In order, one group after another.

Gu Qiu was the last to sign up, naturally ranking last.

It just so happened that Gu Qiu could also see how these people were graded.

The ten contestants placed the perfume on a small table in order, standing at their own table, waiting for the judges to score.

Seven judges set off.

Pick up the perfume and sniff it as you walk by, and if you smell good, it will spray on your arm.

A slightly satisfied expression appeared on his face.

After a round, someone took the score away.

Probably when the next round is going on, someone will report the score.

Gu Qiu looked at several groups and found that the highest score was a fashion woman, with a score of 243 points.

This score is not even half up to the standard, which shows how difficult this scoring standard is.

It’s Qiushui’s turn.

Qiushui’s perfume seemed to conquer many people, including Lijia’s face with an intoxicated expression, and finally Qiushui scored 403 points, a fairly high score, and the whole audience screamed.

After that, two more reached 400 scores, one 401 and the other 400 full.

Gu Qiu also probably understood the rating of perfume.

A score above 200 is considered very good.

It seems that except for these three people who reached 400 points, the rest reached more than 250 points, and there were only 13 people.

The final score in the current top 20 is 237 points.

The last woman looked at the ranking list very nervously, seeing that there were only the last six people left, and there seemed to be no great gods among those six people.

“The last six came on.”

Finally it was my turn.

Gu Qiu and the others were a little tired.

In front of the sixth table, Gu Qiu put down his perfume.

The judges began to move.

Li Jia first walked to Gu Qiu’s eyes and said with a smile: “How was the experience?” ”

The smile is very sincere, giving people an inexplicable good impression.

“It feels good, thank you Lijia for your hospitality.”

Gu Qiu was still very polite to the seniors.

“Haha, I’m not embarrassed to catch up, because the perfume contest has delayed your time, and I will fight you when the competition is over, and I am also very interested in your Pikachu.”

Lijia has a good personality and is a girl who loves to laugh very much.

When you laugh, your eyes will narrow slightly, which is very sweet.

Lijia is actually not a few years older than Qiu Shui.

Qiushui is 18 years old, and Lijia’s age Gu Qiu has seen the information, at the age of 23.

Very young.

“Lijia, do you know this teenager?”

An old woman judge on the side asked suspiciously.

Because she felt that Lijia’s attitude towards Gu Qiu was very polite, and it didn’t seem like she was treating her juniors.

“He is Gu Qiu, he came over to challenge the Taoist Hall today, and everyone will give a share of face later.”

Lijia was afraid that Gu Qiu’s score would be too ugly, so she couldn’t help but jokingly remind.

“It turns out that you are Gu Qiu, you are really young and promising, I hope you can win a good ranking in the competition in a few days.”

As soon as I heard it, it was Gu Qiu, and almost everyone knew him.

No way, under the impetus of those who have intentions.

Gu Qiu is really hot now, especially the overlord flower that killed Qiushui last night, which shocked everyone even more.

One person also recognized.

Even if this Gu Qiu did not surpass the strength of Ning Madman, it was a sure thing for Gu Qiu’s strength to reach the first level.

That’s the strength of a gear, how many are there in total in this competition?

“Thank you, senior.”

Gu Qiu naturally responded in a friendly manner in the face of these friendly praises.

“Then let’s try Xiaoyou’s perfume.”

For young people with potential, their attitude is very good.

Big people are not as brainless as imagined, they can become big people, basically have excellence.

The old man picked up Gu Qiu’s perfume with a smile on his face.

No one would think that Gu Qiu’s perfume could get a high score.

Autumn water included.

No, it seems that Bai Ruobing, who admires Gu Qiu infinitely, has leaked.

“Come on master, take the first place.”

Bai Ruobing saw that it was finally Gu Qiu’s turn to perfume, and shouted very excitedly.

Facing the strange gazes of the people around him, Bai Ruobing basically ignored it.

In fact, a girl with a big grin like her is very good.

The judges just smiled kindly when they heard this.

The old man opened the lid of the perfume, and there was no smell.

The old man frowned, perfume without fragrance?

This is a production failure.

The old man quietly put the perfume down, and said with a smile: “The perfume is okay, and it is already very good to reach this level for the first time.” ”

“Thank you.”

Five more people tried. The expressions are similar, the perfume of failure.

This is their assessment.

A perfume like this doesn’t get many points at all.

I’m afraid the total score will not exceed 100 points.

It’s just that this achievement is a little too ugly, so it will not be good if Gu Qiuji hates it in the future.

Just give a 30 point.

The last judge left with the lowest status, basically to make up the numbers, she picked up Gu Qiu’s perfume at random and smelled it, it really didn’t smell, even the most ordinary perfume on the market was better than this.

You must know that the average perfume on the market will not exceed 60 points in their rating.

It is said that the scores of five people will not add up to more than 60.

She originally wanted to give Gu Qiu something casually, but for some reason she was a little curious about why this perfume had no taste, so she poured a drop into her hand.

An incomparable intoxication, even the Overlord Flower who closed his eyes on the side opened his eyes in an instant.

So fragrant, so comfortable taste.

This smell alone has to help it capture.

“What does this smell like?”

Everyone was shocked.

They found the source of the smell, and it was Gu Qiu’s bottle of perfume.


Li Jia almost snatched Gu Qiu’s perfume with a snatch, and also poured a drop out.

It is this taste, the charming aroma, that makes people intoxicated and intoxicated.

Loved, loved.

Even her most outstanding perfume does not have this scent, it is simply that it must be 100 points.

The remaining few people were also shocked.

The smell of this perfume is probably too charming.

Full marks, full marks!

Only one person gave 99 points, the rest all passed with full marks, and all Gu Qiu’s final score was five hundred points.

Qiu Shui was stunned on the side.

Gu Qiu took the first place again?

Still in the field of perfume, it is too incredible.

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