Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1103: Intermediate virtual god

"Morning wind, I am going to explain you a mission, go to the magical mountain of the Devil's Devil, take away the devouring roots of the swallowing demons!"

When the **** of life repairs the soul of the moon, Ye Wuji shouted Ye Chenfeng to his side and said softly.

"Take away the source of engulfing, swallow the demon!" Ye Chenfeng brows a pick, but for the first time heard that the virtual gods have swallowed the evil race.

"After my research in these days, Taiyi has left a dark hand in the mind of the gods. With the dark hand, he can instantly control the enemy, and all the people controlled by the quilt brain!" Ye Wuji Said: "To break his secret hand, only by swallowing the source."

"And my mother and I need to go to the celestial family, take away the origin of the Tianzu suppression, and plunder a few refining gods, can not accompany you to the devil world, but I will let Dragon God will accompany you to the devil world, with the strength of the peak of the dragon god, even if the nine devils, the demon **** is useless."

"Okay, then I will go to the devil world now!"

The help of the brain for the help of Ye Chenfeng is self-evident, and he will not be willing to return the brain to Taiyi.

"No, it's not the time now!" Ye Wuji shook his head and said: "When you break through to the intermediate virtual god,"

"Morning wind, Minger, you come with me!"

Speaking, Ye Wuji, with Ye Chenfeng and his son, entered the Xiaoliudao.

"A good source of strength!"

Ye Chenfeng and his son entered the Xiaoliudao for the first time. They felt the source of the small six-space space. They showed a strong shock.

"Small six-way contains God, heaven, man, demon, ancient, demon six national origin, six sources of integration, the small six can explode beyond the power of virtual artifacts." Ye Wuji said at the side: "And now I Take you to the source of the most powerful **** in Xiaoliudao, which suppresses half of the five elements of the source, borrowing the five elements of the source, enough for you to break through to the middle of the virtual god, let Minger break through to the six-star ancestral environment ."

"For the father, this time, why didn't you see the old man?" Ye Chenfeng thought of the red ancestor who had not appeared in the past, and asked inexplicably.

"Red is sent by me to find some of the main medicines for refining Shen Dan, and will return after a while!" said Ye Wuji.

"Father, what level of **** do you want to refine?" Ye Chenfeng asked curiously.

"I am going to refine the three-furnace Shendan, the first furnace refining the ultimate virtual **** Dan, the second furnace refining the **** Shen, the third furnace refining the **** Shen Dan." Ye Wuji said: "Now I just got together. Refining the main medicine of the ultimate virtual **** Dan, has not yet made up the refining and manufacturing of Shen Dan, the main medicine of the **** Shen Dan!"

"The ultimate virtual **** Dan, the creation of the gods, the gods of heaven..."

After hearing the three great gods that Ye Wujiu is preparing for refining, Ye Chenfeng couldn't help but **** a cold air.

Ye Chenfeng has never seen the virtual **** Dan, not to mention the creation of the gods, and the gods.

But he can imagine that if Ye Wuji refines the legendary **** of creation and wins the gods, it will surely shock the whole virtual world.

"Well, if you want to break through to the imaginary god, you can only hope to win the gods and gods, and the ultimate sacred god, the **** of creation is for you, for the singer, for your mother refining!" Nodded.

"Father, I searched a lot of miracles in the early days, and I got some artifacts from the tomb of the wilderness that have long since disappeared. Do you have a look at what is needed?" Ye Chenfeng’s heart will move All the gods have been summoned.

"Bodhi...Sun Fruit...Kirin Blood..."

Looking at a plant that was called by Ye Chenfeng, Ye Wuji’s eyes could not help but light up.

"Morning wind, I didn't expect you to collect so many good things!" Ye Wuji showed a faint smile: "Then I will accept these things."

With the fetish thing that Ye Chenfeng found, Ye Wuji is completely confident that he will make up the gods and make the main medicine of the gods.

"Right, I still have a treasure for you to see if you can understand the meaning of it?"

Ye Wuji with Ye Chenfeng and his son, when they came to the five elements of the source, summoned a huge dead wood, located next to the five elements of the source.

"This is...time rule!"

When Ye Chenfeng released a powerful soul and infiltrated into the dead wood, he discovered that the monument is full of time rules, including the most mysterious time static rules.

"Well, this dead wood is made from a great time, and it contains a complete time rule. You and your father and son can get to know each other. If you can understand the static rules of time, help you in the future. It will be great!" Ye Wuji nodded.

"Thank you grandfather, then I began to enlighten!" Yue Yeming knows the mystery of the time rule, sitting cross-legged on the side of the dead wood, while absorbing the five elements of the source of cultivation, while understanding the time rules.

"Morning wind, you should practice well, and strive to break through to the virtual gods and even the peaks. Only when you reach these realms, will you be eligible to participate in the battle for God!" said Ye Wuji.

"Reassure your father, fight for the gods, I will definitely participate!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and sat next to Yue Yeming, who understood the rules of time and attacked the intermediate virtual reality.

When Ye Chenfeng, Yue Yeming and his father and son were practicing in Xiaoliudao, the Tianzu had a great change, and many powerful forces attached to the Tianzu disappeared mysteriously at night.

There was a thick blood fog in the Forbidden City of the Gods Heaven, which stained the entire sky.

For a time, the whole Tianzu was so troubled that many forces feared the same fate and wanted to evacuate the sphere of influence of the Tian people, but they also disappeared strangely.


"The five elements of the original source are really powerful, so I am aware of the opportunity of breakthrough!"

After nearly three months of cultivation, Ye Chenfeng borrowed a strong five-line source, and hardened his own strength to the lower level of virtual reality. The foundation of cultivation is extremely solid, and the time is ripe. Ye Chenfeng Begin to fully attack the intermediate virtual state.

Yue Yeming borrowed the five elements of the source of power is a continuous breakthrough. Now he has stepped into the realm of the five-star ancestral martial arts, and is fully consolidating the realm and impacting the six-star ancestral realm.

"Can't break?"

After Ye Chenfeng tried and worked hard again and again, he spent nearly a month, but could not break through the bottleneck of the realm, which made him deeply understand the difficulty of raising the virtual world.

But he is not in a hurry, constantly devours the five elements of the source and exerts his full impact.

When he persevered in the mid-level illusion, he suddenly felt a majestic energy suddenly poured into his body, as if he detonated his whole body's power, instantly ignited his potential, let him drum up Cracked the solid bottleneck of the realm.

The bottleneck in the realm was broken, and the sudden difficulty of Ye Chenfeng was greatly reduced. In less than three days, he successfully broke through the bottleneck of more and more cracks in the boundary, and broke through to the intermediate realm of virtual reality. The physical strength reached an astonishing ten. Five trillion jin, the combat power has soared nearly a hundred times.

"Call, finally broke through, I do not know with my current combat power, the integration of a large number of cards, whether the battle can be full of power!"

Ye Chenfeng sighed with relief and woke up in cultivation. He felt his self-improvement, and he showed a satisfied smile and devoted all his energy to the rules of enlightenment.

It’s been half a year later.

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