Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 824: 星罗天壁(下)

"I don't know the talents of me and the spirit fish, can you leave a name in the star of the sky?"

Ye Chenfeng looks up at the virtual reality, and the star-studded star-shaped sky wall locks the top of the sky wall. Although it has experienced vicissitudes of life, it is still full of hegemonic momentum, and the name of the dragon and the phoenix dances on the jade.

Because Ye Chenfeng passed the speed of Dengtian Road too fast, at this time, there is no one under the star of the sky, Ye Chenfeng took this opportunity, the talent strength is not weaker than himself, and the spirit fish is younger than himself. Summoned from the Qiankun environment, ready to accept the test of Xing Luo Tianbi with her.

Under the mouth of Ye Chenfeng, I learned about the star-shaped sky wall. The spirit fish showed a strong interest, and the warfare in the body became more and more intense. She couldn’t wait to take the star Luo Tian wall to test herself and leave her name in the star. The top of Luo Tianbi.

Because there is only one chance for each person to come to Luo Tianbi, Ye Chenfeng and Ling Yu did not waste this rare opportunity. Sitting cross-legged under the stars, silently adjusting the situation and adjusting the state.

After the passage of time, many talented disciples entered the starry sky through four Dengtian Roads, including the powerful attacking robe man.

"Well, who is the little girl, the speed of the road is even faster than me."

The man in the robe is very proud. The general genius is not in his eyes at all, so he saw the cute and charming fish before he came to the star of the sky, and his heart was somewhat unbalanced.

Adjusted for more than half an hour, Ye Chenfeng and Lingyu both adjusted their state to the best, ready to enter the star of the sky, accepting the test of the star.

"Morning wind brother, today we will compare, who can be named in the Jiuzhang space!" Linghu's beautiful big eyes bent into a crescent shape, eager to say.

"No problem!"

Ye Chenfeng nodded and said with pride.

When they finished, they both flew to the star of the sky, ready to break the ban on the wall and accept the test.

"Is it better than the name in the Jiuzhang space? I didn't get it wrong, they thought they were the reincarnation of the Emperor."

"The two are not fools, too ignorant!"

After hearing the dialogue between Ye Chenfeng and the spirit fish, many geniuses showed sarcasm and ridiculed them. They did not believe that they had the strength to stay in Jiuzhang space.


When everyone talked and ridiculed the arrogance of Ye Chenfeng, an earth-shattering blast sounded in the void, scaring them.

The spirit fish waved a small fist, and tens of millions of jins broke out. The ruined and ruined smashed the celestial wall, and entered the scorpio in the strongest posture.

And Ye Chenfeng’s attack is light and colorful, and the fingertips are lightly stroked. The sword’s lines are shot out, and the sharpness of the star-shaped sky wall is forbidden and enters into it.

"Starry sky, this star in the sky is actually an endless starry sky."

Going to the starry sky wall, Ye Chenfeng discovered that the spirit fish was gone, and he was in an infinite starry sky. A meandering meteor continued to cut through the starry sky and fell to the distant side of the sky.

And into the star of the sky, Ye Chenfeng found himself lost contact with all the treasures, here, he can only rely on his own strength to be tested.

When Ye Chenfeng looked around the starry sky in front of him, he suddenly felt that the space around his body fluctuated, and three strange figures appeared, appearing in a character shape, encircling him and launching a thunder to him. one strike.

"Three Five-Level Beastmasters!"

There was a three-person sneak attack, and Ye Chenfeng did not panic. He stepped on the sword and stepped out, and appeared in a teleport like a trio.

The three five-level anti-beast kings who attempted to sneak up on him were pierced by the sword pattern of his sword, and burst open in the strange starry sky and disappeared.

The footsteps killed three people, and Ye Chenfeng quickly appeared under the sky, summoning the Jinpeng wing and flying over the sky.


Flying to a extreme space, the pattern of the sword is sprayed out of his body, tearing a space to ban, and entering the double space.

When the name of the double space is engraved, the name will appear at the wall of the sky.

Entering the double space, Ye Chenfeng did not make any stops and continued to go up.

At this time, a gun-like thorn that fell like a dragon was stabbed down, and his speed was very fast and stabbed to his skull.

The gun mans attacked by the roll of the void, Ye Chenfeng did not slow down, directly greeted him, and pointed at the sharp guns.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng's fingertips shot a force of tens of kilograms, one finger broke the gun mans, point to wearing a black robes, looked down on the face, exuding the murderous temper, the test of the six-level king of the beast king By.


The body of the black tester was pointed by Ye Chenfeng, and the terrible force poured into his body, exploding him.

One-finger kills the test of the six-level king of the Beastmaster. Ye Chenfeng’s keen sense of perceives that there is danger around the body.

Two more six-level kings of the beastmaster appeared, and they attacked him with a sharp attack.

Breakthrough to the second level of beasts, Ye Chenfeng is enough to kill the five-level beastmaster, and the six-level king of the beastmaster has no threat to him.

He stepped on the void, and a large number of swords appeared at his feet. The intensive attack turned to two strange six-level kings.

The sound of a piercing sound broke out. Two of the six-level king of the beastmasters had not attacked Ye Chenfeng, and he was killed by his footsteps.

Spike three people, Ye Chenfeng did not slow down the speed, the speed of the amazing penetration of the double space wall, into the triple sky space.

Ye Chenfeng only used more than a dozen breaths to enter the triple space, which is quite shocking, and the speed of the spirit fish comet Luo Tianbi is faster than him.

At this time, the spirit fish has entered the space of the four heavens, and the two testers who wore black armor, armed with a fascinating knives, and a powerful, first-class beastly kingdom.

The whole star of the mainland, within fifty years of cultivation, can surpass the genius of the first level of the beastly kingdom, and can defeat two geniuses of two first-class beasts at the same time.

And in the four-fold space of the star-shaped sky, there are two testers of the first-class beastly kingdom, which shows how terrible the test is.

But the spirit fish is full of powerful blood, and the strength is 60 million kilograms of horror. When a fist hits, the best weapon will be broken, not to mention the body of the first-class beastmaster.

The squid is bare-handed with an enemy and two, and the fists full of destructive power continually smashes the defenses of the two, and they are blasted out again and again.

When two first-class beastmasters were mastered, the destructive power that was erupted by the spirit fish, the eleventh time they rushed out, their broken bodies could no longer withstand the attack of the spirit fish outbreak, and burst open in midair. And dissipated in the stars.

The two testers who killed the first-class beasts of the beasts, the high-spirited spirit fish licked their little feet, struck the hard space wall, and entered the five-fold space of the sky without fear.

The spirit fish first entered the five-fold space of the sky wall, attacking the amazing Ye Chenfeng also killed three half-step beasts and entered the four-space space.

"Two first-class beastmasters testers." Looking at the test of the four-space space, Ye Chenfeng’s brows provoked: "It’s not easy to stay in the name of the star-shaped wall." The space will appear as a tester of the first-class beastly kingdom, and the tester of the ninth heavy space will not reach the sixth level of the beastly kingdom."

But Ye Chenfeng has an unyielding heart. In the face of increasingly difficult challenges, his body's warfare has not only subsided, but has become more and more courageous.

The rolling soul force broke out in his body. His black hair danced, and the sword was like a sword god. He smashed into the test of two first-class beasts.


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