Eighth Crown

Chapter 1051: Lucia who decides to take action


Is the fantasy tree actually in that direction?

Hearing this, Liu Xia's eyes suddenly narrowed, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

The reason why this Lost Belt can't see the fantasy tree must be that Skadi hid it and cut off the possibility of being detected. Because of Skadi's protection, Liuxia's future vision can't be seen. Where the fantasy tree is.

Unless she can get past Skadi, or kill her to make her protective effect non-existent, Liu Xia will not be able to find where the fantasy tree is.

"But Surter is different..."

Lucia frowned in thought.

After all, Surtur has been Ophelia’s Servant for a while, and Ophelia, who is a hider, is undoubtedly responsible for this fantasy tree in the Nordic Lostbelt. Ophelia must know Where the fantasy tree is.

Then, it is not surprising that Surtur will know where the fantasy tree is.

But then, it will be troublesome.

What does Surter want to do at the fantasy tree?

To cut down the fantasy tree?

No, he himself is one of the beings in this Lostbelt. Once the fantasy tree is cut down and the world is cut, he himself has to disappear. It is impossible for Surtur not to understand this truth, so the possibility of cutting the fantasy tree is very unlikely. Save one.

So... is it to take possession of the fantasy tree?

"What did he do at the Fantasy Tree?"

Lucia looked at Skadi, who was on the side, trying to get an answer from her.

"...Look at the sword in his hand."

Skadi frowned, and after Liu Xia asked, along with contemplation, more and more unease appeared in her eyes.

When everyone heard the words, they all looked towards the sword in Surter's hand.

It was a magic sword with flames of destruction wrapped around its entire body, with a broken ring at the hilt, almost half the height of Surtur himself.

According to legend, the real name of that sword should be [Levadin], it is the magic sword that symbolizes the sun and victory, it has the meaning of breaking the branch, and it is the symbol of the leader of destruction.

In the eyes of everyone, the sword not only had the terrible magic flame that belonged to Surtur itself, but also had all kinds of violent auras. Those auras were condensed on the sword and could not be dissipated for a long time.

"That's the power of the gods."

Skadi explained: "In the ancient age of the gods, Surtur backstabbed Fenrir, who devoured the concept sun, ate it, and killed countless gods, exhausting their powers. We usurped it, and that's why the current magic sword Raivadine was formed."

In other words, the countless violent breaths entwined on the sword are essentially the manifestation of the power of the gods?

"After Surtur devoured the gods, he had some of the power of the gods."

Scotty's face was full of unspeakable bitterness.

"If my expectations are not bad, Surtur should want to swallow the fantasy tree, and at the same time get the power of the fantasy tree, he will also become a new fantasy tree by himself!"


Devour the power of the fantasy tree and become a new fantasy tree by yourself?

If the situation is really as Scati said, after swallowing the fantasy tree, not only will Surtur's strength improve, but if you want to cut this Lost Belt, I am afraid you need to kill Surter himself. Row.

The power of the fantasy tree is not that strong, even if it is swallowed, Surtur will not be able to improve too much, but if the fantasy tree is swallowed by him, it will be more troublesome for Liu Xia to cut the loss belt.

"Slude, Hilde, Otlinde!"

Skadi looked at the giant king who was steadily marching towards the northern border in the distance, and his face gradually became firm.

"The world left by the Great God must not be destroyed in our hands, get ready, let's stop him together!"

Immediately afterwards, she looked at Lucia and Brynhild again, her eyes gradually brightening.

"I've already said this, I believe you should understand it too? That guy is not beneficial to all of us, so I hope you can help me too!"

She explained so much in detail, just to understand the danger of the giant king, so as to win over the fighting power of Liu Xia.

The strength of these people is quite good, especially Liu Xia, if she provides protection and support, it is not even impossible to fight the Giant King!

"Also, in this situation, helping to stop the Giant King is indeed the most suitable choice."

Liu Xia didn't hesitate much, and quickly nodded in agreement.

"Sound Judgment."

When Scotty heard the words, the corners of his lips suddenly raised a happy arc.

"I will use my power to protect all of you, and I will also interfere with Surtur. I will also help treat the Valkyrie and the dragon slayer here, and Surtur will ask you for help. It's gone!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she waved her hand, causing rows of primordial runes to appear, landing on Liu Xia and the three Valkyrie sisters beside her.

Liu Xia felt a little bit, and the protection from the real Primordial God is indeed not to be underestimated. Even with his strength, he feels that his strength has increased by more than a few percent. The strength of the three Valkyries may have been improved by at least several times. ?


Without intending to communicate with others, Liu Xia shot flames directly under her feet, and the whole person shot towards the distance high in the sky.

"That guy, has no idea of ​​cooperating with us at all?"

Seeing this, Slude's expression suddenly tightened, and his expression became uneasy.

"Should you think we're in the way? What a nasty guy!"

Hilde could not help but grit her teeth and glared in the direction of Liu Xia angrily.


Otlinde remained silent.

Although they refused to admit defeat, they all knew in their hearts that Liu Xia's strength was far beyond their imagination. In this battle, that guy must be the undisputed main force.

"No way, let's support from the side."

Slude sighed very unwillingly, and immediately flew into the sky with the other two in a white bird dress, followed behind Liu Xia, and galloped in the direction of Surtur.

And Skadi came to the front of Brynhilde and Sigurd who were on the side, and used a technique far superior to all of them to heal the two of them.

"Oh, is this really a terrible situation?"

Shortly after the healing began, some young and mature voices entered Scotty's ears.

Immediately afterwards, a girl with white hair and red eyes, who looked no more than ten years old and whose appearance was not as delicate as a normal person, appeared out of nowhere and came to Skadi's side with an expression of amazement.

"Have you finally come out, Freya?"

Skadi cast a loving look at the girl, as if a mother was looking at her close relatives.

"You too, come and help."

"Although there is also an element of Freya, my name is Illya!"

The white-haired girl pouted, her expression full of helplessness.

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