Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 883: Taoguan, Taoist

The peaks of the mountains are endless, undulating, some are majestic, some are green and beautiful, and a winding bluestone road runs through the mountains and leads to the depths of the forest.

The summer butterfly has a great power, killing the masters of the stars and the celestial squatting outside the ancient ban, and the two people and one beast will leave, all the way to the east, to a mountain and mountains, the forest is full of large and small lakes. In the ancient forest.

"Ye Chenfeng, I think this place is good, it is very suitable for cultivation, we are here to see the body of the day can be corpse." Summer butterfly looked around the lush and lush environment, very like, open the proposal.

"In fact, it is the best place to see the corpse of the day in the Qiankun environment." Ye Chenfeng, flying in the void.

"How do you still want to lie to me to bully me in your shackles, telling you that there is no door." In the Qiankun environment, he ate a big loss of summer butterfly and white leaves the morning wind.


"Which I dare to bully you!"

Recalling her scene of killing the star Luo Tiancheng master, Ye Chenfeng had a lingering temper, and his body was cold and whispered.

"This place is really good. It is surrounded by mountains and waters, lakes are dotted, and there is no such thing as a fairy. Let's find a place in this mountain to see through the body of the day."

Looking at the quiet scenery in the mountains, Ye Chenfeng liked it here, with summer butterflies and black ants, flew to the depths of the mountains, looking for cultivation.

"Well, Taoist... there is a Taoist temple in this mountain!"

Flying to the depths of the mountains, Ye Chenfeng found a dilapidated and seriously damaged Taoist temple on a small hill. Before the Taoist temple, a green and tall plant was planted, and dozens of people could hold it together. The ancient pines of the years, and the wells that do not know how many years have dried up.

"This ancient pine may have existed for hundreds of thousands of years."

Looking at the old and thick ancient pines, Ye Chenfeng felt the breath of the years, and said slowly.

"The ancient age of the ancient pines is at least a hundred thousand years old, and the vitality is so strong that it is really impossible." The black ant who turned into an adult shape nodded and said.

"I think this place is good. When we penetrate the celestial body of the Tianzu, no one will come to bother."

Looking at the ancient pines and cypresses in front of you, Ye Chenfeng felt the inner peace and quietness. He quickly laid a ban on the Taoist temples, and the corpses of the heavenly abilities that were enough to set off the **** hurricane of the mainland were taken out from the Qiankun environment.

"Black ants, give us protection, don't let anyone disturb us to penetrate this corpse." The summer butterfly eyes look at the celestial body of the Tianzu, and command.

"Reassure the owner, I am not letting anyone disturb you." The black **** nodded and promised that he came to the edge of the ban and guarded the law.

"Summer butterfly, can you feel the secret of this celestial body?" Looking at the summer butterfly with light eyes, Ye Chenfeng asked curiously.

"Of course, you thought you could hide the secret of this corpse." The summer butterfly took off the silver mask, and the white-looking white leaves of the morning breeze glanced slowly.

There are congenital tracts, and the summer butterfly not only cultivates the Tao beyond the ordinary people, but also is very sensitive to the Tao. It has long felt that the celestial body of the celestial body contains the fundamental heavens of Wandao.

"Summer butterfly, we said it is good, I let you infiltrate the body of this celestial body in January, you help me to deal with Xing Luo Tiancheng, this time help is not in the bet." Ye Chenfeng Remind.

"Ang..." The summer butterfly said something awkward: "You are so embarrassed."

In the middle of the night, everything is silent, and the whole forest is quiet.

Ye Chenfeng and Xia Wendie are sitting next to the body of the heavenly canon, releasing the soul into the spirit of his heart, and understanding the rules of heaven contained in the spirit.

"Qianfeng Yingbi Lake, really hidden in this, there is limited repair, nothing is innocent..."

The leaves of the morning and the summer butterfly penetrated into the dawn, and a melodious voice suddenly sounded, and they interrupted their understanding.

When Ye Chenfeng and Xiabian butterflies opened their eyes, they saw a strange priest wearing a dark gray shabby robes, dry skin, and a lock of hair. The surrounding ban did not stir up a trace. Waves.

On his chest, a dagger made of special materials was inserted. From the traces of the handle of the dagger, the number of years of the dagger was very long.

Looking at the weird old road, Ye Chenfeng and the summer butterfly were shocked inside. They couldn’t imagine that this person had avoided their soul induction and ignored the space ban and appeared in front of them.

"Who are you, how did you come here?"

The black ant quickly appeared in front of Ye Chenfeng's two people. As the enemy looked at the old road with the dagger in his chest, he asked loudly.

In the face of the black ant question, the strange old road seems to have not heard, and his deep scorpion reveals the turbid gaze and looks at the dried corps.

"You can't get it, I'm asking you."

The black ant slams and slams, and the demon power bursts out in his strong body, instantly tearing the void in front of him, like a storm, killing the past.

In the face of a fatal blow launched by the black ant, the old road that seems to be a ruined year does not dodge, as if standing in the ground.


Seeing this horrible bombardment of the six-level beastmaster master on his body, this strange old road suddenly coughed.

The next moment, the horror of the black ant smashed and broken, dissipated between heaven and earth.


In front of the scene, the black ant reveals a deep horror, and can't believe that there is such a terrible existence in the mainland.

And the leaves of the morning and the summer butterfly are deeply stunned by the earthquake. When the cough slams, the demon power released by the lower sacred black ant is released. This is what the realm is.

But the black ant did not give up the attack, it played the demon power to the extreme, spit out a lightning-like demon light, and smashed to the strange old road.

But this destructive and powerful demon light bombarded the three meters in front of the old road, as if it had been attacked, the inch broke and disappeared.

"Little black ants, there is nothing wrong with you here, if you let go, don't blame me for suppressing you." The old road glanced at the black ant, the horrified warning.

After finishing, he turned his gaze to the body of the celestial body and said slowly: "I didn't expect that the celestial body of the genius fell into the hands of your two juniors. It was an accident."

"Predecessors are..."

I heard the old man shouting out the origins of the celestial body. Ye Chenfeng resisted the horror in his heart and said in a tone of voice.

"I don't know who it is. The important thing is that I want this celestial body. I wonder if you are willing to exchange with me?" the old voice asked murlyly.

"Predecessors, this corpse is equally important to us, please forgive me for not exchanging him to you."

Although the strength of this old road is surprisingly high, Ye Chenfeng did not give up the corpse of the celestial being, and was always ready to hide into the territory of Qiankun.

"Primary, this celestial body is rare, but it does not have a big effect on you. I am willing to trade the celestial body with four ancient Daodan." The old man's hand is empty, and the four are covered with ancient lines. Dao Dan, who had a strong scent of medicine, appeared in his hands and said slowly.

"The best ancient road Dan!"

Feeling the quality of the ancient Dao Dan in the hands of the old man, Ye Chenfeng and Xia Xiandie looked at each other and the shock in the eyes was thicker, making them doubt whether the old road is the power of the lower bounds of the heavens.

"Since the seniors want this celestial body, we can exchange it for you, but the trading time must be placed after half a year." Ye Chenfeng did not dare to anger him, said with a meditation.

"That's good, then I am waiting for you for half a year."

When finished, the flash of light at the foot of this old road is like a human being evaporating, and it disappears strangely under the eyes of Ye Chenfeng.


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