Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1007: Stuart Family

Magic Sea City, the first-class city in the sphere of the Mozu, is located in the northwest of the Devil's Circle, close to the Magic Sea, and the people in the city are full of wind, and bloodshed may occur at any time.

Successfully destroyed the origin of the Tianzu, Ye Chenfeng went through several turns, and spent nearly half a month to come outside the Magic City.

"Morning wind, you said that the Celestial origin exploded, can you kill the gods!"

Looking at the half-step virtual god, but was interrupted by the celestial gods, which made Zilin hate the roots and itch, asked the voice.

"Difficult!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "The virtual **** is not so easy to kill, but I think the North Hill Tianzong should be finished."

"Okay, don't be sorry, the Mozu is in the same place, it is hidden near the magic sea city. As long as we find it, we must let you break through to the half-step virtual world!"

"Really!" Zilin's eyes lit up.

"Let's go, let's go into the city and find a way to find out where the Mozu is."

Because of the lessons of the previous car, Ye Chenfeng was prepared to find the source of the Mozu, blocking all news, completely engulfing the origin of the Mozu, and thus stepping into a half-virtual state.

"War, do you know about this?"

Ye Chenfeng has a limited understanding of the Mozu, and in a place where no one is, he summoned the War Demon.

"This is the magic sea city, the big city within the power of the demons. I have been there a few times!" said the war demon.

"Do you know, where is the Mozu origin hidden in Magic Sea City?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"I don't know, I don't know that there is still the origin of the Mozu in this neighborhood!" The war demon shook his head and said: "But if there is a real source of the Mozu in this neighborhood, it must be hidden in the magic sea. Only where can I hide it better."

"As I thought, the origin of the Mozu should be hidden in the Devil's Sea, but it is not easy to find it!"

The magic sea is too big, and the origin is very important for the Mozu. The Mozu will definitely try to cover up all the way, so if you can't determine the exact location of the source and look for it slowly, the difficulty will be too great.

"Let's go, let's go shopping in the city, look for some ancient books about the history of Magic Sea City, maybe there are unexpected gains!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng walked to the city. After inquiring, he came to the largest antiquities store in Mohai City and rented ancient books.

But the ancient books in the antiquities store are not many, Ye Chenfeng three people did not gain an afternoon, just in the morning when Ye Chenfeng was quite sorry to leave, the accident was learned in the mouth of the store owner, the magic sea The old family of the Situ family in the city loves to collect ancient books, and the collection of ancient books in the home exceeds 100,000 volumes.

However, Situ’s homeowner had a strange illness in the past, and if he could save the life of Situ’s old master, he would have the opportunity to see the ancient books he collected.

"Go, let's go to the Situ family!"

Calling the position of the Situ family, Ye Chenfeng three people converge, immediately went to the Situ family to treat the Situ family.

"Stay, this is the Situ Family House, and outsiders must not be near!"

When Ye Chenfeng came to the Situ family outside, he was wearing a black trench, and the guards who were obediently guarding the government gate shouted loudly.

"We are here to heal the Situ home!" Ye Chenfeng said with his hands, a touch of light.

"You are a physician?" The black armor looked up and down the three people of Ye Chenfeng and asked in a low voice.

"Yes!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"Do you have a physician badge? Is it a few stars?" The sharp eyes of the black armor eased a lot.

"I am a nine-star physician!" Ye Chenfeng said casually.

"Nine Star Physicians!"

The eyes of the four black armor guards suddenly changed.

The nine-star physician is the highest-ranking physician in the virtual world. It is rare to see it at a glance. The status is even more sublime. It is impossible to ask for the power of the Situ family.

"Okay, don't delay the time, let us in." Ye Chenfeng said with some intolerance.


"Whatever, if you stop again, delay the treatment of the home of the home, take your opinion!" Ye Chenfeng showed a hegemonic side.

"Yes, please inside three!"

The four black armored guards quickly exchanged their voices. They dared not block the three people of Ye Chenfeng and invited them to the Situ family.

"Good smell of holy grass!"

Into the Situ Family House, Ye Chenfeng immediately smelled the strong sacred atmosphere in the air. Under the leadership of a black armor, Ye Chenfeng came to the main hall and saw six bodies. The old man wearing a doctor's robes and a badge on his chest is discussing the condition with a middle-aged man in a black robe.

"Homeowner, the self-proclaimed nine-star physician, deliberately healed the home of the home!" The black armor walked forward and bowed respectfully.

"What, Jiuxing Physician!"

When I heard the black guards obeying, everyone’s eyes were brushed and projected to Ye Chenfeng. Looking at his young face, they all showed doubts.

"I don't know if you have a nine-star physician badge?" Wearing a white doctor's uniform, holding a white long plaque, the old man with a six-star badge on his chest, looked up and down Ye Chenfeng.

"Yes, but didn't bring it!" Ye Chenfeng said with a self-confident attitude.

"Nonsense, if you are a nine-star physician, how could you not bring a badge!" The old man of Six-Star Physician sank and shouted loudly.

"Yes, Hu Lao said yes, these three people are a liar!"

"Situ owner, what are you waiting for, don't take them down quickly!"

A self-sustaining physician is shouting loudly.

"Hey, only the frogs at the bottom of your well will always wear the Physician badge on your body!" Ye Chenfeng said coldly and sarcastically.

"Let's go, you are so big, you dare to mock us!" Hu Lao and others said angrily.

"Why, do you think that I am wrong?" Ye Chenfeng said without hesitation: "Then I ask you, the Situ family will invite you to treat the old master. You have a good grasp of him. Come back."

"This is..."

After hearing the question of Ye Chenfeng, Hu Lao and others suddenly became silent.

"A group of waste!" Ye Chenfeng reluctantly reprimanded: "Since you are not sure to pull the Situ old master out of the ghost gate, what do you still rely on here? Do you want to cheat and eat?"

"You, you...you must have blood in your mouth!" Hu Lao glared at Ye Chenfeng: "Then you have a few points to heal the Situ old master."

"10%!" Ye Chenfeng said confidently.

"Far fare! Even if people don't see it, they dare to say ten percent. I think you are coming to trouble!" Hu Lao didn't believe Ye Chenfeng's words and shouted loudly.

"In this way, how do we make a bet? If I can heal the Situ old master, how many of you have given me ten heads? If I am not cured, let you deal with it!" Ye Chenfeng said intentionally. .

"Okay, we are betting you!" Hu Laoliu has the same voice.

Looking at his father’s gamble, there are not a few people who put themselves in the eye. The Stuart’s face is dark and sullen. If you don’t ask for a few people, he can’t control the anger in his heart and kill. They are gone.

"Are you really sure to heal my father?" Situ's family headed his eyes to the self-deprecating Ye Chenfeng, asking for a low voice.

"Take me to see, there are no people I can't heal in this world!" Ye Chenfeng said arrogantly.

"Well, if you can really heal my father, I will definitely report it, but if there is an accident, then don't blame me!"

Situ’s hometown is on the verge of death, and the doctors who come here are at a loss, and Ye Chenfeng’s tone is extremely great. In desperation, Situ’s family can only die as a horse doctor and decide to let Ye Chenfeng try.

"Go, take me to the doctor!" Ye Chenfeng said faintly: "Right, give me optimistic about them, don't let them run."

After finishing, Ye Chenfeng ignored the angry eyes of Hu Laoliu, followed the owner of Situ, came to the courtyard where the old family was injured, and saw lying on a spiritual jade, the body was thin, the fire of life was weak, and it was possible at any time. Stub, the old master of the gas.

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