Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1031: 仟妖海

The news that the phoenix **** appeared in the ancestral home of the phoenix swept the whole demon world like a wind, so that the great people who completely blocked the beast city could feel shocked and puzzled.

When many imaginary gods arrived at the Phoenix ancestral land for the first time, Ye Chenfeng and his party left early, and the gods and gods were thrown empty.

The demon sea, the largest inner sea of ​​the demon world, is endless.

Because the sea of ​​the demon is too big, the terrain in the sea is intricate, hiding many unknown trenches, even if the virtual **** can not find out the truth of the demon sea.

Ye Chenfeng and his party left the Phoenix ancestral home. After more than ten days, they arrived at the demon sea.

The reason why they came to the demon sea is because the phoenix **** told that the tomb of the wilderness was hidden in a trench in the deepest part of the demon sea.

"Sure enough, this demon sea was blocked by the Tianzu, the Mozu!"

Come to the demon's seaside, Ye Chenfeng's powerful soul feels that the boundless demon's seaside is forcibly blocked, no one can enter the demon sea, and forcible intruders will alarm the heavenly, demon The family is powerful.

"Avatar, see you!"

Ye Chenfeng hides in the dark, releasing the worm, and biting through a space wormhole that leads directly to the depths of the sacred sea, and quietly enters into the demon sea.

"Phoenix God, you are bothering you to lead the way!"

Entering the demon sea, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the phoenix god, and led her to swim deep into the demon sea at a very fast speed.

"Not good..."

Ye Chenfeng's two people were tearing the cold sea water very fast. When they were swimming at the bottom of the demon sea, the Phoenix God suddenly felt that he had inadvertently touched the mysterious prohibition hidden under the sea.

"What happened to the Phoenix God!"

The ban on the seabed touched by the Phoenix God is too strange, and the brain has never been discovered.

"I just accidentally touched a ban, I think we should be exposed!" Phoenix God said with a dignified face.

"Go, we will hurry as soon as possible, find ways to get rid of them!"

Before entering the tomb of the wilderness, Ye Chenfeng did not want to have a frontal conflict with the Tianzu and the Mozu, and the speed of the phoenix gods both accelerated, and swiftly moved to the deepest part of the demon sea.


Not long after, the two people who were extremely fast, accidentally touched the mysterious prohibition that was almost imperceptible.

After that, the horror of a stock blast exploded on the seabed and bombarded Ye Chenfeng.

Although the power of the banned outbreak could not threaten Ye Chenfeng, they completely exposed their whereabouts. The powerful soul of the two clearly felt that the three powerful atmospheres appeared at a very fast speed, intercepting Lived both of them.

"Who are you, how did you get into the demon sea!"

Looking at Yi Rong's Ye Chenfeng, one of the celestial lower-level gods, two half-steps of the gods did not recognize them, Senran asked.

"Why, this demon sea is the inner sea of ​​my demon world. Can we not come to the people of the demon world?" The Phoenix **** snorted, deliberately hoarse and scorpion.

"You are less confused here. Since you don't honestly tell the origins, don't blame the gods!" wearing a linen robes, snow-white long hair like a silver needle piercing the sea, the foot is multiplied The pattern, the lower level of the mysterious light flashing on the forehead, the imaginary **** said.

A large hand that breeds the world's righteousness penetrates the space, with the power of trillions of pounds, grabs Ye Chenfeng.

"Quick speed!"

The phoenix **** did not dodge, burning the phoenix **** fire ushered in, the terrible power directly shattered the Daoist big hand, attacking the subordinate virtual **** with a slightly changed face.

The moment when Phoenix God shot, Ye Chenfeng stepped on the sword, and attacked the two major steps of the Tianzu.

"Wan Jian is a patriarch!"

He instantly inspired the invincible sword body, proliferating tens of thousands of invincible swords, and turned into two rushing sword rivers, directly tearing the field of the two big and half-step virtual gods, bombardment They are two of them.

"God Magic!"

Two big and a half steps, the virtual **** did not think that Ye Chenfeng’s combat power was so embarrassing, he did not hesitate to change into a powerful demon and hegemony, and he showed his gods to be full of power.


