“The legendary Cosmic Pokémon…”

Hearing Liliai’s tone, yes, in order to investigate the origin of the little nebula for most of the year, she has been frantically flipping through books to visit the ancient ruins of Alora.

It is precisely because of this that she got the ancient Sun Flute.

Of course, she also knows about Alora’s legendary cosmic Pokémon.

Invite the beast of the moon, Lunaia! Sun-devouring beast Solgaleo!

“You mean?”

Liliai instantly understood what Siso meant, and looked at the squinting Cosmogu.

Don’t…… Is it really a small nebula?

“That’s right, you should understand, so if you want to save your mother, their power is necessary.”

“It’s not time to give up, Liliai, cheer up and don’t forget what I told you.”

Siso chuckled back, grabbing Lilia’s shoulder to meet her red eyes.

“There are certain things that only you can do, and if you want to reconcile with your mother, only you can do it.”

“Now is not the time to be decadent, understand?”

Hearing Siso’s gentle words, Liliai pursed her lips tightly, and her eyes finally became firm.

Yes, she wants to get Lusha Minay back!

“The flute of the sun is here, but the flute of the moon is in Miyuna, Miyue…”

Liliai hurriedly ran to her backpack and found the Sun Flute from it, looking at this flute inscribed with the Sun Emblem, Liliai thought of another legendary ancient flute.

In the morning, she ascended to the Coconut Egg Tree Island with Mitsuki, and the ancient altar she found was the altar of the Sun Ocarina.

That beautiful moon should be the altar of the moon flute.

And at this moment, Cosmogu, who was weak in the iron box, suddenly flashed a rich light.

“Little Nebula?”

Liliai immediately ran to Cosmogu’s side.

But the light soon dissipated and a brand new Cosmom appeared.


Liliam looked at this Cosmom, although it had evolved and did not have the previous weakness, but Cosmom seemed to be asleep and motionless.

But Liliai soon thought of what Siso said before, and the little nebula really evolved!

“All the conditions are basically gathered, Liliai, do you need to wait for anything?”

Glancing at Cosmom, Siso asked with a smile at Liliai.

“I see!” Liliai’s delicate little face was resolute.


The Lunar Wheel Altar, located on the island of Boni in the Alora region, is an ancient site at the far end of the Boni Grand Canyon.

It has always been rumored in the Alora region that the Moon Wheel Altar has a profound relationship with the legendary Pokémon lineage.

However, although it is called a ruin, perhaps due to the respect of the Alora region for ancient traditions, or perhaps for some special reasons, the lunar wheel altar is still very well preserved.

And Siso and the others came to the Moon Wheel Altar at this moment.

Stepping down from the helicopter, Siso looked around, the ancient charm of Xiao Suo came to his face, and in the front was a huge ruin, mysterious and deep.

“This is the Moon Wheel Altar, is it really possible?”

Liliai held the sun flute and looked at the stone wall of the ruins with mysterious inscriptions in front of her, a little hesitant.

“Yes, Liliai, believe in yourself.”

Mitsuki rubbed her slender neck and comforted Lilia softly.

After speaking, Mitsuki glared at Siso ‘viciously’, hateful! This soul is faint!

She actually let the elves sneak up on her, and now her neck still hurts!

“You two go over, come on.”

Siso blinked, ignored the sight of a certain straw hat girl, and pointed to the stone platform in front of him and said to the second girl.

As the two who got the ancient flute, Liliai and Mitsuki are the most suitable candidates.

Hearing this, Liliam did not hesitate any longer, put Cosmom in the center of the altar, and stepped to the stone platform on the left.

And Mei Yue came to the right stone platform with the flute of the moon, and the atmosphere condensed for a while.


Siso and Ma Xiu stood by the central altar, and Ma Xiu asked Siso curiously.

No matter how you look at it, playing the flute can make Cosmom evolve, which is also too mysterious, right?

“Who knows, but trust them, Ma Xiu, do you believe in fate?”

