Chapter 92 Sister, I’m a man!!

Lin Yu changed into pajamas, and Tao Tiantian shrunk by the bed like a kitten, staring at Lin Yu.

“Little brother, what do you think of the marriage contract of the second miss of the Mu family?”

“What can I think?”

Lin Yu did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

Of course, Tao Tiantian knew Lin Yu’s thoughts, and hid his face and chuckled: “Younger brother Daniel is that virtue, can my brother be good there?” ”

“What are you going to do if he wants to forcibly marry Mu Bingxue?”

Lin Yu’s expression was indifferent, and he said lightly: “Kill.” ”

When he said this, he did not hesitate at all.

Tao Tiantian was slightly surprised: “Oh, I also said that it’s not your little girlfriend, so short.” ”

Lin Yu was still very calm, and said word by word: “Even if it’s just an ordinary friend, it’s also my Lin Yu’s friend.” ”

“No one can force her to do what she doesn’t want.”

This is Lin Yu’s principle of treating people, and it is also his bottom line.

Finished listening to this.

Tao Tiantian seemed to be satisfied with Lin Yu’s answer, patted the bed sheet on the side, and said with a smile: “Come up~”

Lin Yu ignored her and began to lay the floor by himself.

“Why are you so afraid to sleep with me?”

Tao Tiantian was not satisfied and sat up directly.

Who knows, the next second.

In Tao Tiantian’s exclamation.

A powerful force struck, directly suppressing her to the point that she could not move.

For a time, the sky swirled.

The expression on Lin Yu’s face was very calm, and he said with a hint of teasing: “Sister Tao, you don’t really think that I dare not do anything with you, do you?” ”

“I’m a man.”

Seeing Lin Yu’s domineering look.

Now, it was Tao Tiantian’s turn to panic.

Her heart was pounding, and a blush appeared on her charming face.

The so-called one thing to one thing.

The female devil Tao Tiantian also has times when she stutters.

“You, what are you going to do!”

“I, I told you oh, I’m not ready, you want to light…”

The words are not finished.

A “bang” came.

The next second, the door was opened.

Bai Qian still has that cold expression, and the beautiful pupils are extremely moving at night.

After seeing Lin Yu and Tao Tiantian.

On her beautiful face, she was slightly surprised.

Subsequently, it quickly recovered as before.

“Excuse me~!”

Bai Qian closed the door of the room and walked in.

“Eh, what are you doing?”

Lin Yu was stunned.

Tao Tiantian didn’t know why.

This good atmosphere, just broken?

“I’m afraid of the dark.”

Bai Qian didn’t think about it, and even the reason was the same as the one Tao Tiantian used just now.

Say it.

She sat down on the edge of the bed and began to take off her high heels and socks.

I have to say that this thing is not comfortable to wear at all.

Except it’s pretty good-looking.

“Sister Goddess, what are you doing?”

Tao Tiantian helped his forehead.

Bai shallowly said, “I’m older than you, called sister.” ”

The two daughters said one word to me, and talked about going to bed late at night.

Lin Yu was dizzy.

Such a big villa, do you have to sleep in your own room??

Isn’t it crowded!!

Thousands of miles away, the magic city.

A famous Chinese restaurant.

Mu Bingwan crossed Erlang’s legs, and the cold aura on her body continued to emanate.

Even the waiters stood far away.

“Miss Mu, it seems that you have also stepped into the Heavenly King level with half a foot?”

“It’s really progressing fast.”

Across the table.

A young man with blond hair and a luxurious suit said with a smile.

His Chinese was not yet very skilled and sounded weird.

Mu Bingwan did not pick up her topic, and said indifferently: “Dennett, let’s make a long story short.” ”

“I’m here to unilaterally cancel your marriage contract with my sister.”

Hearing this, the blond boy opposite was slightly stunned.

His chest rose and fell obviously, and after calming down for a few seconds, he actually laughed: “What do you say, quit marriage?” ”

“As far as I know, Miss Mu, you don’t seem to have this right?”

After Dennett finished speaking, he poured a glass of red wine for Mu Bingwan very gentlemanly.

“Taste it, I brought it from my hometown.”

Mu Bingwan was not interested in the slightest and continued: “The eldest sister is like a mother, Xue’er’s mother and I died a long time ago. ”

“So, I have the final say in this marriage.”

Dennett’s arm pouring wine stiffened slightly, and his face was very ugly: “Miss, you should still ask the Mu family for instructions, right?” ”

“After all, this is very rude…”

Saying this, there was also a hint of threat in his tone.

“Referring to such a thing as marriage is unique to feudal society.”

“The current Dragon Country advocates freedom.”

Mu Bingwan reached out and emptied the red wine in the quilt and asked the waiter for a glass of water again.

In every gesture, they all expressed their dislike for Dennett.

Speaking of this, the air was silent for a few seconds.

Not for a while.

Dennett was neither ashamed nor annoyed, and began to eat dishes for the first time.

He forked a piece of spiced beef and put it in his mouth, chewed it for a long time, and spit it out: “Bah! This is a spoil on the ingredients! ”

“Steak is the perfect way!”

“The Chinese food really disappointed me.”

Dennett put down his knife and fork and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief.

And not forgetting a derogatory meal.

Mu Bingwan showed disdain, “Mountain boar like you, of course, can’t eat fine chaff.” ”

“Chinese food for you to eat, is spoiled.”

Dennett obviously did not understand Mu Bingwan’s proverb, and wondered: “What mountain pig?” Where is the chaff? ”

“Too lazy to talk nonsense with you.”

“This matter ends here, in the future, you don’t pester my sister anymore.”

Speaking of this, Mu Bingwan got up and was about to leave.

Dannett immediately walked up to her and stopped her.

“Don’t rush to leave, Miss Mu.”

“Actually, I’m not interested in your sister at all.”

“I’m more interested in you~”

Speaking of which, Dennett actually stretched out a hand to touch Mu Bingwan’s cheek.

In the next second, countless ice picks appeared out of thin air and stabbed directly towards Dennett’s chest.


Dennett folded his arms and made a very ghostly move.

These ice picks containing power actually stopped in mid-air, as if frozen.

“Miss Mu, don’t be angry.”

“There are still two days left for the rookie competition, and it is not too late to fight and wait for that time.”

With a lewd smile, Dennett said confidently: “But, with you now, you can’t win me.” ”

After saying that, he opened his arms again: “Now in the entire Dragon Country, there is no young trainer who can win me!” ”

“This time the champion… It has to be a beautiful country! ”

Ignore the fool in front of you.

Mu Bingwan walked out of the store, leaving only four words.

“The frog at the bottom of the well.”

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