Under the evolution of the two men, the two of them turned into horrible punishments, blended together, and wanted to break through the sword.

But the invincible swordsman attacked and invincible, and the evolution of the sword returned to the general supernatural powers, directly penetrating the two people's evolution of the punishment, piercing their bodies and flying them out.

"The Spirit Tower, Destroy!"

One hit and two people, Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the best gods tower, and controlled the tower of the gods from the sky, like a tall mountain, squatting on the bodies of both of them, and smashing them into two Bolognese, shattered the soul, killed on the spot.

When Ye Chenfeng vigorously killed two big and half steps, the Phoenix God also used the absolute strength to reinvent the lower-level virtual gods who wore the robes.

"You, you are the Phoenix God!"

A subordinate imaginary **** who has been melted by a phoenix fire has recognized the identity of the phoenix god.


When the identity is exposed, the Phoenix God will not be merciful. She turned into a phoenix real body with hundreds of feet, fanning huge flame wings, launching a fierce attack to the veteran of the lower level, wanting to kill him in order to avoid revealing himself. Whereabouts.

"Taiwan patriarch, save me!"

In the critical moment, the lower-level imaginary gods took out two symbols. When he crushed the two symbols, the two looks exactly the same, and they evolved the avenue of everything, like a man of the sky.

"The two incarnations of the gods!"

Looking at the sudden appearance of the man, Ye Chenfeng immediately recognized that they are all incarnations of Taishen refining, and their strength has reached the ultimate level of the virtual god.

"Phoenix God, long gone!"

One of the avatars of Taishen’s body opened his mouth and made a huge snoring sound, which shook the sea and shivered violently, which brought a great threat to the Phoenix God.

"The morning breeze, the speed will make them come out, we must kill the incarnation of Taishen as soon as possible, and enter the tomb of the wilderness, otherwise we may encounter big trouble!"

The phoenix **** did not think that the gods of the gods had left two bodies outside the body to guard here, revealing the dignified color, and the sound was given to Ye Chenfeng.


Ye Chenfeng also knows that now is not the time of Tibetan Mastiff, and quickly summoned the evil spirits, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the warlords, the thunder and the gods, and killed the two gods Incarnation.

"Tai Shi Patriarch!"

Looking at the incarnation of Taishentian, the face of the thunder and sorrow has changed greatly, but he has now surrendered to Ye Chenfeng, and has to scream a terrible Thunder chain, ready to launch a deadly one strike.

"The six virtual gods, I did not expect you to have this strength!"

Looking at the guardian in Ye Chenfeng, the evil spirits around the body of the phoenix god, the gods and other people, the avatars of the gods and gods made an unexpected sound.

"We will kill the avatars of Taishen as soon as possible!"

Time is urgent, Ye Chenfeng and others have summoned the strongest treasures and launched a fierce attack on the two incarnations of Taishentian.

And Ye Chenfeng’s footsteps, such as a teleport, usually appear in front of a wounded subordinate veteran, and want to solve him first.

"Looking for death!"

Looking at the half-step virtual world, Ye Chenfeng dared to approach himself, his arms melted, and the injured juniors who were seriously injured immediately launched a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng.

But in the blink of an eye, Ye Chenfeng combines many cards and chaotic methods, and the hard-working students promote their own combat power to the ultimate virtual god, and easily break the attack of the lower-level virtual gods.

"This, how is this possible?"

Feeling the sudden strength of Ye Chenfeng’s sudden rise, the lower-level imaginary **** reveals a deep fear, and the instinctive propensity to open up the field.

But in the morning when Ye Chenfeng exerted the three Supreme Masters attacks, the field of the heavens where the lower-level imaginary old man opened up was broken, and his whole body was smashed by the three great supernatural powers.

"Chaotic law, swallowing!"

Under the lower level virtual gods, the old man stimulates the undead blood, reshapes the fleshy body, and the chaotic method breaks out the body of Ye Chenfeng, transforming into a chaotic god, releasing a powerful swallowing power, directly consuming the flesh of the lower-level virtual **** old man. Condensed three chaotic gods and killed him.

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