Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1256: Strong Nirvana Landscaping

Night, getting deeper and deeper.

The bright moonlight is scattered in the forest starry.

"Kid, I found that your courage is really not small, knowing that I want to catch you, you dare to take me alone, it seems that you did not put me in the eyes!" Gray old man Followed by the fast-speed Ye Chenfeng, flew to a gloomy mountain forest in the northwest of Jinlei City, said Senran.

"You are right, I really did not put you in the eyes!" Ye Chenfeng slowly turned around, his eyes calmly watching the gray-haired old man who revealed the killing.

"Kid, don't think that it is a special way, you feel that the world is invincible, today the old man will let you know that there are people outside the world who have a heavenly truth!"

Speaking, a terrible force woke up in the body of the gray-haired old man, and instantly shattered several thick old trees around his body.

He is like an invincible **** of war, controlling the life and death of Ye Chenfeng.


Feeling the strength of the old man in the gray coat, Ye Chenfeng still has no horror in his face.

Although with his current strength, he can't beat Nirvana's great power, but he has too many helpers, and Nirvana can't do anything to him.

"Kid, I ask you the last time, you would like to tell me how to see through the hidden stones, if you don't want to, don't blame me for holding you, searching for souls, and refining your soul!" The old man reveals the ferocious side and threatens.

"Don't delay the time, let's go!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mind was moved, and the Longji Sanjian was summoned out, raised high and arrogant.

"Hallows, you have a holy device!"

Feeling the level of the Dragon Sword, the old man in the gray coat reveals a strong greed.

The sacred instrument is the top treasure in the central world. The old man in the gray dress has always dreamed of owning one. Now the sacred instrument is in front of him, and the killing in his heart is stronger.

"With your sin, kid, no matter who you are, what is your identity, you are going to die today!"

Speaking, the old man in gray clothing summoned a powerful map, banned the entire void, and trapped Ye Chenfeng in the map.

Next, a sacred sacred rank, a wide sword, and a dragon-shaped sword appeared in his hand, turning into a cold light and attacking Ye Chenfeng.


The old man in gray clothing came with a shocking savage, and Ye Chenfeng did not summon a helper, holding the Longji holy sword and welcoming it.

A sword stabbed out, and there was a piercing sound in the space. This sword mans seemed to come from hell, with the power of death, and the swordsman who was stabbed by the old man of gray clothing.


The two swordsmen slammed together, bursting out intensive blasting sounds, and the fierce slashing swordsman continually shattered, and the sharp sword tip collided.

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng’s body exceeded 100 million kilograms of power, and he wanted to rely on strength to resist the attack of the old man in gray.

Now, the strength of Nirvana's power is too horrible, and the power of billions of pounds can't shake the power of the gray-haired old man's body. The hard-spirited Longji Sword is sharply bent.

A powerful anti-shock force passed through the Longji Shengjian into Ye Chenfeng’s arm, which made him even three steps back to stabilize his body.

"Well, I didn't expect to be able to withstand my attack with your five-level beastly kingdom!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng, who was forced to retreat by his own sword, the old man in gray clothing showed an unexpected color, but he did not slow down the attack, the whole body suddenly accelerated, turned into a residual image, and launched a deadly to Ye Chenfeng. Attack, want to quickly reinvent him, and ask him the secret.

"Three big blood, burning!"

In the face of the fierce attack of the old man in the gray coat, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to burn the three blood vessels, greatly enhance the strength, and held the Dragon Sword holy sword to fully attack.

He wants to get the old man in gray clothes to identify his true strength, how big is the gap with Nirvana.


The electric phoenix-like swordsman continually attacked in midair, and Ye Chenfeng and the gray-clothed old man turned into a residual image and fiercely killed.

Although Ye Chenfeng burned three blood vessels, he still could not withstand the fierce offensive of the gray-haired old man and was quickly suppressed.

But the morning defense of the body is too terrible, coupled with the quasi-sacred sacred armor that he wears, and the old man who continues to display the murder of the gray coat can not reinvent his body for a time.

"Quasi-Holy Armor, what is the origin of this kid, how can the level of treasures be so high!"

Although suppressing the Ye Chenfeng offensive, the old man in the gray suit is more and more shocked. Guessing the identity of Ye Chenfeng is by no means simple. It is impossible for ordinary people to have so many treasures that make him jealous.


Ye Chenfeng, who was completely at a disadvantage, made a speech. Eighty-one took the sword of Qiankun out of his body and quickly condensed into a sword figure, which solved the big killing action of the old man in gray.

"This is...the eleventh is the best sword!"

Feeling the level of the sword of the Eighty-one, the old man in the gray clothing has set off a big wave, and can't believe that Ye Chenfeng has so many treasures that make him jealous.

In shock, the old man in the gray coat is more sneak peek. He has a feeling that if he kills Ye Chenfeng and gets the treasures of his body and the secrets of his body, he can definitely change the success of Nirvana.


A thunderous sound rang in the body of the gray-haired old man. In order to quickly kill Ye Chenfeng, he exposed a big card and summoned a group of ancient tyrannical thunder, which was smashed to Ye Chenfeng. I want to blast the Qiankun sword array and smash the body of the morning wind.

"burning the flames!"

The ancient heavens thundered and killed, Ye Chenfeng did not dodge, but spurted a little bit of burning fire to meet.

The fire in the five elements, plus the level of the burning fire, is far above the ancient heavenly thunder, and it collided with the ancient heavenly thunder, and immediately weakened the power of the ancient thunder to the extreme.

Next, the purple beginning of the holy thunder rushed out of the body of the morning wind, directly blasted the ancient melting thunder, and turned into a Leixi, smashed to the face of the slight change, full defense of the gray old man.


In the grey-clothed old man relying on absolute strength to resist the attack of the purple-sacred sacred thunder, Ye Chenfeng’s idea controls the swords of the eighty-one to be merged together and turned into a giant sword of dozens of feet. The old man in gray.

This sword, Ye Chenfeng exerted the attack power to the extreme, the heavy air was completely blasted, and the space in front of the gray-clothed old man appeared a deep sword mark, as if the whole space would be bombarded. Collapsed.


An old Taobao spurted by the old man was cracked by Ye Chenfeng's sword. The terrible Jianwei constantly slammed the body of the gray-haired old man, and he gave him three steps.

Under the gray-shirted old man, there is a breath of breathing. The soul of Ye Chenfeng’s brain broke out, and the vertigo was applied to the soul of the gray-haired old man, which gave him a dizzying power.

"The Sword Black Dragon!"

At the time when the gray-haired old man’s reaction was slow, Ye Chenfeng displayed the Chinese-style sacred skills learned from the Sword Emperor and turned to the gray-clothed old man.

A sword is squatting, the black dragon is born, and the sky screen seems to be split under the attack of the Black Dragon Sword. A horrible sword mark cracks the layer space, splits and stretches for more than ten feet, wants to put the gray old man A sword is split into two halves.

At the crucial moment, the old man in the gray coat who came back from the gods summoned a copper cow of the quasi-sacred treasure level, and injected two blood into the copper cow to control the copper bull to grow bigger, like a The awakened ancient savage beast trampled on the space and directly smashed the black dragon that Ye Chenfeng came from, breaking the killings of Ye Chenfeng.

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