Eighth Crown

Chapter 954: Emiya Shirou is dead (3/3)

In the northwest of Fuyuki City, just a few kilometers away from the Japanese residential area, there is a dense virgin forest.

There are few people here, and even the road does not extend into the forest. It is completely undeveloped and primitive. Almost no one will come to this place.

However, the reason why it has not been exploited is actually because a huge barrier is set up near the forest, covering most of the forest, so that the inside and outside of the forest are isolated from each other, which leads to less people and no one near here. .

And within that enchantment, there is a castle with a distinct European style, which looks very empty and tall, and has been around for many years.

From the perspective of Fuyuki City residents, the castle suddenly appeared in the forest sometime in the past.

Because it appeared very suddenly and strangely, it also made people look away, and they dared not approach the forest more and more, for fear that some ghosts and ghosts would emerge from it and take their own lives.

That castle was the Einzbern clan, one of the three royal families, who moved the castle in the deep mountains of Germany with a lot of money and means to support the stronghold of their master.

At this moment, in the forest.

The kelp-headed boy carried the unconscious girl in a long white dress on his back, panting and walked towards the depths of the forest.

These two are naturally Matou Shinji and Matou Sakura who disappeared from the Emiya residence.

After half an hour, the two came to the depths of the forest.

"Hehehe, I'm really fortunate, old and good grandson."

The bald old man with crutches appeared at the entrance of the castle with a laugh that seemed to leak from the air, and his dark eyes watched the two people who came.

No, it should be said that he was only watching Matou Sakura in a coma the whole time.

For the so-called "good grandson" Matou Shinji, he didn't even look at him. In his eyes, this so-called grandson who couldn't even open the magic circuit was simply a large non-recyclable garbage.

"That's right! It's so fortunate!"

Matou Shinji's face was full of resentment, and he even drank impatiently.

"This is the first time I know that the guy in Wei Gong is actually the master! He actually has a follower! He doesn't even have me, why is he? I don't know when I was discovered! When I carried her in, the ghost knew how tired I was!"

Like a cannonball, he released all the jealousy and anger in his heart.

He is the eldest son of the Matou family, and he was supposed to inherit the magic of the Matou family. A piece of trash that can't even open a magic circuit.

The pride and vanity of being the heir suddenly collapsed. Even Shirou Emiya, who was treated with compassion by him in the past, did not know when he became the master, which made his self-esteem never distorted like this moment.

"There's only one Servant in that house, you're so frightened, it's really worthless!"

Matou Zuoyan hummed and laughed at him, then took Matou Sakura off his back, put it on the ground, and took off the Command Spell on the back of her hand.

Although Gorgon was dead, Matou Sakura's Command Spell still remained.

Einzbern provided the Little Holy Grail, Maqiri—that is, Matou provided the Command Spell, and Tohsaka provided the land. This was the responsibilities of the three families in the Holy Grail War ceremony.

And the person who provided the command spell by Maqiri was named Maqiri Sorgen, and the command spell was what he invented.

The magician used insect magic to make his body repeat the process of collapse and rebirth, thus allowing himself to survive and become the actual ruler of the Matou family - Matou Zoe.

The command spell was originally invented by him, and he wanted to deprive it of it. It was really simple.


As if being stimulated by the rude actions of Matou Zuoyan when he was deprived of the Command Spell, the unconscious girl felt pain, she frowned slightly, and opened her somewhat confused pupils.

"This is...outside? Are we...saved?"

The girl's lips were chapped, her expression was haggard, she couldn't even speak coherently, her body was extremely weak, and she looked pitiful.

"Oh, you're awake, Sakura."

Matou Zuoyan seemed to have just noticed her waking up, and gave her a friendly smile, "Yes, we have been saved, that monster has been killed by other servants."

"Really...then I have to tell the senior..."

The purple-haired girl tried to stand up from the ground, but she didn't have any strength for a long time without dripping water, causing her to fall to the ground again.

"I disappeared for several days...Senior must be very worried about me..."

"How pitiful, Sakura, have you forgotten?"

The seemingly friendly smile on Matou Zaiyan's face suddenly turned nasty.

"Emiya Shirou is dead - killed by Rider, with a sword piercing the heart!"

His smile seemed to be filled with all kinds of malice, as if it had accumulated for countless years, but just looking at it made people feel numb on the scalp and shudder.


Matou Sakura's movement to get up suddenly stopped, and a confused look suddenly appeared on her face.

"Right... Senior is already dead..."

Yep, already dead.

Grandpa told her yesterday that her senior Emiya Shirou was killed by Rider's servant on the first day he summoned the servant.

What does that feel like?

It was as if the only sun in her life that could give her warmth was shot down from the sky.

His life is gone, and he will never laugh again, never look her in the eye, never call her name again, never cook breakfast with her, go to school together...

The girl's eyes gradually lost their lustre.

It seems that the meaning of life has disappeared, and there is no need to live anymore.


Desperate but that.

The dark aura was released from the purple-haired girl's body, vaguely forming the shape of an imaginary black shadow around her, and a large number of dark curses rolled around her body.


When Matou Zuoyan saw this, the smile on his face became more and more exuberant, and joy filled his heart.



As long as she completely despairs, he will surely get an immortal body and live in this world forever!

"Haha! Hahaha...! The wish of the old man is finally coming true!"

The rotten laughter that seemed to be out of breath gradually spread throughout the castle.

In the forest not far away.

When Matou Zuoyan felt joy in his heart, he did not notice that in the forest, there was a silver-haired man in a red and white magic robe standing there.

His figure is slightly illusory, obviously not the body.

He just stood there silently, looking at Matou Zuoyan and Matou Sakura, without saying a word.

the other side.

An hour passed.

After the people in the Emiya Mansion were ready, they set off from the mansion without hesitation and rushed towards the forest.

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