu back to me."

There was no response from the other side, Xiaozhi was anxious, looking at the rippling crystal in front of him, he stretched out his hand, passed through without hindrance, and stepped until his body was completely stepped into it.

"Xiaozhi, don't go in."

This scene happened to be seen by Serena and others who came.Serena shouted anxiously, but it was of no use.

When they arrived, the rippling crystal had calmed down and completely returned to normal.

Xitron couldn't believe it, "What on earth is going on? Why can Xiaozhi enter this crystal."

This is completely beyond his imagination, this is unscientific?

Serena slapped the crystal in worry, but it was useless. It seemed that Xiaozhi and Pikachu had completely disappeared.

Another world.

Xiaozhi ran out of the mirror cave, looking at the trees that crossed the surroundings and the countless crystals standing around the trees. He immediately realized that something was wrong.

This was not his original world.

Everything here was like a mirror, the opposite of his original world.

Xiaozhi had experienced too many things. Although he was surprised, he soon calmed down.

The most important thing now was to find Pikachu and leave this world.

Just as Xiaozhi wanted to take a step, a familiar voice came from behind him. This voice was not unfamiliar to him. He turned his head and happened to see Serena walking towards him with her hands on her waist.


Xiaozhi was about to say hello.

But he saw Serena quickly approached and slapped him with one hand. His face changed. The Serena opposite was not the one he knew.

Because the force was too strong.

Even with Xiaozhi's physical fitness, he was almost pushed and staggered.

Then, Serena said, "Hey, crybaby, where did you go just now?"

"You cry all day long and act like a child all the time. Isn't it fun?"

Serena crossed her arms, "If it weren't for you being my boyfriend, I wouldn't want to bother with you."

Completely opposite personalities, strange powers, Xiaozhi has understood the difference in this world.

At this time, Yurika ran over and bowed politely, "Mr. Xiaozhi, you are here!"

"Brother, Xiaozhi is here."

After the words fell, a familiar figure came as fast as lightning,He ran to Xiaozhi's side. The long run did not affect his breathing rhythm, which was still stable.

Is this Citron?

In just a few minutes, Xiaozhi saw several people who were completely different from those he knew.

The lady-like, arrogant Serena!

The very polite Yurika, who had the temperament of a noble lady in every move!

The fast-running Citron!

And... the other him who seemed very timid and had a glass heart!

"You misunderstood. I am not the Xiaozhi you know. I come from another world."

"Because the Xiaozhi in this world took my Pikachu away, so I broke into this place."

Serena rolled her eyes and said dissatisfiedly, "It's already this time, what are you talking about in your sleep?"

Xiaozhi shook his head, stopped talking, turned around and left. After finding Pikachu, he would leave this place of trouble.

This place is too weird.

He really can't get along with Serena with this personality.

Serena grabbed Xiaozhi and said, "Where are you going? Do you want to leave? Don't you know how hard we have been looking for you?"

"Let go."

Xiaozhi forcibly broke away from Serena's hand, stepped forward, looked into Serena's eyes, and said word by word,

"Just understand, I am not the Xiaozhi you know, please don't bother me anymore."

It was the first time that Serena was so close to Xiaozhi. She was stunned and thought, "With that crybaby personality, how could he be so tough."

Serena already had some doubts in her heart, but she still said stubbornly, "What evidence do you have, unless you have a Pokémon battle with me."

"As long as you can beat me in a Pokémon battle, I will believe you."

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