Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 843: Bet on life and death

"Well, it’s so good, the big dust brother actually hurt him."

Looking at the blood of the mouth, the star-robed man who lost again and again, the star-speaking sisters both opened their eyes and showed excitement.

The star of the serious injury, the eyes are also bright, from the powerful strength of Ye Chenfeng's display, he may really solve the crisis of the Star Court.

"Your strength is just that!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the man in the gown who had stabilized his body after 13 steps, and he was cold and ironic.

"True Magic Day!"

The man with a gloomy face like a water takes a deep breath, presses the tumbling blood, runs a powerful magic power, prepares to launch a deadly attack, and kills Ye Chenfeng.

"Stop, stop!"

Suddenly, a thick voice rang under the dark night sky. More than a dozen of them wore golden armor and armed with weapons and weapons. The mighty law enforcement officers heard the movement and came over.

"Three leaders, this person came to my 陨星阁, and asked the three leaders to be the masters of us, suppressing this person."

Looking at the likes of light, the body is tall and straight, with a thick black beard, a leading man who exudes a strong sense of oppression, and his pale star can immediately ask for help.

"Lin Gongzi, the relationship between the Xingxing Pavilion and the general commander is very shallow, and Lin Gongzi is also asked to look at the face of the big commander. Don't be embarrassed about them again." The three leaders looked at the men who were very big, and said politely.


After seeing the attitude of the three leaders, Xing Keru and others leaped wildly, causing deep uneasiness.

"I said, let me take them both, I will never find trouble with the Stars."

The star-robes man looked at the three-legged leader and other law-enforcers who arrived in time. The brows were slightly wrinkled, and they pressed the suffocating sigh of the heart, saying overbearingly.

"Impossible, I won't let you take them away."

Ye Chenfeng must not allow the star-speaking sisters to be ruined, and refused coldly.

"Three leaders, you see it, I don't want to give the chance to the Star Pavilion, but some people don't know what to do, I advise you not to worry about it any more." Star robe man looked sharply at Ye Chenfeng, Senran Said.

"Okay, don't say those useless nonsense, I am challenging you now, go to the battlefield to gamble with you, gamble points, don't know if you dare to fight?" Ye Chenfeng sneered.

"Bet on life and death? Gamble points?"

The man's brows are slightly wrinkled, and the eyes are more intense.

"If you don't dare, just let me roll it, don't throw it away here." Ye Chenfeng intentionally angered him and taunted.

"Well, I will gamble with you as you wish!" said the star robe man murderously.

"If this is the case, then let's go. I am waiting for you in the battlefield of the Thunderfield in Dongcheng. I hope you don't dare to come."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng's body flashed slightly, turned into a lightning bolt, torn the night, and flew to the general minefield of Tongtian Tower.

"I swear I must have burned you."

The arrogant star robe man was completely irritated, and the angry roar screamed, followed by Ye Chenfeng to a heavy mine.

"The deputy cabinet owner, do you say that the big brother can win?"

Looking at the back of the two men, Star Miaowen asked nervously. If Ye Chenfeng was defeated, he would most likely be killed by a man in the gown.

"Yes, I believe that the big brother of the wind and dust will be able to beat him, go, let's go to a heavy minefield to cheer for the dusty brother." The star that bites the red lips is talking, and the voice reveals the sound of Ye Chenfeng. trust.

In the middle of the night, there is no daytime squatting in a minefield. There are only one fighting platform in the six squares. There are only a few people in the stands.

When the person in charge of the night of the battlefield was drowsy, a piercing sound broke into his ear, causing him to open his eyes.

Next, his eyes were spent, and two extremely fast figures appeared in the fighting platform.

"Fast speed!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of Ye Chenfeng and the star-robes man, the night-time person in the fighting field, the old man with his eyes and whites showed a hint of surprise. He did not expect that there were two peerless geniuses in this night. To fight.

"Kid, I promise to crush your dog's head and send you to hell." The star robe man looked at Ye Chenfeng with gaze and said murderously.

"Do not talk nonsense, eight million points, do you dare to gamble with me?" Ye Chenfeng sneered.

"Eight million points..."

When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s bet, the man’s brow’s brows wrinkled. Although he was arrogant and the background was extraordinary, he did not have so many points.

The night manager was also shocked by Ye Chenfeng’s bet, and eight million points could be exchanged for a lower grade.

"How, don't you dare to gamble?" Looking at the star-faced man who had a sullen face and delayed reply, Ye Chenfeng said rudely: "You haven't been very arrogant, how suddenly you are dumb."

"I only have 5.8 million points." The star robe man glared at Ye Chenfeng, who said with awkwardness.

"It turned out to be a poor ghost, really boring!" Ye Chenfeng snorted and said dissatisfied.

"This imaginary device is enough to reach three million points. You can beat me. It is yours." The man in the gown took out a black epee that depicts a large number of lines and weighs 300,000 jins. Said.

"You say that three million points worth three million points, and killed you, everything in your body is not mine." Ye Chenfeng said coldly.

"Mom, you can't fight in the end!" The star robe man was mad at him, and his forehead was smashed with blue veins, like an angry lion, screaming loudly.

"Forget it, look at you so poor, then bet 5.8 million points."

Ye Chenfeng looked at the anger and rushed to the crown, his face was red, and his body was full of suffocating star-robes man, faintly said.

"I must have shred you!"

The star-robed man who was humiliated and humiliated said that he couldn’t wait to kill Ye Chenfeng.

"Do not worry, the dead must not be me!"

"This elder, we are ready to gamble and die, bet 5 million and 800,000 points, and ask you to be a witness." Ye Chenfeng glanced at the person in charge of the night field and said.

"Bet the life and death? Are you really determined?" the old man asked unexpectedly.

Although the battlefield is fighting every day, few people will be involved in life and death. After all, there is only one life. The average person will not easily take life and death to make a bet.


Ye Chenfeng and the man in the gown also said at the same time.

"Since your mind has been decided, there will be only one person in this life and death duel going down the fighting platform!" the old man announced loudly.


The voice of the old man just fell, a terrible murderous outburst in the body of the star robe man, he is like a ferocious monster, murderous and savage, making people want to crack.

When the star robe man is ready to launch a deadly attack, Ye Chenfeng’s own breath has also changed. The whole person is like a sword that is unsheathed.

When the war broke out, Star Keru, Star Wonders, and the Three Commanders appeared in the battlefield to watch the life and death duel between the two.

In addition to Xing Keru and others, there is a vague black shadow to follow, but this person's method of hiding the breath is very bright, and with the darkness, no one finds his existence.


Ye Chenfeng two people violently screamed, the sword of the Tao also sprayed out their bodies at the same time, they intertwined with the power of the terrible kendo, the fierce battle was together.


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