Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1250: A sword is dying

"You, don't come over, I have just notified my Donghe ancestor that the two ancestors will come soon. If you dare to hurt us, I promise that the two ancestors will not let you go!"

Seeing the ruthless means of Ye Chenfeng’s ruthless killing, Donghe Yuqi was frightened and immediately moved out of Donghe’s two nirvana ancestors to pressure Ye Chenfeng to pray for Ye Chenfeng to spare them. One life.

"How is your Donghe ancestor compared to him?"

Ye Chenfeng pointed out that Bai Ling, who was suppressed by the blood of the gods, was a dangerous man, without a trace of emotion.

"I know it is wrong, as long as you are willing to let me go, I can give you the soul crystal, give you treasure, and promise not to be against you in the future!"

White Weng is very famous in the minefield. The strength of the two ancestors of Donghe is between him and him. He saw that Bai Weng was not able to compete with the spirit fish. Donghe Yuqi was afraid and had to ask for mercy.

"Hey, soul crystal? Treasures? Just like you at Donghe's home, you want to buy me?" Ye Chenfeng snorted and said disdainfully.

"Hello, my relationship between Donghe and Lei is very shallow. If you are willing to go it alone, the Lei will definitely avenge us!"

There is no fruit in seeking for mercy, and Donghe’s master has to move out of the Lei.

"It's a pity that the Lei family can't save you!"

Ye Chenfeng shook his head and was unmoved. The swordsmanship in his body completely locked the Donghe Yuqi people, giving them a feeling of being hung by the knife and fear.

"Hello, your strength is strong, but compared with the Lei family, it is still too far away. I advise you not to ruin yourself because of the impulsive impulse!" Donghe's master warned his head.

"I am in the face of the elders of the Lei nationality criminal law, get rid of the king's legs, the Lei family can not help me, let alone you, do you think that you are more precious than the life of the king!" Ye Chen The air is cold and ice.


Donghe Yuqi’s eyes widened and he couldn’t believe what he heard.

Not only Donghe Yuqi and others were shocked by this news, and Bai Weng, who was fighting with the spirit fish, also showed a panic.

Although he couldn't tell the truth of Ye Chenfeng's words, he had regrets in his heart, and regretted that he had not yet explored the circumstances of Ye Chenfeng and other people, and intercepted them.

"Okay, send you to hell!"

Ye Chenfeng’s pupils shrink, and the bronze swordsmanship flies out, turning into a touch of cold stars to break through the space, directly making the desperate defense of Donghe Yuqi into two halves, ejecting a lot of blood.

"Less Master!"

When I watched the Donghe Yuqi, who fell in the pool of blood, and died, several Donghe masters showed the color of despair, but the retreat was broken. They could only display the final cards and kill Ye Chenfeng. Seek a chance to live last.

"Purple Purple, Destroy!"

A few Donghe’s masters were killed, and the purple sacred spurs out the body of the morning wind, turning into a purple light, smashing a attack from the attack, and blasting a famous Donghe master into a broken Meat, killed on the spot.

When Ye Chenfeng vigorously killed Donghe’s master, Zhou Tianyi and Zhou Xue also displayed their respective means and killed two masters of beasts who were hit hard by Ye Chenfeng.

At this time, except for Bai Weng, everyone else was ruthlessly killed by Ye Chenfeng.

The thick **** breath is filled in the air, making people sick.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Bai Weng’s heart has retired, and he wants to break through the prohibition of the ancient remnants and leave the right and wrong.


When Bai Weng distracted, the spirit fish merged with the true **** blood, and blasted a punch like a landslide. The entire space was attacked by this horrible force, and a riot occurred.


The landslide hit by the hard-feeling spirit fish, Bai Wen’s defense was immediately broken, enough to crush the mountain-like power and slammed on his body, aggravating his physical injury, a lot of blood in his mouth. Spray it out.

"Ray Photoelectric!"

Injury to the body, Bai Weng dare not hide again, summoning a light picture flashing with electric light to reach the level of the ancient Taobao, covering the body, resisting the blood of the soul fish, and the landslide hit.

"You don't have to work hard, you are strong, but you can never break my Ray Photo!"

In the ancient road Bao Lei photoelectric map, Bai Weng, who got a breather, quickly took an remedy and gasped.

"Yes?" Ye Chenfeng stepped on the void, and the voice said plainly: "Like your defense, I can break open with a sword."

Speaking, the Longji Holy Sword appeared in the hands of Ye Chenfeng, and the sharp swordsman continually tore the air, forming a deep sword mark in front of Ye Chenfeng.

"This, the holy sword!" I felt the attack power of the Dragon Sword, and Bai Wen’s face changed greatly. He said quickly: "Hello, it’s just my fault, I shouldn’t be blinded by treasures, as long as You spare me, I can promise you any conditions."

"No, I am not interested in you!"

For the enemy, Ye Chenfeng has no mercy, and his heart moves, and the bronze sword spirit is melted into the Dragon Sword, and a pair of unruly swordsmanship is swallowed out.

There is a sword, and the heavens and the earth are discolored.

No one can describe the horror of this sword, as if the heavens and the earth were attacked by this sword, and it became two paragraphs, and all creatures were instantly annihilated and turned into nothingness.


The thunderbolt of the Dragon's sacred sword was ruptured immediately. The terrible swordsman, such as the falling waterfall, fell on the body of Bai Weng, and flew him out with a sword. An arm was directly scared. The sword is smashed.

"Blood burning!"

An arm was blown up by the morning wind, and Bai Weng, who was hanging on the line, immediately took a black lacquer, and burned the blood of the blood to make a last stroke.

"Not playing with you!"

A sword hits Bai Weng, and Ye Chenfeng steps on the sword and flies past. He holds the Dragon Sword and launches a tidal wave against Bai Wen, forcing him to retreat.


When Bai Wen tried his best to fight back, Ye Chenfeng’s mind broke out in the brain, such as a huge hammer, slamming into the sea of ​​Bai Weng’s soul, letting his soul tremble, and the reaction appeared a little slow. .

The next moment, Ye Chenfeng's whole body is blended with the Dragon Sword, inspiring the attack power of the bronze sword soul, such as the drooping waterfall, a sword smashed on the white body's scarred body, will him Open it and kill him.

"白翁,白翁 is dead!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s sword and death of Bai Weng, Zhou Tianyi’s brothers and sisters were deeply shocked by the earthquake, revealing the color of worship.

"Go, let's go back!"

There was someone killed at the place. Ye Chenfeng spurted the burning fire of the heavens, burned the bodies of Bai Weng and others, took away their relics, summoned the spirit boat, and carried the crowds away from the thick blood. The valley of the taste returned to the Zhou family.

Back to Zhoujiaxiyuan, Ye Chenfeng immediately laid a ban on the room, and the spirit fish entered the Qiankun environment, and couldn’t wait to open the bronze ancient urn, and wanted to see what big buds were buried in the ancient 棺.

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