Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1584: Deformation

"Master, have you really decided?"

The moon blue dragonfly came to the room where the snow drifted and practiced. He looked pale and pale, and the snow of the heart was floating, whispering.

"I can sacrifice, but I can't watch your sacrifice, maybe leaving is our only choice!" Snow drifted a deep breath and made up his mind.

"Hey, Master, do you think we can leave the ethereal Tianzong smoothly?" Moon Lanyi gently sighed: "Although the Xue family allowed us to leave, I always have a feeling that this thing is not Simple."

"Yeah, this is what I am worried about, how can the Snow family allow us to leave!"

When the snow drifted, I went to visit the Che's patriarch. Although I didn't see her, I got the promise of the Xue family to allow them to leave the ethereal Tianzong, but the snowy feeling felt that this thing was everywhere, let her be more The more you worry.

"Master, the younger brother of the morning wind is back!"

When the snow fluttered in the six gods, Hongxi came to her cultivation room with Ye Chenfeng.

"One Star Road!"

A moment of seeing Ye Chenfeng, the snow drifted to feel his realm strength, revealing a strong shocking color.

In just a few months, from the four-star road to the one-star road, the speed of such breakthroughs has almost broken the record of the etheric Tianzong practice.

"Sorry for the owner, the morning breeze has brought you so much trouble!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the snow, and said apologetically.

"It's none of your business, it's useless, I haven't argued for Xue Mingxuan!"

Understanding the amazing cultivation talent of Ye Chenfeng, the snow is more expectant of Ye Chenfeng. She believes that as long as Ye Chenfeng has enough time, he can definitely grow into a giant wood.

"The owner, if you trust me, the troubles of Bi Xue Xian Ge will be handed over to me. I promise to resolve this crisis and let Xue Mingxuan eat the evil." Ye Chenfeng whispered softly: "You also No need to leave the ethereal Tianzong."

"Morning wind, do you have a way to resolve the crisis?" Snow fluttered and looked at Ye Chenfeng.


Ye Chenfeng nodded and said without a doubt.

"Morning wind, do you want to sacrifice the ethereal swordsmanship?" said the snowy and clever moon blue dragonfly.

"No, there is a better way!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "Give me three days, I will let Xue Mingxuan drop him when he inherits the position of the Snow Palace. Abyss."


Three days are fleeting.

In these three days, Ye Chenfeng went out every morning and returned at night, wandering around the main hall of the Snow Palace.

And his whereabouts, has long been snowy, Xue Mingxuan learned, but because he did not have any move, just wandering, so no one knows what he is going to do.

Finally, it was the day when Xue Mingxuan inherited the seat of the Snow Palace. On this day, the Snow Palace was very lively. In addition to the Xue’s chieftain Xue Yujun, Xue’s tops all appeared, let the snow float and others to see. Less than a glimmer of hope.

"Hey, Master, you said that the younger brother would use what method to turn around and make Xue Mingxuan down the altar?" Hongxi wants to break his head and can’t think of it. At this time, what is Ye Chenfeng? The way to turn the tide.

"I can't think of it, but I believe in the morning breeze. He is by no means a big talker. He dares to make a promise. There should be a way to cope with it. Let's wait and see!"

Snow drifting and shaking his head, looking at wearing a dark golden moire robes, with a crown of heaven, a face full of joy, ready to inherit the position of the Snow Palace Palace, Xue Mingxuan, said slowly.

"Everyone is quiet!" When the main hall of the Snow Palace became more and more noisy, wearing a black robe, a pair of white flowers, and a long-standing old man, with a group of high-level members of the Xue family, walked out of the total The temple said: "After I discussed with the elders of the Xue family, I decided to be Xueming Xuan as the next president of the Snow Palace. I wonder if you have any opinions?"

"Well, even the three cabinet owners have no opinions, then I announced that Xue Mingxuan is the new Snow Palace, and will be appointed today."

"Thank you, the Lord, Ming Xuan vowed to carry forward the Snow Palace, and never toss the reputation of the Xue family."

Xue Mingxuan endured the excitement of the heart, one knee and the ground, took over the master token of the head of the snow palace, and vowed in public.

"Ming Xuan, your talent, ability, we are at ease, but you are a bit heavy, sitting in the main position of the Palace of the Snow Palace, remember to converge, everything is the most important thing!" The old palace patted the shot Xue Mingxuan’s shoulders.

"Ming Xuan remembers the words of the old palace!"

Xue Mingxuan nodded, but in his heart, he sentenced the death to the snow and others.

Just as Xue Mingxuan’s ambitions inflated at this moment, an illusory shadow shrouded in black light and suddenly appeared outside the main hall of the Snow Palace.

"The main palace of the Snow Palace, a great prestige! I did not expect the Emperor to come today, and actually bumped into the position of you inherited the Palace of the Snow Palace!" Black light man said indifferently: "Snow Ming Xuan, you are not ready to invite the deity Have a drink?"

"Bold, who are you, dare to swear at me, my god."

Although Xue Mingxuan could not feel the strength of the black light man, but the high-level support of the Xue family, he was fearless and gave a big drink.

"Why, you are floating in the sky, is the dragon pool, the Emperor is not allowed?"

The black light man said with arrogance, constantly smashing the hard ground and stepping towards Xuemingxuan step by step.

"Are you a Mozu?"

Feeling the horror of the black man, the old brow of the old palace was slightly wrinkled, and his face showed a dignified color.

"Yes, this emperor is from the Dark Lord!" Black light man said arrogantly.

How can the people of the Mozu come, is the Mozu and Xuemingxuan hate?” Hongxi looked at the thoughtful snow, and said incomprehensible.

"I don't know, we will continue to read it, maybe today's things have changed!"

The sound of the snow is low, and there is a thought in her mind that makes her incredible.

"Black Devils!" Xue Mingxuan's brow wrinkled more tightly.

" Xue Mingxuan, don't pretend to be stupid here, don't blame the emperor's things, otherwise don't blame me for not giving the ethereal Tianzong face!" Black light man looked at Xueming Xuan in contemplation, said he overbearing.

"Hello, are you confessing the wrong person? I haven’t left the ethereal Tianzong for a while, how can I take your things." Xue Mingxuan smelled an unusual smell, feeling a little black man Surprising, it seems to be coming against him.

"I know you won't admit it. If this is the case, then don't blame the Emperor for being ruthless!"

Speaking, a right hand broke the black light and evolved a terrible idea, grabbing Xue Mingxuan.

One hand grabbed, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the terrible black light hand seemed to swallow a world, and the space around Xue Mingxuan’s body was imprisoned, causing him to change his face and push the Tao to attack.

Snow Mingxuan is a master of the two-star Taoist peak, but the strength gap between him and the black-light man is too great. His attack can not break the black light hand from the sky, watching the black light big hand grab him.

In a critical moment, several Xueshi masters shot, and the skylight reflected the heavens and the earth, as if they had fallen into the dusty meteor, bombarded them in the black light, and together they crushed the big hand and rescued the quite wolf-snowing Xuemingxuan.

"Snow Mingxuan, don't hand over the things of the Emperor, and you can't save you when you show up!"

Speaking, the black-light man floated a terrible magic disk behind him. The magic disk seemed to breed the genius of the gods, and locked the face of the snow-changing Xu Mingxuan, shocking the audience.

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