Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1063: The wilderness, the wilderness area

Walking the Beast Huangling, one of the forbidden places of the Orc, is the burial place of the beast ancestors, and is also the location of the ancestral home of the Orc, located in the deepest part of the beast.

There is no interest to leave the demon sea, Ye Chenfeng and Phoenix nerves have been on the road for more than ten days, and they have come to go outside the Beast Huangling.

The reason why they came to the Beast Huangling is that Ye Chenfeng is ready to borrow the ancestral power of the beast ancestral land, forcibly refining the body of the wilderness and integrating into the body.

With a strong heart, he is not prepared to refine, but is prepared to make a deal with Taiyi with the heart of the wild.

"Avatar, break the ban!"

Beyond the Beast Huangling, Ye Chenfeng did not force a ban, but summoned the worm, letting it dig through a space wormhole outside the Beastmaster Ridge and entered the Beastmaster Ridge.

Breakthrough to the subordinate virtual state, Ye Chenfeng's stealing ability is stronger, coupled with blood stasis, his appearance did not alarm the beast family, and soon, through his powerful soul perception, he locked the beast ancestral land and appeared Outside the ancestral land.

"It's not bad. The ancestral charm of the beast ancestors is really strong, it should be enough for me to refine the wilderness!"

Standing outside the beast of the beast, Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul penetrated into the ban, and felt that the ancestral charm contained in the beast ancestral land was very strong, showing a faint smile.

"Avatar, break the ban!"

Ye Chenfeng once again summoned the worms, let them scuttle the ban, and quietly entered the ancestral land of the beast.

"Who are you, why did you sneak into my beast?"

Ye Chenfeng just entered the beast ancestral land, and a thick voice suddenly sounded and passed into his ear.

"Sure enough, the beast family has a second virtual god!"

Ye Chenfeng's powerful soul power locks the virtual power of guarding the beasts of the beasts. The body flashes and flies past. The amazing speed directly tears away the beasts of the beasts and attacks the underground. The virtual **** is powerful.

"Nine secluded, devour space!"

Ye Chenfeng does not want to alarm the beast family, so as not to let the wind scream, while attacking, summoning the nine secluded, directly swallowed the entire space.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng opened up the field of the sword, and destroyed the field of the demon that the beast was able to open up, and launched an attack on him continuously.


The beast of the beast has lived for countless years and has a powerful body of demon gods. However, in the face of the attack of Ye Chenfeng, he can't resist it and loses.

But the virtual gods have powerful cards. Although Ye Chenfeng’s combat power is more than the beast, but he wants to defeat and even kill him, he will not be able to do it for a while.

"Phoenix God, come out to help me!"

Instantly suppressing the offensive of the beast, so that he can not ask for help, Ye Chenfeng summoned the Phoenix God.

"Phoenix, you, how come you are here?"

The Phoenix **** is called the first master of the Yaozu. Her appearance has shocked the beast and the gods are deeply disturbed.

"Hey, you are betraying the beasts and trusting the people, it is time to count the general ledger with you!"

The phoenix **** snorted, and the hot phoenix smoldering spewed out of her body, attacking the beast.

The horror of the beast is not horrible, but it can't resist the phoenix fire of the phoenix **** eight times. Under the attack of the phoenix fire, the two best artifacts he played directly melted, and his body is also attacked by the phoenix fire. Under, quickly melt.

"Chaotic law, swallowing!"

Looking at the beast of the beast is melted by the horror of the phoenix, and Ye Chenfeng summons the chaotic law, swallowing the sorrowful **** of the painful mourning, madly swallowing the power of his body, directly sucking him into a human being, Condensed into three chaotic gods. .

But because of the existence of the name card, Ye Chenfeng did not kill him, but he stunned him dying and was detained in Jiuyou.

"Phoenix God, we are here to practice for a while, I think too God, too Emperor will not think, we dare to appear here!"

Resolved the beast of the beast, Ye Chenfeng glanced at the colorful Xia Yi, the whole body of the gods entwined, graceful and luxurious like the Queen of the Phoenix, whispered.

"Well, refining the fire of the wilderness, I may be able to confront the Taishen or Taihuangtian!" The Phoenix **** nodded and broke into the depths of the beast ancestors, summoning more than the phoenix fire. It is necessary to be several times more powerful, and swallowed a little bit of it, borrowing the power of the ancestral land, suppressing the fire of the wild, and refining quickly.

