Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1085: 叶晨风 vs feathering god

"The **** of mosquitoes, the **** of feathers has such a card!"

Looking at the killing mosquitoes that fly out of the three-born bronze cymbals, Gu Yi, Dragon God and other people have changed their faces.

The **** of killing mosquitoes is an extremely horrible creature with strong attack power. It can break the defense of the gods and directly devour the blood of the **** of the gods.

After so many anti-mosquito attacks, Gu Yi, Dragon God and others could not help but worry about the safety of Ye Chenfeng.

"The wilderness area, the field of swords, killing!"

After thousands of anti-mosquito attacks, Ye Chenfeng did not panic. He quickly opened up two areas, forming a million-pound force around the body and tens of thousands of invincible swords. Crazy killing mosquitoes.

Despite the horror, the anti-mosquito mosquito can not withstand the double attack in the field of the wilderness and the sword, and constantly explodes the body.

Between the blink of an eye, thousands of anti-mosquito mosquitoes disappeared into the air, and they did not harm Ye Chenfeng, and they were killed by Ye Chenfeng in a double field.

"This, what is this area!"

The feathering **** has widened his eyes and revealed an incredible color. I can’t believe that it’s so easy to be killed by Ye Chenfeng.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

When the feathers of the gods were shocked, Ye Chenfeng controlled the tens of thousands of invincible swords around the body, breaking out the double field, like the sword river that rushed and swept, and swept the feathers.

"Feathering and breaking!"

Wan Jian returned to the ancestors, and the feathers of the gods constantly pushed the ultimate meaning, and evolved tens of thousands of light feathers to withstand the attack of Wan Jian.

When the two great supernaturals confronted each other fiercely in midair, Ye Chenfeng's whole body merged with the master sword of all things, which evolved the unparalleled killing and stabbed the **** of feathering.

"A sword is godless!"

A sword stabbed, and the lore was ruthless.

The stalwart of the brilliance of the heavens and the earth spurs the invincible swordsmanship, forcing the defeat of the festival of the gods, and constantly exerting the squad to defend.

The feathering **** relies on absolute strength to resist the sword that is spurred by Ye Chenfeng. The double field breaks out in the body of Ye Chenfeng, and instantly engulfs the feathering **** in the dual field.

"Not good!"

Into the double field, the feathering **** immediately perceives the danger, and the force that rushes into the sea constantly squeezes his body and ruptures his body defense.


In times of crisis, Feathering God has opened up a powerful field of feathering and turned into hundreds of millions of white feathers, trying to withstand double-domain attacks.

But the wilderness field is too strong, and nearly a trillions of pounds of force are constantly breaking the field of white feathers, and the feathering field that the feathering gods open is covered with cracks.

"The field of swords, broken!"

With the increasing number of cracks in the field of emergence, the tens of thousands of Excaliburs under the control of Ye Chenfeng’s mind, attacked the field of feathering, and broke the field of feathering in one fell swoop.

Then, Ye Chenfeng’s teleportation generally appeared in front of the feathering god, punching a fist at the feathering god, blending the punch of the power of the wilderness field, destroying the defense of the feathering god, slamming the bombardment On his chest, he punched him out with a punch and his chest was sunken.


Under the feathering of the god, Ye Chenfeng appeared on his head like a teleport, and stepped on him, and the big footprints filled with billions of scorpions slammed on the body of the feathered god. He stepped on the ground and the sound of broken bones continued to flow from his body.

"The Killing Soul, Fusion!"

With the growing power of the magical hegemony that Ye Chenfeng stepped down, the feathered and increasingly heavyized feathers used the last resort, blending the killing soul he got at the tomb of the killing. Into the body.


In the moment of fusion, a formidable force of killing is diffused in the body of the feathered god. It turns into a black ink, a double-headed horn, like a demon-like killing shadow, hard and shattered. The magical footsteps of the morning breeze tear the double field.

"Soul of Killing!"

Ye Chenfeng didn’t think that the **** of feathers had such cards, which revealed the color of the accident.

However, he did not slow down the attack, constantly mobilizing the power of the dual field, suppressing the emergence of the gods, and aggravating his physical injuries.

