Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1021: To tease Jinpeng ancestor

North Tiancheng, built on the North Mountain, is not a large city, but it is a famous trading hub in the demon world. Every day, a large amount of resources flow into it, and then it flows into the demon world through various channels. Various cities in the domain.

Because of the special environment of Beitiancheng, the news of Beitiancheng is also the most well-informed in the northern region, and it has produced two forces that make a living by selling news.

Beyond the Northern Sky City, Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the rapid derivation of the brain, releasing a powerful soul to cover the entire North Tiancheng, and sensing the reality of the Northern Sky City.

"Sure enough, from time to time release the soul force to sense the meridian **** of the black demon city is also in this northern sky city!"

The speed of deduction of the brain, in addition to feeling the existence of Jinpeng demon ancestors, but also feel the meridian virtual **** of the intermediate virtual realm.

"It seems that this meridian virtual **** must be solved together!" Ye Chenfeng, who has turned into a physical appearance, muttered to himself, walking alongside Zilin to the mansion in the center of Beitiancheng.

"Standing, who are you, what are you doing here?" The demon guards at the guardian's house looked at Ye Chenfeng and the two slowly walked in, his face sinking and shouting loudly.

"We have the news of the Phoenix God, especially to sue!" Ye Chenfeng said indifferently.

"The news of the Phoenix God!"

The guards at the gatekeeper were shocked and did not dare to neglect. They immediately informed the housekeeper of the news. Soon, Ye Chenfeng and Zilin were invited into the mansion and saw wearing purple gold robes. The eagle hook nose, the two squats are powerful and powerful, sitting in the main hall of the main hall to drink tea, Jinpeng demon ancestors.

On the sides of Jinpeng's demon ancestors, there are still four people sitting. From the breath of the four people, the four are the six-star ancestors of all colors.

And Ye Chenfeng’s mediocrity of the Meridian **** did not appear.

"Do you know the news of the Phoenix God?" Jinpeng's sturdy scorpion's sharp eyes shot the endless light, scanning the two people, Ye Chenfeng, whispered.

"Yes, we inadvertently discovered the whereabouts of the Phoenix God!" Zilin nodded.

"Well, tell me where the Phoenix God is, if the news is conclusive, you will definitely benefit!"

Ye Chenfeng has blood in his body, and the method of Zilin is even more extraordinary. Jinpeng’s demon ancestors did not see through their falsehood, and said arrogantly.

"No, I believe that you, you need to get the benefits first, will tell you the whereabouts of the Phoenix God." Zilin shook her head and said without fear.

"Hey, you are not qualified to bargain with this god!"

The Jinpeng demon ancestors had already cultivated to a half-step virtual state. He snorted and a strong breath filled out, shocking Ye Chenfeng.

"You can rest assured that what we found is definitely the Phoenix God. If I deceive you, I am willing to pay you back." Zilin threw a charming eye to Jinpeng's demon ancestors.


"Take you to me...you are an old man, I want you to use it!" Seeing an old man wink at him, the lungs of Jinpeng's demon ancestors blew up and grinded silver teeth.

"What's wrong with the old man, the old man has the fun of the old man!" Zilin retorted indignantly.

"Shut up..." Jinpeng's demon ancestors shattered the coffee table next to him: "In nonsense, the **** shredded you and told me where you found the phoenix god."

"What is fierce, scared to death!" Zilin Bai Jinpeng demon ancestors said: "We found the Phoenix God in the Jinxiu Mountain."

“Jinxiu Mountain Range...” Although Zilin’s eyes made Jinpeng’s ancestors crazy, but looking for the Phoenix God is the most important thing. Jinpeng’s ancestors had to hold back the anger in their hearts: “The phoenix **** you discovered What?"

"Phoenix God is very beautiful, so big, don't compare this bigger!" Zilin said with some exaggeration: "We found her, she also found us."

"And then..."

Jinpeng demon ancestors said a black line, the more you listen to the description of Zilin, the more you feel unreliable.

"Then the Phoenix God flies!" Zilin fanned the arms and said: "Well, I brought the news, can you reward me?"

"Mom, what you found is the Phoenix God... How do I feel like a pheasant!" A six-star demon can't listen, and said annoyedly.

"How could it be a pheasant!" Zilin said with a six-star demon ancestors: "You don't want to pay for it."

"Mom, are you eating a bear-hearted leopard, and even we dare to fool!" Listening to Zilin's exaggerated description, Jinpeng's demon ancestors basically affirmed that Zilin did not see the Phoenix God at all.

"Wait, I have a feather left by the Phoenix god. You have seen it before I know if I have deceived you!"

When Jin Peng’s ancestors couldn’t control the anger in their hearts, Zilin suddenly shouted when he wanted to take a look at the daring purple.

"Take it out and let my ancestors look at it!" Jinpeng's brows were slightly wrinkled and endured the anger of the heart.

"This is the root, you see if it is a phoenix god!"

Speaking, Zilin took out a wild chicken feather in the ring of Qiankun and said loudly.


"The wicked old man, ancestors killed you today!"

Jinpeng ancestors can no longer control the anger of the heart, angry roar, condensed a sharp claw, grabbed Zilin, want to smash her.

"Hey, who is not sure who is not!"

Zi Lin refining the chaotic **** fruit, devouring the origin of the demon family also stepped into the half-step virtual state, not afraid of Jinpeng demon ancestors.

She snorted and slammed her fists up. The mysterious intentions were pushed in the palm of her hand, and the punch broke the attacking claws.

When Zilin and Jinpeng ancestors played against each other, the top ten ancient ancestral flags, the best artifacts and evil spirits broke through the body of Ye Chenfeng, and immediately banned the main hall and sealed the entire space.

"Half-step virtual god."

Feeling the strength of Zilin’s rapid increase, Jinpeng’s demon ancestors and other people’s faces changed greatly, and did not hesitate to launch an attack on Zilin, trying to make her oysters.

"Space Black Hole!"

Being besieged, Zilin was in danger. She instantly exerted space for seven rules and formed a space black hole in front of her body, engulfing the attack of five people including Jinpeng Yaozu.

"Going to the Yuanzu hammer, destroy!"

Next, she summoned the best artifacts to return to the Yuanzu hammer, and controlled the Yuanzu ancestors to become infinitely large, such as a fallen mountain, and slammed into a six-star demon ancestor.

Unable to prevent it, this six-star demon ancestor was smashed by the tens of millions of pounds of the ancestors, and in the future he was mourned, and he was smashed into a meat sauce and killed on the spot.

"This ancestor killed you!"

Looking at his left arm and his right arm, Zilin lived and died suddenly. Jinpeng’s demon ancestors were mad, and he sneaked out his body and fought his life to attack Zilin.

Under the mad attack of Jinpeng's ancestors, the field that Zilin forcibly supported was immediately broken. The terrorist attack completely suppressed Zilin's offensive and made her dangerous.

"What are you doing, don't hesitate to help!"

Unable to resist the attack of Jinpeng's ancestors and the three big six-star ancestors, Zilin immediately turned to Ye Chenfeng.

"I thought you wouldn't ask for help!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, and the ancestral sword spirit flew out of his soul sea, turned into a black sword, and smashed the past.

A sword stabbed, the chaotic space was torn in an instant, more than fifty times the amplitude of time, so that the three stunning six-star ancestors could not dodge.


The swordsman has been crossed, and the body of the three major six-star ancestors has been opened.

Next, the Shenling Tower broke the body of Ye Chenfeng, with a daunting pressure on the town, bombarding the souls of the three great six-star ancestors.

In an instant, the three major six-star ancestors were able to die.

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