Siso didn’t have a smile on his face at the moment, and his eyes looked at the two girls standing on the stone platform with deep eyes.

This scene, I have an impression.

In the Pokémon evolution of the Past Life Anniversary anime, this is the case.

Liliai and Mitsuki, playing the ancient flute and guiding the evolution of Cosmom!

And now, this scene is about to be vividly displayed in front of him.

Ma Xiu tilted her head suspiciously.

“There has never been a real chance in the world, everything… The existence of legends represents the magnificence and magic of the world, and is it really a so-called ‘accident’ that they can stand there at this moment? ”

Siso asked Ma Xiu rhetorically, or maybe he was not asking Ma Xiu.

“I don’t think so, but because it’s them, they have to do it.”

“Both Solgaleo and Lunaiyala have disappeared into Alora’s history for too long.”

“And now, their legend will continue again!”

Siso looked at Cosmom, who seemed to be sleeping in the center of the altar, and soon!

Ma Xiu was a little incomprehensible when she heard this, but before she could say anything to ask, a melodious flute suddenly came.

Lilia and Mitsuki closed their eyes and blew the ancient flute in their hands.

The sound of the flute echoes in the secluded altar of the moon wheel, like the trickle of a stream, making people feel calm and peaceful.

“They have a very good playing ability.”

As a former apprentice of the Yuanzhu Dance Studio, Ma Xiu is no stranger to this aspect of musical instruments, but at this moment she also admits that Liliai and Mitsuki’s flute sound is very pleasant.

“Compared to this, it’s about to start.”

Siso didn’t think about it, his eyes were fixed on the ruins of the Moon Wheel Altar.

The stone wall was trembling, and as Liliai and Mitsuki played, the stone wall was trembling.

And feeling this vibration, Liliai and Mitsuki also stopped playing and looked directly ahead in amazement.

The huge stone wall kept moving, and an incomparably amazing energy condensed together.


A dazzling pillar of light shot out at great speed, and the target was Cosmom in the center of the altar.

“It’s incredible, it actually started.”

Ma Xiu raised her hand to block her face, this light was too dazzling.

But Ma Xiu’s heart was extremely shocked, or unbelievable, good fellow, what is the principle of this Moon Wheel Altar?

Why can two people play the flute, can make the altar shoot such a huge amount of energy, voice-controlled soul!

This is also too unscientific! The three views are shattered!

“It should be the one, right?”

Siso thought to himself as he looked at the dazzling light out of the corner of his eye.

Of course, he wouldn’t know what Ma Xiu was thinking at the moment, and even if he knew, he could only say…

Well, in fact, he doesn’t know how to explain it, after all, this world is a bit supernatural, and it’s not surprising that playing the Merlot of the Ancient Ocarina can make such a strange thing happen to Cosmom evolution, right?

In the game, the dancing of the five sisters of Yuanzhu can also attract Lokia and the Phoenix King, and the prayers of the people of meteors can also summon the empty seat, and there are too many magical things.

But Pokémon are inherently a bit idealistic, so Siso is really not surprising.

After all, creatures like Pokémon are supernatural beings.

The generalists that science can explain are strange.

“MA West~”

A low and hoarse cry suddenly resounded throughout the Moon Wheel Altar, and a huge purple figure rose up from the light,

“Little Nebula…”

On the stone platform, Liliai looked at the figure high in the sky and her eyes trembled slightly.

It was a huge bat elf, roughly purple in shape, with golden moon arcs on its wings, spreading its wings like a full moon.

Noble, elegant and mysterious!

Yes, in the popular impression, the appearance of a bat is definitely not beautiful, but this elf is completely different.

Not only is there no sense of eerie, but the beauty and elegance that catches the face cannot be ignored.

It is the legendary Lunaara of Alora! Invite the beast of the moon!

“Little Nebula… Evolved into Lunaiyala…”

Even though she had really seen this scene, Liliai still seemed to be a little in a trance, staring blankly at Lunayara in the sky.

