Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1074: Who dares to marry me Ye Chenfeng’s woman

"Call, finally condensed the invincible sword body!"

The moment when the invincible sword body was condensed, Ye Chenfeng woke up in the months of cultivation.

With the sword of the gods, the invincible sword body is condensed, and Ye Chenfeng feels that his body has become an invincible sword, and the wave can break the sky.

The invincible sword body and the body of the wilderness melted perfectly, forming a double field.

The wilderness field is invincible. Now Ye Chenfeng has condensed the field of swords. With the power of two major fields, Ye Chenfeng can easily kill the late power of the virtual **** and fight against the virtual god.

Ye Chenfeng condenses the invincible sword body, the virtual artifact such as the mother sword, and devours a large number of the original power of the device. It also constantly changes and enhances its own power. However, the time required for the virtual artifact to change is too long. It will not change in the day and night.

"Nine secluded, swallowed!"

Ye Chenfeng can't waste all the time here, the idea is moving, summoning the nine secluded, controlling the nine secluded release of powerful swallowing power, swallowing the whole space, directly swallowing the source of the several pieces to the nine secluded in.

"Go, let's get out of here!"

Received the origin of the device, Ye Chenfeng did not stay for a long time, and the sword god, evil spirits and other people left the deepest part of the sword, and saw the time of killing in the sword for several months, the strength has been significantly improved. Ziwei and others left together.

"Well, the newsgroup!"

Leaving the underground sword shackled by a strong ban, Ye Chenfeng suddenly found that the communication circle in his arms was bright.

When he released his soul and penetrated into the subpoena, his face instantly gloomy, and a raging anger burst out of his body, directly tearing the space around his body.

"What happened to the morning breeze?"

Feeling the anger that Ye Chenfeng exudes, Shendi and others are surprised and ask.

"The Dragon Emperor sent me a message, the Feather Palace should be married to the God of Heaven, and the object of marriage is the Feather of the Moon and the God of Heaven!" Ye Chenfeng’s face was gloomy and watery, and the voice was revealed in the low voice. A strong murderous.

"Marriage..." Shendao and others have already known the relationship between Ye Chenfeng and the Feather of the Feathers. He said with a little bit of concern: "At this festival, the gods and the feathering palace suddenly marry, obviously rushing to you. The purpose is to bring you out."

"I know, it's all coming to me!" Ye Chenfeng nodded, and the fists clenched and said: "But I can't escape."

"Morning wind, how long is it from the marriage of the gods and the feathering palace?"

The gods and other people also understand the importance of the feathers of the moon to Ye Chenfeng. Ye Chenfeng must not watch his wife being taken away by other men, and did not persuade him.

"There are still more than seven months!" Ye Chenfeng said with a low voice.

"It seems that we have to plan well, otherwise it will be a feast of the feathering palace!" Wearing a white robe, the gods of the unconventional gods are condensed.

"With our current strength, we can't fight the heavens at all, and we have to face not only the Tianzu, but also the people of the Mozu. If we want to fight against them, we must ask the master." I meditated and said.

"Please master... who please?" God Henggu and others fell into meditation.

Tai Shen Tian, ​​Tai Huang Tian, ​​and the possible nine demon gods, that are all virtual and full of power, and from the power of the tomb of the wilderness, too God, too, one foot and one foot Stepping into the peak of the virtual god, invincible in the virtual world, and only the phoenix gods who constantly refine the fire and the fire have the strength to fight them.

"I thought of a person. If you can call him, you may have the opportunity to fight against the priests of the Taishen!" The silent and stunned **** of deep silence took a deep breath and suddenly said.


The lines of sight of the crowds are projected onto the thunder god.

"Tianwan!" Zhen Lei Xu Shendao: "The strength of this day has also reached the virtual god, and he has a great hatred with the heavenly people, too god, Taiwangtian wants to get rid of him, but All failed, if you can call him, we may have the opportunity to counter the Taishou patriarchs." Zhen Lei Xu Shen.

"I have heard of this person. I heard that he is a mess, and his strength is extremely horrible. However, this person has some eccentric temper and is also evil. It is not easy to ask him to move him!" Sword God said.

"Where is this day?" Ye Chenfeng pondered and asked.

"I heard that the sky is in the Liyang Valley, but the Liyang Valley is very dangerous. There are strong prohibitions, and the formation of the law. A little discomfort may be annihilated in a thousand battles!"

"Okay, then we will go to Lieyang Valley to ask for help. If it is not available, then we will go directly to the Feather Palace!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and revealed the overbearing side: "I want to Look, who dares to marry me Ye Chenfeng's woman."


When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s overbearing words, Xuan Ziwei and Qin Ruolan sighed in the heart, and could not help but admire the feast of the moon, envying her to have a good husband who would sacrifice everything for her.


The Feather Palace, the Temple of the Virgin.

"Mother, is the truth true? Are you really going to be alone with that day?"

Wearing a white robe, Yue Yeming, who looks handsome, came to the temple of the saint and saw the graceful appearance. He was sitting at the pond and screaming at the moon, and asked loudly.

"Well, this is the decision of the feathering god, I can't change it!" The moon was back, and he nodded lightly.

"This, why is this?" Yue Yeming said with annoyance: "My people and the Tianzu are not deadly enemies, why should the feathering **** push you to the fire?"

"Hey, this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against your father, I am just a bait!" Moon Nishang through his own eyeliner, know a lot of news about Ye Chenfeng, and more insight into the conspiracy.

But she knows that she can't change anything, even if she is dead.

And the emergence of the gods and the relationship between the morning wind and the moon, and the sacred is the magic of the three living stones, under the peek of Sanshengshi, there is no secret at all.

"Father... Mother, have you seen my father? Who is my father?" Yue Yeming asked with a little excitement.

"I saw him, and you have seen him. As for his identity, you will know when he comes to the feathering palace!" The moon is faintly said, and did not tell Ye Chenfeng’s identity directly to the moon. Ming.

"I have also seen..." Yue Yeming constantly searches for memories, but never thinks about Ye Chenfeng: "Mother, since you know that this is a conspiracy against my father, it is better for us to escape and escape from emergence." The palace meets with the father, we can't let him take the risk."

"Minger, do you think that the **** of feathers will give us a chance to escape?" Yue Nishang shook his head gently: "I think the current feathering palace has already become a network, no one can leave." >

"What to do, we can't watch the father in their trap!" Yue Yeming said with eagerness.

"I believe in your father, he will be able to smash this plot and save our mother from the feathering palace!" The moon is swaying in the arms, and the faintly said.

And all the bets on the moon are all on the parents of Ye Chenfeng. If Ye Wuji, Shen Yaotian gives Ye Chenfeng a support, there is still hope to crush this plot.

The worst result, it is also dead with Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, Minger, for the mother wants to be quiet, you go to practice, remember, don't clash with the feathers, everything is waiting for your father to come!" Yue Nishang whispered.

"Reassured, I know what to do!" Yue Yeming nodded and got up and left.

"Morning wind, do you say that our family can survive this crisis safely?" Moon looked up at the endless starry sky, muttered to himself, and the beautiful eyes revealed a decisive and worried.

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