Eighth Crown

Chapter 898: Treasures worth billions of dollars

After two minutes.

After a burst of noise and noise, the office returned to its former calm.

El-Melloi II and Lenis were sitting at the front and back of the desk respectively, and a look of rejoicing appeared on II's face, while Lenis sat there as if nothing had happened.

Because of Lucia's unexpected arrival, Laines still didn't do the lewd act in front of everyone's eyes. Do this in front of your eyes.

"However, I really didn't expect that you would dare to enter the teaching building of the modern magic department with such a swagger, even though you are still under the seal designation."

Lenis looked at Liu Xia, who was standing at the table, and said inquiringly, "Aren't you afraid of being found out and caught? I heard that there is a trace of the monarch offering a reward for you, and even I am heartbroken... ...Speaking of which, did you use an enchanting magic?"

"If you can do it, it's okay to try it."

Liu Xia leaned on the bookshelf beside the table, and said indifferently: "I used to be not afraid of the clock tower, but now I don't even care about it, Shibie should be impressed for three days, not to mention a month... I didn't use the magic of charm, but the bloodline has risen a few levels, and it automatically has the charm of magic."

The last time I came to the Clock Tower, Liu Xia's ghost blood was only at the level of the last string, and he did not have the ability to awaken his charm. Now that his charm has reached the highest level, the gap between the front and back will naturally make people care.

"Hey, that's it... The rise in bloodline gives you such confidence."

Lenis looked at Lucia with interest, and then made an enthusiastic proposal.

"Hey, are you interested in acting with me? How about I tell the clock tower about your whereabouts, and how about half the bounty I get? I heard that your trail is worth tens of millions of dollars!"

Tens of millions of dollars may be nothing to El-Mello before, but for El-Mello, who now owes huge debts, it is undoubtedly a huge sum of money.

"Not interested in."

Lucia refused Lenis's proposal without hesitation.

The money of the world is no longer in his eyes.

With his current ability, if he wants to make money, it can't be easier, but he won't stay in a certain world for a long time, so money is meaningless.

"That's a pity."

Lenis suddenly sighed with some regret, and after being lost for a while, she looked at El-Melloi II, the queen of Zhuo again.

"Let's get back to the point, no matter what, brother, I won't let you go to the Holy Grail War easily. According to the rumors in the Clock Tower, this time not only the Royal Family of the Holy Grail War, but even the Clock Tower has a monarch who plans to go there. Participate, at the level of your brother, you will definitely die if you go."

In the last Holy Grail War, even the monarch of the previous generation, El-Melloi, died there. It can only be said that the second generation was lucky to come back alive.

But this kind of luck does not work every time. Once there is a negligence, it will be the end of death.

"Well, I'm not that unreasonable sister either."

Lenis then changed the conversation and said proudly: "If you have to go, I won't stop you, but there is one condition, that is to pay off all of El-Mello's debts so far. ,how?"

If the Second World really intends to sneak in to participate, Rhines feels that there is no absolute certainty that he can stop him, especially when Grey and the subservient support him.

Therefore, Lenis changed her method and simply put forward a condition that the Second World simply could not fulfill.

Sure enough, when El-Melloi's debts were mentioned, his face turned blue.

Over the years, although he also helped El-Melloll pay off some of his debts, it was still a drop in the bucket overall.

After all, before the death of the previous monarch, El-Melloi was the fourth-largest noble in the Clock Tower, with extremely rich funds, such a big hole, he may not be able to pay off such a big hole in his lifetime.

Lenis left the office with the Mercury Maid in a cheerful mood after setting a big problem for the Second King.

She believed that it was impossible for the Second World to repay the debt in units of 100 million in just over ten days, so she was very relieved and felt that it was stable.

in the office.

The second generation also really had quite a headache, and the whole person was lying on the table weakly, groaning in pain.

There is no way, a penny can beat a hero, not to mention such a large debt, it is simply killing him.

"Do you need help?"

Liu Xia looked at the second world who was lying on the desk with a stomachache, and said indifferently: "Although I don't have much money on me, if it is a treasure worth hundreds of millions or billions of dollars, I can get it now. get it out."

"...What can you do, Liangyi?"

The second stood up straight from the table, and although his face was a bit tangled, he still chose to ask Liu Xia for help.

He didn't want to owe his students favors and property, but if it was for the sake of participating in the Holy Grail War and reuniting with the king in his heart, then he would risk it!

"Use this."

Liu Xia casually tore a few pieces of paper from the notebook on the table, and then wrote a few runes that looked very difficult to understand on the paper.

"This is the original rune I learned, and it is the part that has been lost. In a place like the Clock Tower, it shouldn't be a problem to sell it for billions of dollars."

The Clock Tower is unusually strict in the management of mysteries, but also has a morbid longing for ancient mysteries.

A modern version of Rune Rune reproduced by Aozaki Orange, you have to pay tens of millions of dollars to get a set. Several original Rune Runes given by Liu Xia are not a problem to sell for billions of dollars .


As the monarch, II naturally also understood the weight of it. Hearing that, he almost suffocated, and the hands that held the paper on which several runes were written couldn't help shaking violently.

"Phew...Thank you, Liangyi."

He took a few deep breaths before trying to calm himself down.

"All in all, I won't say anything extra, I have written down this kindness... I will spend a few days to find someone to shoot these runes, Grey, I will go out first, you will entertain the two ."

After saying this, the second generation put away the rune paper and hurriedly left the room.

"Ah... yes!"

Grey came back to his senses and nodded quickly in response.

Even she has to carefully calculate her daily expenses. Billions of dollars are an astronomical figure to her, and Liu Xia, who has a treasure that is comparable in value to that astronomical figure, has a status in her heart that is almost as high as God's. comparable.

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