Eighth Crown

Chapter 964: Contaminated Valhalla

After the deal was reached, the two quickly exchanged.

Because both parties could see the future, no one went back on it, and Solomon didn't do any small tricks, and directly handed Matou Sakura's soul to Liu Xia.

"Then let's say goodbye."

After completing the handover, Solomon nodded towards Liu Xia, then waved his hand, and opened a space passage behind him, intending to leave.

"Wait a minute, Sakura—!"

Emiya Shirou hadn't figured out the situation yet, and when he saw Solomon's intention to leave, he planned to step forward to stop him.

"No need to chase, Emiya Shirou."

Ryuxia blocked Emiya Shirou's movements, raised the colorless light ball in his hand, and gestured to him.

"Don't worry, as long as you have this, I will give you a healthy and pure girlfriend."


Emiya Shirou didn't understand the reasoning of this at all, hearing that he was just puzzled.

But since Liu Xia has said so, he can only choose to believe that, so far, Liu Xia has not lied to him.

"Wait, I have something to do!"

But after Emiya Shirou reluctantly settled down, Tohsaka Rin stood up from behind again and looked at Solomon coldly.

"Where did Archer go? He couldn't have died in that place! Did you do something, Caster?"


When Solomon was about to step into the space passage, he suddenly paused, and when he heard the words, he showed a sudden look.

"You said this, I almost forgot... Come out, Archer."

As soon as the voice fell, a tall figure was released from the spiritual child and appeared beside him.

The familiar white hair and dark skin were naturally red Archer.

But at this moment, the red coat on his body disappeared, only the black tights remained, and there were unknown dark lines all over his body, including his face and shoulders.

The expression on his face no longer fluctuated before, only indifference remained.

Just like the black King Arthur.


Tohsaka Rin stared blankly at the pitch-black Servant and murmured.

"Because I saw him alone from a distance, I tried to contaminate him."

Solomon's candid words confirmed her suspicions.

His actions so far have rescued multiple Servants and taken away the formed evil of this world. All these actions are undoubtedly preparations for the final decisive battle.

If nothing else, the reason why he did this was probably because he saw Liu Xia's threat with his clairvoyance, so he kept gathering battle power.

So, when he saw that the red Archer lost his opponent because of Hassan's sudden disappearance, he suddenly took action and let the evil of this world engulf Archer.

Anyway, the evil of this world will become his thing in the future, and Archer's blackening means that he will join his subordinates.

"Emiya Shirou."

And red... Now it's the black Archer. After appearing, he didn't pay any attention to Tohsaka Rin, but directly turned his attention to Emiya Shirou next to him.

"This is the end of the matter, I am afraid that the final decisive battle is already close."

Archer's unwavering eyes looked directly at Emiya Shirou, with an extraordinary stubbornness in his eyes.

"Your opponent is me, and sooner or later there will be a battle between us. If you don't come, I will find you. In short, I won't let you escape. The current me, my thoughts will not be as gentle as before, give me a good sense. !"

Emiya Shirou looked confused, so he couldn't understand the reason why Archer declared war on him.

But after Archer said this, he didn't mean to explain any more, turned around and stepped directly into the space passage in front of Solomon, disappearing in front of several people.

Solomon glanced at Emiya Shirou somewhat unexpectedly, and then a light flashed in his eyes, showing a clear look, and he also walked into the space passage.

In this castle, only Liu Xia and a few people were left.

After Solomon took Matou Sakura's body away, the sea of ​​black mud scattered around the castle also subsided, returning to the tranquility at the beginning, but compared to before, the current castle is full of signs of destruction.

After an extremely thrilling battle, although Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou rescued Matou Sakura, they also lost Archer because of this.

Correspondingly, there are only two servants left on their side, Lancer King Arthur and the Conqueror King. Others like the Heroic Guard Palace, Black King Arthur, Hercules and Gilgamesh are all gathered here. Solomon there.

In addition, Solomon also got the evil of this world, the gap between the two sides is too big to be calculated.

If it wasn't for Ryuxia, this Holy Grail War would have been a winner.

But unfortunately, Liu Xia intervened in the end.

"Go back first."

Ryuxia put down the colorless light ball in her hand and looked at Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka Rin.

"Whether to give up or continue to struggle, just wait and think about it later."

Emiya Shirou nodded.

Tohsaka Rin clenched his fists silently.

Lancer and Grey looked at each other.

Immediately, the five of them packed up and left the castle together, heading towards the city.


close to evening.

A group of people came to the deep forest in the southwest of Fuyuki City.

"A lie? Is the barrier here actually strong enough to rival the temple?"

Tohsaka Rin walked forward while looking at the barrier arranged around the dense forest in surprise.

"No wonder I searched all over Fuyuki City and found no trace of you. It turns out that there is such a barrier hidden. This is also your handwriting? How versatile are you?"

The girl looked at Liu Xia in amazement, her expression full of envy.

It would be great if she summoned such a Servant, the sense of security that a Servant who is so strong can create is not impossible.

Hand-to-hand combat is strong enough to suppress Hercules, and the Noble Phantasm can destroy Fuyuki City in one shot. It is suspected that it has the Noble Phantasm to capture other people's Noble Phantasm, and it is now capable of making temple-level positions.

Such a guy, in the generation of gods where there are gods, is an extraordinary hero. Going to such a place is simply bullying.

"I told you, I'm a sub-servant."

While leading the way for several people, Liu Xia responded indifferently.

"Being both a human being and a Servant, it is possible to continuously grow, so it is possible to reach this point."

Behind him, in addition to Grey, followed Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou.

The two of them also pulled a suitcase each, which was a change of clothes that they had picked up after returning home halfway.

Liu Xia was leading them towards the mansion.

Needless to say, they are allied.

No, it is not appropriate to say that it is an alliance. After all, they have no Servant on their side. Compared with an alliance, it is more like asking for shelter here.

Liuxia did not refuse immediately, but planned to take them to see El-Melloi II.

After half a minute.

Under the leadership of Liu Xia, several people passed through the outer barrier and saw the ghost mansion deep in the jungle.

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