Eighth Crown

Chapter 945: Sudden intruders (3/3)

Liu Xia will do good deeds only if he has an emotional appreciation for this person, or if the other person has sincerity and trust in him.

Tohsaka Rin's words are completely irrelevant to these two, and belong to passers-by who have no relationship. Even if there are several intersections, it is only limited to "no" relationship.

Under such circumstances, if you want Liu Xia to help, you have to show the value that is enough to make him tempted.

"Well... even if you say that, my family doesn't have much money, and the only thing that is valuable is the collection of books on the magical way."

As Rin Tohsaka said this, he tentatively looked in the direction of Liu Xia, trying to guess whether he was satisfied or not from his reaction.

However, Liu Xia's unshakable expression ruthlessly defeated her heart full of luck.

"Then add the Matou family's book collection...or my magic engraving!"

Tohsaka Rin gritted her teeth, although she was sorry for her father, but if she could use the family's magic seal to save her sister, she would not turn back.

Doing this made Liu Xia feel a little better.

For a magician, the magic seal, which symbolizes the honor of the family and the hope of the family, is almost more important than life.

Don't you see that after the El-Melloi faction lost 90% of the magic engraving, the whole family almost finished playing, owed a lot of debt, and fell to the lowest point of the clock tower power hierarchy in one breath, anyone can bully a bit.

Tohsaka Rin can achieve this level, although her father died early and did not cultivate the values ​​of magician, but it can also be seen how much she cherishes her sister.

But this is not enough.

The mere collection of books and magic engravings are basically worthless in his eyes.

The expression on his face was still flat, and there was no sign of being moved.

"Hey, I can't take it out any more!"

Tohsaka Rin stomped his feet and gradually became saddened.

No, in terms of value, there is indeed another value in her.


Thinking of this, the expression of the girl with double ponytails also twisted a little, a little blush appeared on her cheeks, her eyes seemed to be dodging shyly, and her hands pinched the hem of the miniskirt, kneading it unnaturally.

"If...if that wasn't enough, I...my body also—"

This is for Sakura.

Tohsaka Rin said this to himself in his heart.

If just selling her body can restore Sakura to a healthy and safe body, then it's worth the money.


This guy is really good looking!

Tohsaka Rin secretly glanced at Liu Xia again, and was even a little fortunate in his heart, and even thought so excitedly.

This guy's face is absolutely handsome enough to form skills, whether it is a fantasy blessing or a god's curse, anyway, the lethality of that face to women is unimaginable.

If you don't protect yourself by the method of meditation, or if you are a strong-willed person, you will definitely not be able to resist his charm.

She doesn't have a boyfriend anyway.

It wouldn't be too bad if he gave his first time to such a hero for the sake of Sakura——

"No, not interested."

The cold words entered Tohsaka Rin's ears, making her face and inner emotions stiff.

how to say?

All of a sudden, the sense of shame disappeared, and I only felt that my self-esteem and self-confidence were severely hit.

Although you have to admit that your **** are bad, you can't just look at the **** when you look at a woman, right?

It just so happens that she is very confident in her legs, especially the curve from the hips to the thighs, and sometimes she can even admire her narcissistically for a long time.

But this guy refused without hesitation, not even thinking about it, not even a second of hesitation!

It was as if he was being scorned by others when he was promoting himself, and then he laughed three times and was ruthlessly denied and ridiculed!

Very insulting! Great lethality!


The girl with two ponytails began to grind her teeth and clenched her fists tightly.

calm down!

Calm down, Tohsaka Rin, this guy must be frigid, or simply has a problem with his sexual orientation!

"Oh hehe...! Then...then, what do you want as a reward?"

Tohsaka Rin covered his lips with his hand, and let out a laughter that looked elegant but was actually yin and yang, then squeezed his fist and handed over the choice to Liu Xia.

At this time, she was trying hard to curb the urge to beat people up in her body.

After all, if she really wanted to do something, she wouldn't beat him, but beat him back.

"What are you getting paid for..."

Liu Xia heard the words, but did not pay attention to Tohsaka Rin's obvious mental state of collapse, but fell into contemplation, and then he looked at him for a while.

"Let me ask you something, how is the relationship between Shirou Emiya and Sakura Matou?"

He obviously had some idea, that's why he asked this question.

He saw that Emiya Shirou clearly cared about Matou Sakura.

"Eh? The two of them? They have a good relationship, right?"

Tohsaka Rin thought for a while and gave the answer, "I remember, it seems that since more than a year ago, Sakura has come to Emiya's house every day, sooner or later, although Emiya-kun is a bit old and good, but his real friends are only so. Just a few people."

Bad and good people's friends don't always go anywhere.

Even if there is, most of them are just random encounters, or because of the personality that he will not refuse. If you want to take some self-righteousness from him, it is actually very cheap.

"That's it."

When Liu Xia heard the words, she showed a clear expression.

"If that's the case, I'll get the reward from Emiya Shirou, and I'll talk to him later. As for the recovery of the body, we'll talk about it after the Holy Grail War is over."

"is this OK?"

Tohsaka Rin was suddenly dumbfounded and looked at Liu Xia in disbelief.

Obviously you can't see any value from her, but you plan to get paid from Shirou Emiya?

Isn't that guy a simple layman? Even the rules of the Holy Grail War are not clear, and the magical power channel between Saber and Saber has not yet been connected.

Could it be that that guy has the value that even such an exceptional Heroic Spirit looks at?


Liu Xia suddenly frowned and looked in the direction of the front yard.

"What's wrong?"

Tohsaka Rin noticed Liu Xia's reaction and asked him a little puzzled.

Although she could also hear the sound of ping-pong-pong in the front yard and the howling of the wind, she also knew that the two King Arthurs must be fighting.

"Some outsiders came in."

Liu Xia stared in the direction of the front yard, her expression unexpectedly serious, "Also, this aura is—"




He hasn't finished speaking yet.

In the sky of the front yard, golden ripples suddenly appeared one after another, from which, dozens of golden treasures of various colors and styles, such as swords, spears, swords, and halberds, emerged!

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