Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1289: Mirror Moon Zhan yields

"You are too naive! I am waiting for this moment."

Ye Chenfeng reveals a cold smile, and his mind is floating in his mind, turning into a space black hole that devours the heavens and the earth, directly smashing the soul of the ancestor of the Mirror.


Killing the soul of the ancestor of the Mirror, the invincible golden **** of war became the object of the Lord, and Ye Chenfeng immediately took it into the Qiankun environment, ready to refine it in the future.

"Well, it’s going to split the brain again!"

The devour of the soul of the ancestor of the Mirror, the early discovery of Ye Chenfeng, the phasing of the brain began to split a large number of brain cells to breed the brain, which made him unexpected.

If the brain is split and then splits into a sub-brain, he can use this son brain to control a Nirvana power. You can also use this son brain to directly control the golden **** of war.

"He, he really killed the ancestor!"

Feeling the temperament of the ancestor of the moon disappeared, Ye Chenfeng took away the golden **** of war, the first **** of the moon, and Jing Ke was completely caught in panic.

The masters of the forces who are hiding in the distance, are also scared by Ye Chenfeng’s means, and look at his eyes full of awe.

" Wait, wait, don't fight!"

The last cuddling was destroyed, and the scarred mirror was cold and desperate, and quickly shouted.

"What other words do you have!"

Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and stabilized his body injury. He walked slowly through the void and looked pale, his eyes twitched, and he tried to restrain the panic of the inner panic. He whispered. .

"I, my mirror moon confession, willing to surrender to you, but also please spare us a life!" In the face of death, Jing Kehan ​​ignored the face, whispering for mercy.

"I can spare you a life of the Mirror Moon Clan, but your life, I must accept it!"

Ye Chenfeng said mercilessly that he could not stay in the minefield for too long, he could not leave such a big hidden danger to Zhou.

"You...you really have to kill!"

Mirror cold face changed, looking at Ye Chenfeng with blood red eyes, screaming loudly.

"You must die!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng, Chaos God Beast, Sword Spirit, and Ming Ming’s shot at the same time, attacked him.

"Ye Chenfeng, you can't die, I just don't let you go!"

Gen Kehan ​​sent out an angry roar, and he would blew his body and launch the most deadly blow.

But the morning attack of Ye Chenfeng is terrible. Before he blew himself, his body was smashed by Ye Chenfeng. The soul was strangled and the bones were gone.

"Hey, win, he really won!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s ruthless killing of the mirror, Hangong’s throat is rolling, and a lot of sweat is shining on his forehead, and his heart is full of fear.

At this time, he was very fortunate that he was glad that he had listened to the Nangong dumping snow. If he had just obsessed with it, he insisted on helping the mirror to deal with Ye Chenfeng. He believed that with Ye Chenfeng’s hot and spicy means, he would Mirror Ke Han is a stop.

When he was secretly happy, he suddenly found out that Ye Chenfeng’s cold scorpion looked at him and scared him into a glimpse.

"South Palace owner, what do you have to say now?"

The whole body is blood. For example, Ye Chenfeng, who is a **** Shura, slowly walked to the front of the Nangong and asked in a low voice.

"Ye Gongzi, I agree to marry Snow to Zhou Tianyi!"

Although Ye Chenfeng seems to have only five levels of beasts, and Nangong is a Nirvana realm and a Nangong family patriarch, but witnessed the scene, Nangong is really scared, facing Ye Chenfeng felt tremendous pressure, for fear that he would shoot at himself.

"Ye Gongzi, don't you ask me how I feel?" Lightly painted with light makeup, the bright and radiant Nangong dumped the snow and looked straight at Ye Chenfeng. I didn't like it sadly: "I am a People, not your chips."

Looking at the pretty face of Nangong’s snow, Ye Chenfeng’s brows are screwed together, I don’t know how to answer.

And Nangong is seeing the silent expression of Ye Chenfeng, a heart is hanging to the eyes of the blind, Ye Chenfeng dare to kill in the Jingyue Zong, killing himself will not be scrupulous.

"Miss Nangong, although I like you very much, I will never force you to marry me!" Zhou Tianyi took a deep breath and slowly walked over and said: "Since you don't like me, then I wish You can find true happiness."

When finished, Zhou Tianyi looked at the silence of Ye Chenfeng: "Big Brother, let's go."


When I heard Zhou Tianyi’s affectionate words, Nangong’s snow was trembled. She looked at Zhou Tianyi’s straight body and suddenly shouted.

"Miss Nangong, I don't know what else is there?"

Zhou Tianyi endured the inner sadness and turned around and asked softly.

"Zhou Gongzi, I really have complaints in my heart, but the complaints are not sent to you, and you can live and die for me today, I am really touched, I do not know if you can let me change your feelings into feelings. "Nan Gong poured snow and smiled, and the voice said softly.


Zhou Tianyi gave a look to the gray eyes, and the whole body cells were active at this moment, without hesitation.

"South Palace Snow!"

Ye Chenfeng’s deep scorpion shot in the middle of the scorpion, and looked deeply at the snow in the South Palace, which was like a cold arrogant plum. It showed a faint smile: “You are a smart person, very good.”

"Thank you, Ye Gongzi praises! But compared with Ye Chenfeng, I am still too far away!" Nangong said that she was not humble.

"No, you are no worse than anyone. If one day, you can really come together with Tianyi, I believe that one day, you can stand together in this world!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and looked forward to it. .

"Ye Gongzi, the impact of today's World War is too great, please forgive me after I go back!"

The dust settled, Lei Zifan, Lei Zixin came over, Lei Zifan adjusted the internal interest, politely said, and Lei Zixin's beautiful big eyes, but have been looking at Ye Chenfeng again, I really want to See him through.

"Thunder son assured, I will personally go to the Lei family, give you an account!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said softly.

"The two of us, brother and sister, are waiting for Ye Gongzi in Shenglei City!"

When finished, Lei Zifan's brother and sister were escorted by several Lei masters and left the Jingyue Zong, full of **** smell.

Before Lei Zifan and others left, the major forces who came to Jingyuezong’s congratulations also left, but there are still many people who are brave enough to show their goodwill to Ye Chenfeng.

As the Yinrui River, the Yinjiu demon, etc., who have been concentrating on Ye Chenfeng, they have always smiled. They know that they are gambling, and with the influence of Ye Chenfeng, they can definitely bring to the Yinyin. Unexpected benefits and rewards.

"Yin predecessors, Yinzong Lord, thank you for your help this time!" Ye Chenfeng came to the side of Yinruo River full of mature charm: "I promised you at the beginning, let the Yinyin Zong improve a lot in a short time." The overall strength is now the time to cash in."

"Ye Gongzi, you are..." Yin Ruoxi's charming eyes lit up the light.

"The Mirror Moon Treasures are given to you!"

Ye Chenfeng took away the relics of Jing Kehan ​​and others, and did not have to Mirror Moon Treasures. They gave them to the Yinyin.

"Really, thank you Ye Gongzi!"

Yin Ruoxi looked at the glory and daring of the Mirror Moon masters, charming smile, the lingering in the scorpion seems to melt the leaves of Ye Chenfeng.

ps: The end of the small **, ask for a red envelope!

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