"A kill!"

The injury continued to increase, the feathering **** was angry, ignited the soul of the killing, and issued a blow that destroyed the celestial, directly ruptured the dual field of Ye Chenfeng, and some of them fled.

"This **** is really not easy!"

Ye Chenfeng didn't think that the **** of feathers could break through the dual field, withstand the power of the field to fight back, and carry the attack on all the swords.

"The power of the ancestors, into my body!"

The injury is aggravated, and the feathering **** immediately unlocks all the seals of the ancestral veins of the feathering palace, and controls the powerful ancestral power to madly integrate into the body, repair the body injury, further enhance the strength, and fight with Ye Chenfeng in the air. .

Ye Chenfeng and the feathering **** fierce battle, the Dragon God has repeatedly overwhelmingly created the Xingyue God. He only used a pair of veterans who were covered with dragon scales to continuously smash the cards that Xingyue God summoned. He flew him again and again.

If the Emperor’s imperial power is not defeated enough, the Xingyue God could not resist the attack of the Dragon God.

Xingyue God is in danger. The situation of the Heaven and the Magic and the Feather Palace are equally dangerous. They can't resist the fierce attacks of the Dragon God, the evil spirits, the sword gods, etc., and the ancestors are robbed.

Even the great powers of the five imaginary gods of the two gods, it is difficult to resist the dragon **** who merged with Zulongzhu and held the Zulong sword.


When the two sides battled to the white-hot stage, the magical candle dragon relied on devouring the demon, the qualitatively changing body, and a demon of the demon subordinates, and a soft blow to the demon.

At this time, the chaotic beast that has been waiting for the opportunity has thrown a chaotic **** axe, and an axe has opened the demon subordinate **** of the body that is out of control.

Next, the chaotic beast cracked open the mouth of the blood basin, swallowed the body of the demon subordinate virtual **** swallowed in the belly, control the power of powerful chaos, crush him in the body, kill him.

"Hey, the shards of the gods and the demons, you can be the soul of your chaotic grandfather!"

Strongly swallowed a demon's subordinate virtual god, the chaotic beast screams loudly roaring, and cooperates with the magic candle dragon to continue attacking the heavens and the demons.

"Xingyue Shen, the situation is completely out of control, we have to retreat now, wait for the two patriarchs to come, and then come back!"

The scarred and sullen blue screaming god, far away looked at the Xingyue God who was completely suppressed by the Dragon God, and the heart sprouted and resigned.

"Okay, we are evacuating the Feather Palace!"

Xingyue God has already retired, and when it is decided to take the initiative, it is necessary to take the Heaven and the Magic together to exit the Feather Palace.

"Go, no one can go!"

The feathering **** that is fiercely killed by Ye Chenfeng reveals the color of the scorpion. He knows very well that if the people of the heavens and the demons retreat, then waiting for his feathering palace will be a disaster, immediately summoning a mysterious The array of platoons spewed out a light of dain and shattered the battle.

The next moment, millions of lines were filled in the broken array, blending into the ancestral land of the Feather Palace, an extremely mysterious, ancestral array that enveloped the entire Feather Palace, and banned the entire Feather Palace. In the ancestral ancestors, the retreat of the heavens and the demons was sealed.

"Feathering God, what are you doing, not fasting off the ancestral array, let us leave!"

The retreat was sealed by the feathered ancestor, and the green whispering **** and other people were furious and screamed at the feathering god.

For the green screaming god, the roar of the Jiuding demon, the feathers of the gods are deaf, control the three bronzes, constantly resisting the fierce attack of Ye Chenfeng.

"Mom, feathering God, this hate we remembered!"

Qing Xiao Xu Shen and others found that the **** of feathers simply ignored themselves, and the lungs were quickly blown up. They could only bite their teeth, and they were fiercely killed with dragon gods, evil spirits, and gods.

When the situation of the two gods is getting more and more dangerous, trapping the phoenix god, Gu Qianqiu, the three ancestors of the chasing the gods can not withstand the fierce attacks of the three people, bursting the road cracks, let the two The heart of the great power of the family fell into the abyss.

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