Eighth Crown

Chapter 1229: that's not a bad feeling

The magic output ability is much stronger.

Liu Xia stretched out his hand to experiment, and his magic output ability was more than ten times stronger than before.

It seems that after the S-Class, the improvement of a plus sign is more than a simple multiplication.

The improvement of future vision is even more above it, not only erasing all the restrictions of the past, but even taking it to a higher level, breaking through the barriers of time and space, and being able to see through all the future forms in the world.

This is actually equivalent to the clairvoyance of EX rank. With this alone, Liu Xia can also become a candidate for a GrandCaster, and with his bow rank strength, it is not impossible to become a GrandArcher directly.

His current strength has begun to fully surpass the crown position, approaching a higher realm.

When the A-level future vision is used, it is very simple for the enemy to stop Liu Xia's peeping. For example, to build a powerful barrier that can prevent any information leakage, or it is a **** itself, so that people can't see the slightest information.

But when it evolves to S rank, the barrier can no longer stop Liu Xia, even if it is a god, as long as he insists on seeing it, he will definitely be able to see it.

Of course, such barbaric acts will definitely be discovered by the gods, and they will be punished in anger... But to be honest, it is really uncertain who punishes whom.

God: What are you looking at?

Lucia: What are you doing?

God: I will kill you!

Liu Xia drew his sword: Come on, let's see who kills who.

God: ... If you can't see it, you can tell me directly, you're welcome.

It will probably evolve into this scene.


the next morning.

As soon as Liu Xia walked out of the camp, she saw that the soldiers coming and going were all anxious, whispering to each other, and there was a bit of panic in their expressions.

There was only one thing these soldiers discussed.

The tortoise disappeared.

That's right, the super tortoise with a body length of more than 5,000 meters that was lying on the ground not far away disappeared overnight, and all its head and head disappeared, leaving only the red-stained earth. Witness what happened yesterday.

No wonder the soldiers felt apprehensive, they were all afraid that the tortoise was not completely dead, and it was resurrected in the night without knowing it.

"Lord Hero of the Bow, the Queen has a message, please go to the center of the camp after you wake up!"

A soldier was standing beside Liu Xia's tent, and after Liu Xia came out, he immediately sent a message to him cautiously.

Liu Xia didn't answer, just walked silently towards the tent in the center of the camp.

Across the distance, Liu Xia could hear the quarrel from the tent.

After the curtain was lifted, the quarrel among the leaders of the various countries was also imprinted in his eyes.

Not only that, even the Queen, Iwatani Shangwen, and Tian Mulian, who had woken up, also came here and sat in their respective chairs.

Even Liu Xia saw the figures of the two ceremonies. She was leaning on the shelf in the corner of the tent, looking at the quarrel of everyone with an indifferent expression.

He walked over naturally and stood with her.

"How was your rest last night? I have to go out today."

"It's okay, it's not very good, it's not a problem to go out."

The two chatted with each other as if there was no one else around.

"Lord Hero of the Bow, something big has happened now! The body of the tortoise disappeared last night, and now is not the time to talk about other things!"

Seeing this, someone couldn't help but speak to him.

"Yeah, the tortoise may have been resurrected last night. It's not surprising when it will be killed again. Lord Brave is sympathetic to the world, but you can't ignore us!"

Someone asked him again, but there was a bit of scheming in the words, a bit of moral kidnapping.

The faces of Tian Mu Lian and Kitamura Yuankang were both ugly.

These people completely ignored the two of them, begging Liu Xia one by one to keep him from leaving, as if the two of them didn't exist at all. This phenomenon once again deeply hurt their self-esteem.

But they are still helpless.

When facing the tortoise, they were captured without even a single move. According to the coalition, it was Liu Xia who rescued them from the tortoise. The queen also said that when the matter was over, she would talk to them. Calculate the account of running away privately.

All kinds of uncomfortable things came together, making it very difficult for them to accept.

"The tortoise is already dead, you don't need to make a fuss. If she really comes back to life, she would definitely make a big noise last night with that size, and it's impossible to disappear silently."

Liu Xia cast a glance at everyone, not salty or indifferent.

"I have something to do after that, and I'll leave right away, you can do it yourself."

Whether the tortoise is dead or not, no one knows better than him.

After all, the corpse of the tortoise is now lying in his eight-room space, how can it be resurrected.

Everyone was hesitant to hear the words, not sure whether what Liu Xia said was true or not.

Only Iwatani Shangwen's face was a little subtle.

He vaguely remembered that when he was in the Forest of Confusion, Liu Xia took out several dead monsters from his blade and helped him unlock the very powerful Dragon King Shield.

Among the corpses of the monsters at that time, there was the Chimera that he had taken care of last night, and the tortoise disappeared silently at night... and his expression of not worrying about it was as if Be sure that the tortoise cannot be resurrected.

He felt that he might be vaguely close to the truth.

"Don't you take the body of the tortoise as your own?"

Iwatani Shangwen was slightly taken aback.

who is it?

Can you come to the same conclusion as him, and faster than him?

Looking at the sound, he saw Kitamura Yuankang showing a hostile face, his eyes tightly locked on Liangyi Liuxia.

Does this guy have this kind of intelligence?

No, just jealousy and resentment.

Iwatani Shangwen thought in his heart that Kitamura Motoyasu was a person who was often tricked by women. It was almost impossible to draw that inference. He should have regarded Liuxia as his biggest enemy but was rescued by him. This extremely unwilling anger made him He's deviated from reason, so let's talk about it.

"Is there something wrong with your brain?"

Before Liu Xia could speak, a beautiful girl's voice had already sounded from beside him.

"Not to mention whether the corpse of the tortoise was taken by Liu Xia, and even if it was, so what? He defeated that monster alone, right?"

The sharp eyes of the two ceremonies swept across everyone in the field, and then locked on Kitamura Yuankang.

"It's obviously a huge contribution to saving the world. If you don't pay it, it's fine if you don't repay your life-saving grace. Do you still have the face to share the spoils?"

Kitamura Yuankang suddenly froze, his face rose like a pig's liver, and the hand holding the gun trembled violently.

The other coalition leaders looked at each other for a while, and bowed their heads tacitly, pretending that nothing happened.

In fact, it's not that they didn't have that idea, but they didn't dare to say it because of Liu Xia's expression like a **** of war yesterday. They didn't expect that this spear warrior was not very talented, but not small.

Liu Xia looked at the two rituals on the side with some surprise.

This was the first time she had spoken to him.

It doesn't feel good.

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