Eighth Crown

Chapter 937: God of Demons Gorgon (3/3)



After Liu Xia dragged the Serpentine out of the ground, she let go of her hand and threw it directly on the ground, causing the earth to roar loudly.

This is the bank of the Mito River.

Moreover, it was the place where Matou Zoe and Tohsaka Rin met last time, but Tohsaka Rin never thought of it. In fact, the secret here is hidden underground.

Not far away is the shopping street of Shenshan Town. Because it is morning, there are not many passers-by around.

Even so, after the flames soared into the sky and another giant basilisk appeared on the surface, the few passers-by were still completely stunned, and their faces were full of looks as if their three views had been reshaped.

"In Greek mythology, there are three sisters born of gods living on the invisible island. Among them, the third sister Medusa became a world-famous female monster after swallowing the eldest sister Steno and the second sister Yurielle. "

Liu Xia stepped on the flames and floated in mid-air, looking at the snake-shaped female monster who was rearranging her posture below, and spoke coldly.

"It is a hero killer formed by the fusion of three divine natures. Although it has magical nature, it is a real goddess, so it is also a **** of demon nature, named - Gorgon."

Lucia still knew her, but of course it was Chaldea again.

It is said that this demonic **** caused a lot of trouble to Fujimaru Tachika and his party at the seventh singularity, but he was defeated and even summoned to Chaldea.

However, the Gorgon who was summoned to Chaldea was at best in the stage of "about to transform from a goddess to a real monster Gorgon", and was not the real God of Demons Gorgon.

But now, the female monster that appeared in front of Liu Xia did not have the slightest bit of divinity on her body. Her whole body was full of cruelty and cruelty, and her demonic nature was extremely dark. There was no doubt that she was the real Gorgon.

"Shut up! Don't call me by that name!"

Gorgon shouted furiously, his purple pupils glared in the direction of Liu Xia, his eyes were fierce as if he wanted to eat his flesh.

"But, it shouldn't be."

Lucia completely ignored Gorgon's wrath, and just muttered to herself in her own way.

"Gorgon's words should be Avenger, one of the extra classes. It can't be Assassin, and although Gorgon is a monster, he is also a goddess. Can the Great Holy Grail summon the gods?"

Could it be that the Matou clan has also made an illegal summoning like the previous Einzbern clan?

And this demonic **** is actually willing to be summoned by the Great Holy Grail and the Matou Clan as a Servant?

"You bastard...! Not only once, but even said that name twice or three times!"

Gorgon's eyes looking at Liu Xia were gradually shrouded in thick anger, his purple pupils shrank like snake pupils, and the countless long purple hair behind him suddenly expanded and stretched out.

The long purple hairs turned into strips of purple giant pythons in the blink of an eye, and the beginnings turned into the huge mouths of the giant pythons, from which a huge amount of magic power was condensed, forming a deep purple light.

"Death to me!!!"

Under the bursting roar, dozens of rumbling magic cannons spewed out from the snake-haired giant python's mouth, causing the air to vibrate and shoot towards Liu Xia's direction.

The air was surging, the light was dazzling, and the air was trembling.

Liu Xia didn't answer, just stretched out her hand.

In an instant, a sea of ​​flames like a sea of ​​smoke emerged from all over him, turning into a sturdy pillar of flames, heading towards the incoming magic cannon.

Under the stunned gazes of the surrounding pedestrians, the magic cannon and flames suddenly burst into flames.


In an instant, the hot air waves rolled, and the atmosphere trembled violently, and the majestic shock waves roared out in all directions like a tsunami.

Pedestrians who were closer were directly thrown out, the grass was flattened, and even Weiyuan River was aroused by huge waves.

in the air.

The dozens of magic cannons that came and the pillar of flames that Liu Xia swayed canceled each other out and gradually disappeared.

But before the air calmed down, countless snake-haired pythons stretched out from Gorgon's direction, opening their **** mouths and biting towards Liu Xia's direction.

It's just a snake-haired python, and its snake head is as wide as Liu Xia.

One bite is definitely enough to bite a person to pieces, so many snake-haired giant pythons bite, even a first-class Servant is bound to be severely injured.


Liu Xia stretched out her hand and held it, so that a flaming giant sword over fifty meters long was formed in her hand in an instant, and then it slammed down from the sky and swept out again.

With only two horizontal and vertical crosses, the snake-haired giant python that Gorgon stretched out was smashed into pieces, turned into blood-stained snake heads and fell from the sky, smashing depressions one by one on the ground.

By comparison.

As the true goddess, Gorgon has completely transformed into a monster at this moment, and his hands are full of **** and brutal moves that make people shudder.

In the wave of his hand, the sea of ​​fire emerged, and Liu Xia, who descended from the sky with the blade of judgment, turned out to be like a god.

"God... No, is there only this level of **** followers?"

Liu Xia stood in the void and looked at the Gorgon opposite with a cold gaze. Although her expression was calm, her mouth was full of contempt.

"Gorgon, use all your strength and let me see."

There is no need for a mysterious killer, no need for the eye of death.

The mere release of magic power under the support of endless magic power is enough to make him and Gorgon easily put together.

Is Lucia too strong?

This is for sure, there is no magic power stronger than infinite magic power to be released, and now he even dares to use magic power to release it to fight with the holy spear, and there is even a possibility of winning - only if it is not completely liberated.

However, Gorgon relegated to the world as a Servant, and her strength has also been weakened to a certain extent.

Not only that, she consumes an extremely large amount of magic power in every move, which is a huge burden for the Master. Without the support of magic power, her limited strength cannot be fully utilized.

The life force she had drawn from the dozens of people she had taken captive had probably already consumed most of it in the short few tricks just now.

"Damn it!!!"

The gigantic gorgon let out a roar full of embarrassment, and then a jewel-like dazzling light burst out from his eyes, causing a huge magic circle to condense out in front of him.


Immediately afterwards, the pitch-black magic cannon was released from the magic circle in her eyes, and in the blink of an eye, it spanned a distance of hundreds of meters and shot towards Liu Xia's body.

The power of this magic cannon is even higher than before.

And according to mythology, the pitch-black magic cannon may even have the power of petrifying the magic eye, and it may kill you if you rub it a little!

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