That little nebula with a lively and cheerful personality, but full of curiosity about everything, which made her love and anger in the past, actually evolved into the legendary Lunaiyala!

As if feeling Liliai’s gaze, Lunayara lowered her head slightly, and her pink jewel-like beautiful eyes looked at Liliai.

A gentle wind wave came, and the blowing Liliai ponytail kept swinging, and when Liliai came back to her senses again, Lunaara had already appeared in front of her.

“Little… Nebula? ”

Lilia looked at Lunaiyala who was close at hand, as if she couldn’t adapt to the sudden change, or…

Are you afraid that the little nebula has evolved, and today’s little nebula is really the little nebula it used to be?

“MA West~”

With a low and soft whisper, Lunaiyala lowered her head slightly and leaned her head in front of Liliai, looking at Liliai with gentle eyes.

Evolved, but it still has all the memories, Lilia is the best person for it, Lunayara remembers clearly.

“Little Nebula.”

Liliai felt the gentle eyes of Lunaia, and the defense line in her heart was instantly broken, hugging Lunaia, and the choked voice sounded.

“Help me, little Nebula, help me get my mother back.”

Even though Lusha Minai is indifferent to her, Liliai has never forgotten Lushaminai’s maternal love when she was a child.

She had always believed that her mother had just gone wrong and that she would definitely return.

But Lushaminai entered the extreme space alone, and she was really worried.

“It’s really a touching scene~ What do you think of Ma Xiu, and this, Miyue little sister?”

Walking to the altar, Siso looked at the person and the elf who hugged each other, and sighed, this scene is really too beautiful.

This is the charm of this world~ The bond between humans and elves is really beautiful.

Saying that, Siso looked at Mitsuki, who was holding the moon flute.

“I told me, don’t call me little sister!” Mitsuki stared at Siso angrily, she was not small!

It’s just not developing well!

“Why are you helping Liliai?”

After speaking, Mitsuki tilted her little head in puzzlement and asked Siso.

Obviously, this scoundrel forcibly took Liliai away in the morning, right? Because after waking up from the coma, she was taken to the Moon Wheel Altar by Liliai in a daze, and Mitsuki didn’t even know what happened.

“Lilia wants to find President Lushaminai, and I’m interested in Ultimate Space, isn’t that a hit?”

Siso did not hide it, and said with a smile.

“Is that so?” Mitsuki blinked, perhaps because the impression that Siso left her in the morning was really not very good, which made her a little disbelieving Siso’s answer.

But on second thought, there seems to be nothing wrong.

The ultimate space is very mysterious, and no one knows what is in it, and it is normal for Siso to be interested in it.

“But I really didn’t expect that the little nebula was actually Lunaiyala.”

Then Mitsuki looked at Liliai and Lunaia, with a blessed smile on her beautiful face, but there was still some inevitable emotion in her tone.

She still remembers the scene when she first met Liliai, when Little Nebula was a weak chicken with no combat power, and because of her strong curiosity, she brought Liliai a lot of trouble,

But now…

Well, confirmed it, it’s the Lord who can’t be messed with.

“There are so many unexpected things in the world, every day, every moment, there will always be people in the world who experience things they can’t predict.”

“It’s like in the morning, I didn’t think I would meet you with Mitsuki’s little sister.”

Siso chuckled and said slowly.

“But for me, meeting you is not a lucky thing.”

When Miyue heard this, she glanced at Siso and muttered something in her heart.

After all, it seems that Siso is no longer an enemy, and Mitsuki, who has a relatively light personality, is not ready to be indomitable.

But a sentence in the heart can’t be avoided, after all…

Although Soroyak retracted his strength at once, it still hurt very much!

Even when she just played the moon flute, she endured the pain in her neck!


(Ask for flowers tickets and tickets to customize them, woo ~ In Pokémon Evolution, the scene where Lilia and Lunaara hug is simply beautiful!) )

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