Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1061: The Spirit of the Gods

"This, what is this power, even shattered the body of Ye Chenfeng twice!"

Although the time I met with Ye Chenfeng was not long, the Phoenix God really regarded Ye Chenfeng as a friend. He watched his body being shocked twice and began to worry about Ye Chenfeng.

This time, Ye Chenfeng used nearly half of the incense time to repair the exploded body, regardless of physical injury and weakness, forcibly dropped the third piece.

The third piece fell, and the broken body of Ye Chenfeng burst open and turned into a **** fog.

After a long time, Ye Chenfeng reshaped the flesh, and was quickly shattered by the black pieces falling in the sky, turning into blood fog.

Time flies, it starts again and again, and soon three months have passed.

In these three months, Ye Chenfeng’s body was exploding again and again, repairing again and again, being blown up again, and being repaired...

But as he gets heavier and heavier, he fixes the body slower and slower, and the speed of condensing white pieces is getting slower and slower.

After three days or so, Ye Chenfeng couldn't hold on, but he relied on the perseverance of ordinary people. He insisted on hard work for nearly a hundred days, and this perseverance made the Phoenix gods admire them.

"Primary, although you have the perseverance, but you can't win me, or give up!" The mysterious voice rang in Ye Chenfeng's ear, stimulating his heart.

"No, I will definitely win!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and dropped the forty-third piece.

When this piece of chess fell, the heaven and the earth mapd the endless white light, and his weak body cracked again and opened the crack, but it did not burst.

"Well, I have to see how long you can hold!"

The black chess pieces fell, once again changing the situation of the world chess, and let Ye Chenfeng suffer a huge impact.

But with the fear of the black chess pieces, Ye Chenfeng's fragmented body miraculously did not explode, which made the mysterious voice send a scream.

When the mysterious voice was shocked, Ye Chenfeng quickly dropped the forty-fourth piece...

With Ye Chenfeng mastering some of the secrets of Tiandi chess, his body did not explode again, and he dropped the pieces faster and faster, playing against the black pieces.

I don't know how long it took, the whole world chess board is full of chess pieces.

When Ye Chenfeng dropped the third piece of chess, all the white pieces in the whole board lit up, smashing black pieces.

"Primary, you are very good, you actually realized that Tiandi chess won me!" The black pieces were all shattered, and the mysterious sound sounded: "I fulfilled my promise, and the opportunity I left here was given to you. I hope you don't let me down."

Speaking, the chessboard of the heavens and the earth was broken, and a group of red gold light floated in front of Ye Chenfeng.

"This is the spirit of a group of gods. It was the source of the gods that killed the gods in the outer universe. I will give it to you now, but the juniors, the spirit of the gods, are extremely powerful. With your current strength, forcing refining will definitely be killed by the spirits of the gods. Only when you cultivate to the extremes of your world will it be possible to refine the spirit of the gods and step out of the universe!" Mystery The voice reminded me seriously.

"Thank you for your seniors!"

Looking at the red-golden light group in front of him, Ye Chenfeng’s heart picked up a big wave, and he did not expect that he would get such a chance.

The spirit of the gods that killed the gods and refining, this energy is probably beyond the limits of their own universe.

"And, you defeated Hong, the wild, you can get these three treasures!"

Speaking, a slowly beating heart, a perfect, very powerful body, and a smoky flame appeared in front of the Ye Chenfeng three.

"Fire of the Wild!"

The phoenix was born with fire. Looking at the burning fire in front of him, the eyes of the phoenix **** suddenly became hot. If she could refine the fire of the wilderness, she might be able to complete the unprecedented nine nirvana by the fire of the wilderness. .


The fire of the wilderness is strong, but it is not very attractive to Ye Chenfeng. He nodded and gave the fire of the wild to the phoenix god.

"Linger, which is the heart of the wild and the wilderness you want?"

Ye Chenfeng has been very satisfied with the spirit of the gods, and they can beat the floods thanks to Mu Linger.

"I don't want to!" Mu Linger shook his head and said: "This heart of the wild and the wilderness are all given to Ye brother, I think you need them more than Linger."

"How is this done? You have already given me the spirit of the gods, I can no longer devour the heart of the wild and the wilderness!" Ye Chenfeng.

"Ye brother, you forgot what I said to my great-grandfather, I want to go out of a road that belongs to me, so this wild heart, the body of the wilderness will not only be unhelpful but will become cumbersome!" Mu Linger Looking at Ye Chenfeng with a smile on his face: "Ye brother, it is also a kind of mind, you will accept it."

"Linger, are you leaving here!" Captured the complex emotions revealed by Mu Linger's eyes, Ye Chenfeng said with some reluctance.

"Well, I have been away from home for too long, it is time to go back!" Mu Linger nodded. "But Linger is still very happy. I met Ye brother, I met Phoenix sister, and I know so much." good friend."

"Linger, can you not leave?" Ye Chenfeng suddenly felt empty inside, afraid that Mu Linger would be eternity.

"Ye brother, Phoenix sister, if you can become a **** one day, you can find me across the universe, and if I can walk out of my own path, I will come to the universe to find you!" Mu Linger chuckled Said, but her beautiful big eyes are full of tears.

"Linger, Ye brother promises you, you must go to your universe to find you!"

Ye Chenfeng suddenly put Mu Linger in his arms, tightly holding it tightly, for fear that he would then loosen the pure and pleasant Mu Linger.

"Ye brother, you hurt me!" Mu Linger's white face reveals two intoxicating blushes, whispered.

But her head was tightly attached to the chest of Ye Chenfeng, slowly closing her eyes.

"Ye Gege, Phoenix Sister, I feel the call of my great-grandfather, I am leaving, you take care, I believe we will meet again!"

I don’t know how long it took, Mu Linger suddenly opened the closed eyes, and her face was red and she broke away from the arms of Ye Chenfeng.

"Sure, we will meet again!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and gave the dead time to Mu Linger.

Although the time is dead, but Ye Chenfeng believes that Mu Linger’s great-grandfather, great-grandmother must have the means to save time, and master the power of time, Mu Linger will be more relaxed in the future.

"Ye brother, Linger...waiting for you!"

Suddenly, pure and pleasant, Mu Linger, who has a red eye, kissed Ye Chenfeng’s cheek, and Miao’s body burst into a dazzling brilliance. Under this glare, Mu Ling’s body The more blurred, the more blurred, and eventually disappeared.

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