When the Phoenix God reinvigorated the floods and fires, Ye Chenfeng controlled the nine secluded bans of the entire ancestral land, allowing the worms to continue to cut through a road that left the ancestral ancestral land. Then he came to the depths of the ancestral land and would be strong. Incomparably, it contains the power of the wild, and the body of the wilderness, which is even heavier than the mountains, has been summoned out, and the blood of Hongmeng has been continuously absorbed into the wilderness, nourishing the wilderness and establishing connections.

Nourish for more than three days, Ye Chenfeng feels that the blood of Hongmeng has completely penetrated into the flesh and blood of the wilderness, trying to borrow the power of the ancestral land and forcibly integrate the wilderness.

But the body of the wilderness does not belong to this universe, and the power of the wilderness transcends the power of Ye Chenfeng. Ye Chenfeng borrowed the ancestral land and forced refining for about four days, and could not refine it into the body. .

"Sword body rejection, can't be integrated?"

Feeling the invincible sword body's rejection of the wild body, Ye Chenfeng's brows are tightly screwed together.

"It seems that the invincible sword body level is not as good as the wilderness. It is impossible to force the body of the wilderness into the body!" Trying to be fruitless, Ye Chenfeng constantly thinks about it.

"Maybe there is only one way!"

Contemplation for a day or so, Ye Chenfeng only thought of a way, although this method is very dangerous, but it is indeed the best way Ye Chenfeng thinks.

"Invincible sword body, smashing the body!"

Ye Chenfeng controls nine cloaks to ban the entire space, and then takes out a lot of heaven and earth, suspended around the body. Then, he constantly inspires the invincible sword body, smashing his body and exploding a large number of Breathing blood, forcibly blending into the wilderness.

In order to get the body of the wilderness, Ye Chenfeng decided to abandon the invincible sword body, waiting for him to completely refine the body of the wilderness, and then rebuild the invincible sword body.

The process of invincible sword body is very painful, and the risk is even greater. However, Ye Chenfeng’s heart is like a meteorite, and it is not affected by it. It constantly melts the blood of the explosion into the wilderness.

With the nourishment of a precious Lingbao, Ye Chenfeng has weathered a difficult time.


With the limbs of Ye Chenfeng, the flesh has exploded and melted into the wilderness, and the connection between the body of the wilderness and Ye Chenfeng has become more and more tacit.

"Chaotic law blends!"

Ye Chenfeng smashed a large number of bones, melting the internal organs of the mysterious lines, and the source of the virtual gods that bred powerful ideas into the wilderness. Then he summoned the chaotic method. The heart of the gods is integrated into the wilderness.

"Soul, body!"

The body is constantly blending with the body of the wilderness, and Ye Chenfeng controls all the heavens and the earth to merge into the wilderness. Then, the mind is also in the brain, and the soul is also in the wilderness, the most fundamental and thorough melting of the wild. The body.

Attracted by the wilderness, the heart of the gods is infinitely activated, and the power of the ancestral veins in the ancestors of the beasts has flooded into the wilderness, accelerating the speed at which the morning wind merges with the wilderness.

Time goes by.

In the phoenix god, under the madness of the wilderness, the ancestral veins of the beasts are wilting, and the celestial spirits in the Lingshan Mountains are becoming more and more thin, alarming the ancestors of the beasts and the ancestors of the beasts. Yes, let them rush to the ancestral land to check.

But the beast ancestral veins were shrouded in nine secluded sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred priests and others.

When the sacred gods and other people smelled an unusual atmosphere and prepared to ask for help from the celestial beings, a scent of ecstasy beyond the imagination spread out in the ancestral veins of the beast, suppressing the entire space, and letting a lot of powers be inferior. The Yaozu was able to breathe quickly, and many of the little demons were so scared that they fell to the ground, and there was no blood.

"The wilderness field is formed, the wilderness!"

A voice like Hong Zhong Da Lu sounded in the ancestral veins of the withered beast.

Ye Chenfeng, who swallowed most of the ancestral veins of the beast, successfully smelt the body of the wilderness and condensed it into a more powerful wilderness field with a powerful wilderness.

And his burning 100,000-year-old Shouyuan, under the nourishment of the huge vitality of the wilderness, completely recovered.

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