Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1029: Stunning Demon God

"Hyun Fengshen, how come you are back!"

The guards who are outside the prison, watching the demon of the demonized Ye Chenfeng go back and return, some unexpectedly asked.

"I still need to pick up some Phoenix blood!" Ye Chenfeng's low command: "Open the ban at speed."


Although the guards felt that the voices of the Mozu might not be right, they did not think much. They opened the prison ban and let Ye Chenfeng enter the dark and damp prison.

Into the prison, Ye Chenfeng saw more than sixty scarred phoenixes banned in a cell. Several Mozus were able to display the cruel magic of the demon, forcibly extracting the blood of the phoenix and integrating it into the body. To enhance their own strength.

There are only a few phoenix young birds, because they have been over-extracted by the Mozu, and they have already turned into corpses and died.

"Everyone is coming out!"

In order to save time, all the phoenixes that survived will be saved. Ye Chenfeng will summon the phoenix gods, evil spirits, gods and imaginary people to the environment of Qiankun, forcibly tearing up the prison to ban and save the Phoenix people.

"Hey, this God wants your life!"

The phoenix is ​​rare, watching the miserable appearance of his own people, the phoenix **** is angry, the endless phoenix fire spurts out her body, instantly melts a prisoner ban, will forcibly extract the phoenix Can burn to ashes.

When the Phoenix God was angry and attacked, Ye Chenfeng and others shot and smashed the ban, and a phoenix that was only tortured and dying was taken into the territory.

"Who is..."

Suddenly, an angry popping sounded above nine days.

Feeling that the prisoner’s ban was broken, and several demon sacred gods guarding the ancestral ancestors of the Phoenix, the peak ancestors were alarmed, and arrived at the prisoner for the first time.

"Take the gods!"

A whole body is shrouded in black light, and the demon of the mysterious lines is violently screaming at the foot, and a palm is blown at the prison. The terrible palm prints reproduce the sun, the moon and the stars, and the palm of one hand will be solid. The prison was smashed and collapsed.

"Phoenix God!"

Looking at the whole body burning with flaming flames, the horrible momentum shocked the phoenix gods of the heavens and the earth, and several demon gods revealed the color of the accident. The accident was supposed to be trapped in the phoenix **** of the beast city, and actually returned to the ancestral home of Phoenix. in.

"Stunning God, you are a big dog, dare to kill and torture my Phoenix people, this God can't spare you!"

The angry phoenix shouted with a horror, with a boundless phoenix fire, to the fierce attack to the most powerful and to the horror of the late gods.

"The evil spirits, help the phoenix **** to deal with the gods!"

The Phoenix God is powerful, and one foot enters the late stage of the virtual god, but there is still an insurmountable strength gap between her and the **** of the gods. Ye Chenfeng is afraid of her loss and immediately let the same foot step into the virtual god. In the later period, the evil spirits like the phoenix gods defended the enemy.

"Death, the demon, the two demons of the demon gods will be handed over to you, the deceased predecessors, the Henggu predecessors, you deal with a virtual **** mid-devil, the remaining middle-aged demon gods Give it to me! Others try to kill the power of the Mozu as much as possible! After an hour, regardless of the situation, we quickly evacuate here."

Although the power of Ye Chenfeng is enough to fight against the Devils, Ye Chenfeng is afraid of new dangers, and he will pass the voice.

At this time, the Phoenix God, the evil spirits hold two virtual artifacts, and the horror of the gods in the void.

"Phoenix, don't make unnecessary struggles, you are not the opponent of God!"

The stunned **** is holding a very old, long-lasting geek depicting tens of thousands of gods, while arguing against the attack of the phoenix **** and evil spirits, he said arrogantly.

"Hey, shocking, you really believe that God is a vegetarian. Today, God allows you to see my means!" The phoenix **** of anger screamed and changed into the strongest form of combat.

When the whole body became bigger, a set of colorful trenches emerged from her body, and the hot phoenix fire burned the heavens and the earth, igniting the phoenix ancestral tremble.


Inspired by the phoenix god, the Phoenix ancestor, which was forcibly sealed by the Mozu, spurted out the colorful ray of light, directly tearing the seal, and madly blending into the body of the phoenix god, instantly letting her step into the late stage of the virtual god. Almost equal to the **** of the gods.

plus the same horror of strength, mastering the evil spirits of the virtual artifacts, the gods of the gods can not help but reveal the color of dignity.


Incorporating a large number of ancestral powers, the murderous phoenix **** launched a fierce attack on the stunned demon god, and the virtual artifact enchanted the **** clock circling rapidly, like an unshakable mountain of God, constantly hitting the **** of the gods.

"Hundreds of evil soldiers, hey!"

The horror of the goddess is holding the horror of the gods, and when the queen of the demon is in the bell, the evil spirits in the hands of the evil spirits map out more dazzling light than the sun, and they are stunned to the gods.

The illusion of various forms of evil squadrons, the stunned demon **** immediately emerged nine killing apertures, he controlled the killing aperture into a black long rainbow, hitting the scorpion.


Two terrorist attacks collided together, and instantly produced power to directly shatter the space of dozens of miles. The power of terror swept around and there was no day.

When the goddess of the gods is one enemy and two, and the phoenix god, the evil spirits are fiercely killed, Ye Chenfeng, Shinto, and God Henggu are also fighting with their opponents.

For a time, the ancestral phoenix was completely destroyed by the fierce battles of the gods, just like the end of the world.

The battle of the gods can't be separated in a short time. The thunder and the gods, the purple lining, the sacred ancestor, the chaotic beast and other people have completely defeated the master of the demon with an overwhelming advantage.

There are constantly demons who are smashed and smashed on the spot.

"Give the gods out!"

The thunder and the **** of screaming roared, and the gods thundered out his body, turning into a violent thunder, shrouded the whole void, and bombarded a demon who was covered in blood and defended himself.


As the deafening thunder sounds,

The defense of the Mozu half-step virtual **** was directly torn by the violent thunder, and the horrible **** thunder ruined the defense of the half-step virtual god, rushed into his body and directly shattered his body.

"Where to run!"

The body was shattered by the thunder and the **** of the gods.

But the strength of the thundering **** is too horrible. As he violently screams, the terrible sound of the screams shook the nine, directly shattering his soul.

"Shock, speed to help the gods predecessors, Henggu predecessors against the enemy!"

Seeing the sacredness of God, God Henggu resisted the middle-level imaginary **** of the Mozu. It was quite difficult, and the danger was like a ring, and Ye Chenfeng immediately let the treacherous **** of Dafa Shenwei come to help.

With the help of the thunder and the **** of the gods, the pressure of the gods and the virtual people has plummeted, and the three have opened up powerful fields and exerted all-out attacks.

The fierce killings are getting worse and worse, and the ancestral lands of the phoenix are not destroyed.

But it is a virtual sacred place. Everyone has a very scary card. It is impossible to hit the enemy in a short time.


It’s hard to suppress the horror of the gods, and the phoenix god, who is angry with the sky, screams in the sky, burning the blood of the phoenix at any cost, instantly illusion of a phoenix virtual shadow, descending from the sky, with the power to burn the sky, continuously The stunned **** launched an attack.

When the Phoenix God casts a desperate killing, the evil spirits also raise the power of the evil spirits to the extreme, and launch a fatal blow to the goddess.


As the blasting sound of a road trembles in the broken void.

The full-defense horror of the gods was blasted out, and the chest was blown up and bloody.

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