Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1835: Scratch in one hand

"Yinglong little princess? Is she the daughter of Longquan or the daughter of Longwen?" Long Shaotian brows slightly wrinkled and asked in a low voice.

"It is the daughter of Longquan Shaozhu, Princess Longwen has never been married!" Long Heng and others looked at the dragon and looked at it in a complicated way.

"Will Wener still okay?" Long Shaotian asked in a low voice.

" Princess Wen has been in the Longzu area, but I should be very bad in the situation of the dragons. We are not sure about the situation of Princess Wen now!" Long Hengyi said.

"Let's go, let's go to Ziyun City to save people, then rush to Yinglongzu!" Ye Chenfeng feels that Long Shaotian and Long Wen are not simple, he said.

"Okay, let's go!"

Long Shaotian changed into a body, with Ye Chenfeng, and the seriously injured Long Heng and others, flew to Ziyun City at a very fast speed.

Ziyuncheng belongs to Yinglong, but when the dragons changed, Ziyun City suddenly rebelled, and the young princess Long Linger who came to Ziyun City to seek shelter was detained and pursued Longheng and others.

"It seems that the dragons have been invaded by the heavens and the birds!"

From the sudden rebellion of the owner of Ziyun City, the Tianzu and the family of birds have already controlled many forces in the dragon world, and the situation of the dragons is in jeopardy.

"Well, I heard that the Black Dragons and the Silver Dragons have been rebellious. Although the Tianlong people have supported it hard, they should not be able to support it for a long time!" Long Heng nodded and knew that he had all the big changes about the Dragon World. come out.

"Ten, the family of birds, this time return, I must smash your trespassers!" Long Shaotian swears his teeth.

Long Shaotian broke into the realm of the four-star demon ancestor, flying very fast, plus they are not far from Ziyun City, less than two hours, Long Shaotian flew outside Ziyun City.

"Small days, we act separately. I will first find opportunities to mix into the city's main government to ensure that Long Linger is fine. You will shoot again." Ye Chenfeng was afraid to directly enter the accident and proposed.

"Morning wind, do you do it yourself?"

Long Heng and others do not know the strength of Ye Chenfeng. They are afraid that he can sneak in and not only save Long Linger, but also put himself in.

"Reassure, if you are not worried about pushing them into a desperate situation, you will be able to wash them with Ye Shao alone!" Long Shaotian is clear about the strength of Ye Chenfeng, and he is more aware of the situation in Qiankun. There are so many horrible existences.

"I am gone!"

Ye Chenfeng stunned at the stunned Long Heng and others, and turned into a streamer in midair, falling outside the Ziyun City, controlling the magical meaning, turning into a black robe man's touch, walking into A very deserted Ziyun City.

"Peng Daren, you are back!"

Ye Chenfeng followed the memory of the black robe man's soul and came to the city's main government in the center of Ziyun City. The two guards who guarded the city's main government immediately went forward with respect and respect.

"Is the city owner?"

Ye Chenfeng nodded and imitated the voice of the black robe man.

"The city owner, the eagle is in the city of the main government and other adults!" The guard immediately opened the closed gate, and invited Ye Chenfeng into the luxuriously decorated city.

"Peng Daren, how come you are back alone, other adults?"

When Ye Chenfeng walked into the antique hall, the owner of Ziyun City, who was drinking tea in the main hall, stood up immediately, and sat next to him, a gray hair, eyes deep into the cheek, eagle hook nose old man But frowned a little.

"Hey, Longheng, they have a big life, and they were rescued at the crucial time." Ye Chenfeng pretended to sigh and make a casual statement.

"What is the strength of the people who saved Longheng from them?" The old-fashioned eagle hook brows slightly wrinkled and put down the teacup in his hand.

"The strength is very strong. If it is not that I run fast, I am afraid I will die too!" Ye Chenfeng said with a lingering fear: "According to my feeling, the strength of that person may have reached the five-star demon."

"Five-star demon!" Ziyuncheng took a cold breath: "Eagle, you see if we are prematurely guarding against the sloping shovel."

"Hey, what are you afraid of, the five-star demon god, if he dares to come, I will let him die without a place of burial!" The old-fashioned eagle-hooked old man in the semi-ancestor's realm screamed coldly.

"Eagle, I am going to be healed, something is calling me!"

The speed of the deduction of the brain has long locked Long Linger, he casually found an excuse, left the main hall, and went to the place where Long Linger was detained.

"Princess Linger, do you say we will die? Will they be killed by them?"

A girl who is similar to Long Linger’s age, the girl with a tearful face on her chubby face, clutching Long Ling’s arm, said in horror.

"Reassured, I believe there will be someone who will save us!"

Wearing in a long white dress, the skin is as delicate as milk, and a sturdy color appears in the big eyes, and the outstanding Long Linger whispers comfortably.

But her heart, but there is a hint of powerlessness, she really can't think of who will save them at this time.


Just as the two daughters snuggled together and comforted each other, a huge sound rang out of the prison, scaring the birds tightly clutching Long Linger and screaming in horror.

After then, a painful scream rang in the dark, damp prison.

"Is there someone who really saved us!" Long Linger's eyes widened, and there was a glimmer of hope in the sloppy eyes.


Just as she looked at the prison door made of special materials, the indestructible prison door was opened by a sharp sword, and a man in a white robes came in.

"You, who are you? Are you coming to save us?"

Looking at the face of Ye Chenfeng's recovery, but the strange face, Long Linger asked with courage.

"You are Long Linger?" Ye Chenfeng smiled and looked at the long-lost road of the predecessor.

"It's me!" Long Linger nodded.

"Go with me!"

Ye Chenfeng gently waved his arm, intertwined with a sharp sword, and unmistakably opened the cold iron chain that bound their ankles, whispered.


Although Long Linger did not know Ye Chenfeng, but touched the clear eyes of Ye Chenfeng, Long Linger did not fear and hesitate, and took the trembling tits, followed by the leaves of the morning wind, with a strong **** smell. The prisoner went outside.

"Bold, what are you..."

The rushing city government guards appeared in prison, but before they finished speaking, a sharp swordman flew out, like cutting tofu, and opened their strong flesh. Kill them all.


Looking at Ye Chenfeng’s unmoving look and killing the enemy, Long Linger’s eyes widened, revealing the color of worship, and even the shivering **** did not dare to fear.

"Bold, who are you, dare to come to my city to save people, I see you are impatient!"

When Ye Chenfeng and Long Linger just walked out of the prisons all over the body, they sounded like a thunderous sound in nine days.

The eagle old man in the semi-ancestor's realm, and the Ziyuncheng master and others in the realm of the five-star demon gods, with nearly a hundred dragons, the demon masters appeared, surrounded by the three groups of Ye Chenfeng.

"Hey, the half-grandfather of the district dared to yell in front of me!"

Ye Chenfeng snorted and his right hand was caught in the air. The four holy figures were pouring out of his palm, turning into a big hand that could catch the sun and the moon, and caught his face. Eagle is old.


The seemingly slow moving sky catches the hand, the eagle instinct wants to dodge, but when he is dodging, the big hand suddenly appears in front of his eyes, grabbing his body.


The semi-ancestral realm, the eagle that was regarded as the greatest reliance by the owner of Ziyun City was smashed by the big hand and smashed the powerful body, turning into a **** fog and killing on the spot.

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