Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1047: Too God appears

"Taiwan patriarch, save me!"

The body is getting more and more withered, and the goddess of life who is hanging on the line sees the Emperor’s day appearing at a crucial moment, seeing a glimmer of life, and the voice trembles for help.


Tai Huangtian’s eyes flashed in the eyes, the invincible power filled his body, turned into a storm of destruction, swept to Ye Chenfeng and others, wanting to smash their bodies.

The devastating storm of divine power swept through, and Ye Chenfeng immediately exerted the strongest attack to resist.

The four virtual artifacts are activated by the three men in the blood of the sacred life, mapping the endless gods and light, and the four virtual artifacts are bombarded in the storm of destruction.

But the strength of Taiwangtian is too horrible, far more than the three of them.

Three attacks that were desperately launched by the three could not tear the storm of destruction.

Looking at the destruction of the three people destroyed by the power of God, Ye Chenfeng controlled the chaos and Shenmu flew to his body, swaying the chaotic five elements of light, resisting the storm of destruction.

"Chaos, speeding over, we must leave here as soon as possible!"

Taihuangtian’s strength is too horrible, far beyond Ye Chenfeng’s imagination. He quickly transmitted the three phoenix gods to the Qiankun environment, inspiring the space transmission.


The space transfer symbol maps a large amount of transmission power, and instantly wraps Ye Chenfeng. Before the Taiwangtian attack, he sends him away from the tomb of Chaos and returns to the tomb of the tomb.

"Call, good insurance!"

By the space transfer character to escape, Ye Chenfeng breathed a sigh of relief. If there is no space transfer symbol given to him, they cannot escape from Taihuangtian with their strength.

"Let's leave the death cemetery as soon as possible!"

Get three ancient keys, Ye Chenfeng did not delay the time, summoned Mu Linger, followed her to wear the death cemetery.

"Light Gate!"

The death cemetery came out. Ye Chenfeng was greatly incomparably huge, and the light door connecting the heavens and the earth was intercepted. Under the light door, there were sixteen keyholes.

"Linger, you are right, a key can let one enter the inner tomb!"

Looking at an old keyhole, Ye Chenfeng summoned the Phoenix God and gave her a key.

Three people also inserted the ancient key on the light door. Suddenly, a lot of streamer appeared in the light door, covering the three people.

In the twinkling of an eye, Ye Chenfeng three people disappeared outside the Guangmen and entered the tomb of the wilderness.

"This, is this a tomb?"

Entering the tomb in the wilderness, Ye Chenfeng immediately saw a huge tomb in the tomb that was taller than the mountains and did not know how many.

Besides the tomb, there are statues of lifelike beasts, guarding the huge tombs.

"Is this the tomb of Hong and the wasteland!"

Looking at the huge tombs in front of you, Ye Chenfeng feels the biggest chance of the tomb of the wilderness. The treasures left by Hong and the wasteland are in this huge tomb.

"Yes, this is the main tomb of the wild, I feel the breath of my great-grandfather!" Mu Linger opened the closed doubles.

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng three people stepped up and came to the huge tomb door, and wanted to push the tomb door together to enter.

Ye Chenfeng’s arms burst nearly five trillion jins, and when forcefully pushed to the tomb door, the force of the horrible world rule immediately rushed into the tomb door, smashing and smashing the leaves of Ye Chenfeng The power of the force directly flew out Ye Chenfeng.


The next moment, a sculpture of a beast that guards the main tomb of the floods seems to be alive, and it makes a terrible roar to Ye Chenfeng. The terrible sound waves shook the soul of Ye Chenfeng.

If Ye Chenfeng’s soul is not guarded by the spirits, and the sonar attacks released by so many beast sculptures, his soul is very likely to be shredded directly.

"Ye brother, you are fine!"

Looking at the pale face, the seven-hole **** Ye Chenfeng, Mu Linger's heart was tight, immediately went forward, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and wiped the blood on his face: "Linger, can you open the tomb?"

"I try it!"

Mu Linger gently walked under the huge tomb door, stretched out a white jade-like hand, gently stroked the ancient lines on the surface of the tomb, and felt it silently.

About a musk time, Mu Linger opened a closed double squat: "If I didn't feel it, this tomb merged with the three major rules of the universe, wanting to open the tomb, or attacking more than three The rules of the big universe, either to understand them."

"Attack more than three major rules of the universe?"

Ye Chenfeng has an amazing attacking power, but he asks himself that he is not likely to tear through the three major rules of the universe. He can only find ways to enlighten.

"If this is the case, then we will try to enlighten three!" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath: "I hope that before they arrive, we can understand the three major rules of the universe and open the tomb door. Go inside."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng walked under the huge tomb door and released a powerful soul to penetrate into the tomb door, and realized the three major rules of the universe contained in the tomb.

The brains of the gods have undergone repeated transformations, and the enlightenment and derivation have reached an extremely terrifying level. However, it is quite difficult to understand the rules of the alien universe.

Although Mu Linger has extraordinary savvy, she is equally struggling to understand the rules of other universes.

In order to speed up the enlightenment, when Ye Chenfeng was enlightened, he shared the results of the enlightenment with his companions without reservation.

Soon, three days passed.

In these three days, Ye Chenfeng and Mu Linger respectively learned the rules of their respective universes, but they were unable to understand the rules of the third universe.

The Phoenix God, although powerful, but unable to help Ye Chenfeng when he learned the third universe rule, but she did not idle, unreservedly summoned a large number of ancient flags, in the Lord Beyond the tomb, a huge ancestor was laid down. He wanted to borrow the power of the ancestors, block the gods, and the Emperor, and strive for more time for the understanding of Ye Chenfeng.

Ye Chenfeng and Mu Linger both learned and exchanged, and the time passed quickly for two more days.

When Ye Chenfeng was fully engaged in the third universe rule, there was a powerful transmission force outside the main tomb of the Hongyu, wearing a dark gold robes and an invincible god. Appeared outside the main tomb of the flood.

Tai Shen Tian floats in the air, countless powers to reach like a waterfall, swallowing the gods, the breath on his body seems to crush the mountains, shocking nine days and ten places.

"It's not good for the morning breeze, too God finds the key and enters the main tomb of the flood!"

Compared with Taihuangtian, Taishentian is even more horrible. Faced with him, Ye Chenfeng and others have no room for a hand.

"Ye Gege, Phoenix God, give me some time, I feel that I will be through the third universe rule!" Mu Linger's voice in the light of the rule.

"Okay, we try to delay the time!"

Ye Chenfeng told Mu Linger all his sentiments, summoned two virtual artifacts to float on the top of the head, and the Phoenix **** was in front of Mu Linger, staring at the stepping sun. Prepare to fight death and delay time.

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